Recent content by CN Chen

  1. CN Chen

    2017 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Andy, can you reveal to us which Tuesday in December?
  2. CN Chen

    2016 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Tough noogies I wasn't able to find someone to take the other side of my bet!
  3. CN Chen

    2016 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Then perhaps these trading competition results should be used as inputs into the 2017 BaruchNet rankings?
  4. CN Chen

    2016 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    That's a great point but the focus on tuition here may be (dare I say it) intentional. When US News does their college rankings table, they include things like acceptance rate, and enrollment class size numbers along with tuition. Here, tuition is clearly the most important thing. That's...
  5. CN Chen

    Becoming a "capital quant"

    @GoIllini Sorry, I was wrong. There are no income limits on Traditional IRA contributions, but there is an income limit on the ability to take a tax deductions from a contribution. Having read many of your posts on WSO, I should have known better than to question your personal finance wisdom...
  6. CN Chen

    Becoming a "capital quant"

    @GoIllini I agree with your advice generally, but the bit about IRA is not entirely true. You're right about the income threshold for Roth IRA, but Traditional IRA contribution is still possible up to $5,500 p.a. and this avoids the headache involved in a 401k rollover (i.e. a fair amount of...
  7. CN Chen

    Why a Masters in Finance Won't Make You a Quant Trader Mike's argument makes a lot of sense to me. Quant funds hire candidates who can perform independent research, not simply regurgitate well-known methods within the quant trading community. The best way to...
  8. CN Chen

    Be wary

    Very thoughtful and well written post @yatici. I really feel anyone considering doing MFE programs or currently in the programs should read it.
  9. CN Chen

    NYU Math Finance vs Columbia Math Finance

    If you have any questions about the NYU program as part-time, feel free to PM me. Unfortunately, I don't know all that much about Columbia's Math Finance program, so I can't say one is better than the other for your situation.
  10. CN Chen

    NYU Math Finance (Part-Time)

    I don't think the average GRE score for part-time students has ever been made publicly available. Given the lack of information, I would use their full-time score as a baseline. For part-time admissions, as long as you have taken the minimum math courses outlined on their website...
  11. CN Chen

    NYU Math Finance (Part-Time)

    I am not too familiar with the NYU-Poly MSFE program, but given that you also mentioned they "hire folks from math background", did you mean NYU MSFM?
  12. CN Chen
  13. CN Chen

    Quantnet Meet up?

    Nicely done last night. The house was on fire. Literally.
  14. CN Chen

    Quantnet Meet up?

    Yike, you coming to this?
  15. CN Chen

    COMPARE NYU MSMF vs Stanford MS Stats

    I was in the same boat as you guys last year, ultimately picking NYU over MIT even after putting in a deposit with them. MIT had over enrolled their class, so I got my money back without any problem. They may refund your deposit too if you ask nicely. If you want to go into quant finance, go...
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