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  • Hey! I read your comment about garbage MFE programs.
    I am hoping to get into the PhD Program in Applied Mathematics (Quantitative Finance) at Stony Brook. Would you call that a garbage university too? Should I not apply there?
    No, it's not garbage. Stony Brook is a solid second-tier school. If that's the best offer you get, take it. Plus it's probably funded. Also note that many of the universities that have garbage MFE programs have perfectly sound math Ph.D. programs.
    Nice Job..
    Hello BBW, I enjoy your posts. Do you have an email I can contact you regarding poor programs? I'm uh ... in my first term and uh ... well, it's going ok.
    You can post here. Next time I log in I will try to reply (I am going to South America for a four week vacation so I can't guarantee when I will reply).
    hi, I'm a new student in MFE program and I have a question from u! It seams you read simon benninga book, financial modeling, so I'd love to know that is it possible for me to read this this book now too? and could I understand it easily? because I haven't have introduction to Finance before!
    And also what do u think about "Advanced modelling in finance using Excel and VBA Mary Jackson"

    thanks so much
    You should be able to understand the first but maybe not the second.
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