Recent content by BruceWayne

  1. B

    Please, help me to project a multi-year education programme, Thanks!!

    Nobody have nothing to add? Especially about where I can find information, guide, indication about Internship? Maybe Wilmoot Forum? Thank You!!
  2. B

    Please, help me to project a multi-year education programme, Thanks!!

    Reply to DominiConnor. First of all, Thanks for your time. 5: My interest depends on value in quant-job market, so: PhD has more value than a MFE or the best thing is to thake them both? 6: In Financial Times Mba world-ranking is written that a Top University (Oxford, Harvard, Cambridge) can...
  3. B

    Please, help me to project a multi-year education programme, Thanks!!

    Initially I want to thank you for the informations. First Reply: So CFA is not very useful lto get a quantitative job, maybe is more researched in Investiment Banking, or not?But a plus point is ever a plus point..... Third Reply: So with no experience It'impossible to take certificate?It...
  4. B

    Please, help me to project a multi-year education programme, Thanks!!

    I am Rocco, a 19 years-old Italian student, now I am attending the first year of Civil Engineering course at University. One of my dream is working in finance, due to a natural passion and moved by a certain greediness....South of Italy is not an Heaven. I am studying Engineering because my...
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