Recent content by Devdeep

  1. Devdeep

    Admitted by CMU -- What's the next step??

    - Similar to regular Mini's.. most of the classes will be taught from Pittsburgh.. the professor(s) will teach from NY Campus a couple of times...
  2. Devdeep

    Admitted by CMU -- What's the next step??

    - I believe the background check has to be completed before the first day of classes (or something of that sort). Best to email CMU officials and ask.
  3. Devdeep

    Admitted by CMU -- What's the next step??

    - Yes, eager_to_learn. From anywhere in the World as long as you have the username and password. :)
  4. Devdeep

    How to find my true passion within finance??

    Hi eager_to_learn... I haven't read the magazine myself yet... hence I do not think I am in a position to comment on that. I am sorry for not being of much help in this regard. But I am sure Alex Kuznetsov will teach you a lot... :)
  5. Devdeep

    Internship Advice

    PS: I actually love using SAS... it is very powerful... but anybody can do SAS... you don't need a CS degree to do SAS... and a few years of C++ developer experience will be much more sexy on the job market than a few years of SAS experience...
  6. Devdeep

    Internship Advice

  7. Devdeep

    Internship Advice

    I would also go with option # 1... if you can perform really well, there will always be a chance of moving to the trading role. C++/Python developers are also in high demand for HFT firms. On the other hand, SAS job won't be fun in the long run, IMHO.
  8. Devdeep

    How to find my true passion within finance??

    Hello eager_to_learn, Please read the following book cover to cover. I am sure it will help you a lot. Best- Devdeep
  9. Devdeep

    Undergraduate trying to get anaylst position

    bansalmohit, If you actually want to do IB (M&A, Deals, IPO, etc.) or Equities Research, then amanda.jayne's advice is completely spot on. But if you would like to do more Math-y / Quant-y stuff... then go for MFE. Please clarify...
  10. Devdeep

    Application Rounds Matter?

    I am not sure how much it *helps* to apply early in terms of getting admission offer... but at places where they have rolling application procedure, you are probably better off applying early. As a bonus, you will not have to wait until the last minute to know of your choices... At CMU, I...
  11. Devdeep

    Undergraduate trying to get anaylst position

    You can post your resume at: and look for jobs there and apply from there! Check: Check: Check: Try to go to Networking Events in NYC ... not sure where to find details...
  12. Devdeep

    MFE after Phd?

    What you have mentioned is correct... But I think you missed the original point to some extent. (S)he is ALREADY doing Ph.D. and will be done soon. It is not that (s)he is deciding between a Ph.D. and MFE. (S)he is asking whether (s)he needs to do MFE *after* completing the Ph.D. in Fin. Math...
  13. Devdeep

    Baruch MFE Baruch Pre-MFE Questions...

    A) You will learn a lot of stuff required for MFEs B) The admissions committee will see that you are genuinely interested and tried to do everything you could C) If Baruch is your target MFE school as well... then I would definitely take these and score A's... :) I believe rajanS will be able...
  14. Devdeep

    MFE after Phd?

    Precisely!!! So bubblegum... I really doubt you would need an MFE degree after Fin Math Ph.D. ... to better evaluate the situation, however, apply for jobs and see what kind of response you get... make sure you finish "Heard on the Street", Mark Joshi, etc...
  15. Devdeep

    Recommended Refresher Maths Books

    There is a really long thread regarding this with a lot of insight... Please look for that... Sorry, I'm away from my computer and can't find it easily... If you can't find it by tonight.. I'll look for it from my computer...
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