Andy Nguyen
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  • Hi Andy! Would you mind taking a moment to review my request posted here and share your valuable insights when possible? I'd really appreciate it!
    Thank you!

    Hi Andy
    I wanted to know whether MFin is a good way to get into IBs. I'm a recent graduate with my bachelors being from a non finance background. I have cleared 2 levels of CFA and am working as a valuation analyst. I am planning for MS and am puzzled between MFin and MFE. Would appreciate your advice on the value of a MFin from a reputed college in todays world and whether it will help me in finding a good job.
    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    Investment banking is different from quantitative finance that many of our members aim for. You dont need a quant degree. You need to graduate from a target school.
    Hi Andy! I would like to get your opinion on LSE's MSc Financial Mathematics. Thanks :)
    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    I don't have much info to give an educated opinion. It appears the program is more theoretical since it's in the Math dept.
    Hi Andy
    I was accepted into the FSU Financial Math PhD program, and there's very little recent information I can find on things like employability, program quality. As an international student, I am considering the program due to the fee waiver+stipend offered to me, but I would like to know if it's worth my time. Is there a resource that you think might be helpful, or a person I could direct my queries towards?
    • Like
    Reactions: Henry opoku duah
    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    Yes. It is a lesser known program. You wont find much info on it outside of Quantnet so i suggest post your question on the forum and others may chime in.
    Hi Andy,

    I recently got accepted into the MS Quantitative finance joint program between NYU Stern and NYU Shanghai. As the program is relatively new, I'm wondering if you might have any insights on whether it is on par with MFE/mathematics programs or if other members have discussed the program.
    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    It would not be comparable to most programs we discuss here. It's more like geared towards local students who want to join an exchange program.
    Hi Andy,

    I am pursuing a double MS in CS and Data Science from top 10 program CS in the US. What are some ways I can learn from to make myself more competitive? I am missing the financial aspect and am worried that would make me less competitive. I am learning mental math, stats, and looking at practice interviews. What else can I do to prepare better? I want to become a buy-side quant. Thank you.
    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    My suggestion is for you to read as much as you can here. There are many Ask Me Anything (AMA) threads here from practicing quants who share their wisdom. Read books from our Master Reading List.
    Hi Andy!

    Just got into USC MFE program, however, I do not know how respected this program is in the field. It is pretty hard to find a lot of information about it except a few times it is mentioned on here. Do you have any insight on the quality of the program and if it is worth pursuing? Thanks.
    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    Looks like you should be helping us with some data. Yes, we haven't had much success getting any relevant data from the USC MFE program over the years despite many attempts to contact them. It would be great if you can share even the basic info with us so we can furnish the data on their entry here. USC Financial Engineering program
    Hi Andy,

    I was wondering if you knew much about UCL's MSc in Computational Finance? I can't seem to find much about it, especially since it's a fairly new program. If you happened to know anything about its merits and reputation, I'd appreciate any such insight.

    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    Yes, there are few info on the program since it's rarely discussed here. Maybe reach out to current/past students of the program on LinkedIn to see if they can provide any insight.
    Alright thank you, will do!
    Hi Andy,

    Have you heard anything about the UZH ETH quant finance program??
    Would appreciate to get an advice, whether it is worth living 18 months in Switzerland and spending ~36K. The goal is to stay either in Switzerland or go to London (citizenship from non-eu country).

    Many thanks!!
    Hi Andy,

    Just to be sure, the username that we registered at QuantNet will not be used as the official name of candidate for the C++ programming certificate. am I correct to say so?

    Many thanks!
    Hello Andy,

    I have recently become much more active on QuantNet and was wondering what are we doing to increase the number of reviews for all the programs that we have on the website here. One idea is talking to someone is the departments of these programs and ask them to ask their students for a review? Not the best, but I think this a problem we should address to help this forum grow.


    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    Hi, thanks for the message. I would love to get more reviews and i have tried various approaches over the years. There is little incentive for students to write a review, even it helps our readers tremendously. If you have other ideas, I'm all ears.
    Hey, maybe we can post to some alumni who care more about there program now then they did as a student ?
    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    Michael, we are still working to get more reviews. It becomes very important as a deciding factor for many students.

    Over the last month, I have been working on my finals for University of London (there finals are in September in October), in addition doing a python bootcamp at Rutgers. As a result, I haven't been able to put in more time on this course. I was hoping to extend once possibly twice, to insure I am able to get the most out of this course.

    Would this be okay?

    Very Best,

    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    Please use the remaining time to complete as much as possible and discuss your best option with your TA when you are near the end. It will make much sense then.
    Hi Andy could you please check and confirm whether the Fees for Cornell MFE program is current and updated.
    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    hi there, the latest tuition was provided to us by the Cornell program in our 2018 MFE rankings. Do you have any info or suggestion that it is not correct or up to date? I will update if so.
    Hi Andy, I am sending supplementary materials for grad school application and want to include a proof of enrollment in the Baruch's C++ Online Programming course. My TA suggests I reach out to you. Is this something you can provide? Many thanks!
    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    Hi there, please email with your name, date of enrollment, username, etc and they can send you that letter via email.
    Hello Andy,
    I'm not seeing recent information about IIT MSF program, Kindly shed some light on this program.
    Thanks for your time
    Hello Andy

    Could you please share your views on my profile please! I am somewhat concerned about my profile for an MFE program in US. I posted the detailed question but there is not traction on it yet. The link to which is :

    Your truthful advice on my candidature for an MFE program could be a savior. Anticipating your much needed help.

    Hi Andy, Can you please share your opinion on Rutgers FSRM ?? Thanks!!
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