Recent content by enthusiast

  1. enthusiast

    Financial Econometrics & Excel Books Recommendation

    Econometrics: Wooldridge. decent intro book. Excel: Issac Gottlieb. This is a general Excel book not one specific to Econometrics. Covers Regression, Statistical tools and lot more about excel in general.
  2. enthusiast

    Stop Working More Than 40 Hours a Week

    That is a load of bull. I think productivity tails off way north of 40 hrs / week. If u want to be a valuable and productive employee, it takes more than the bare minimum. Work hard n party harder.
  3. enthusiast

    Choice between Time Series courses

    The first one. I am taking one that is like the fist one listed but has more to it. The 2nd one seems to be geared to EE. Is this a Bachelors level course?
  4. enthusiast

    Good econometrics book ?

    Introductory Econometerics ... by Wooldridge
  5. enthusiast

    Attending Fox School of Business for MSFE, Fall 2011

    The previous posts were refering to tuition rates not being up to date. I was refering to that. In addition, the courses have changed, the entire website is new. As a prospective applicant, the courses being offered and tuition would be of interest to me. Agreed, placement stats and student...
  6. enthusiast

    some questions about Kent state University and Temple University

    The Temple MSFE website has been recently updated. The MSFE program is undergoing changes (2012 onwards - More geared towards FRM).
  7. enthusiast

    Attending Fox School of Business for MSFE, Fall 2011

    The website has been finally updated. The MSFE program is undergoing changes (2012 onwards - More geared towards FRM).
  8. enthusiast

    Quant - Statistics/Econometrics vs Stochastics Calculus

    Econometrics - Wooldridge Time Series - William Wei
  9. enthusiast

    Quant - Statistics/Econometrics vs Stochastics Calculus

    Optimization - Wayne Winston
  10. enthusiast

    Quant - Statistics/Econometrics vs Stochastics Calculus

    Some of the topics that you might want to study are: 1. Optimization 2. Econometrics 3. Time Series 4. Risk Management If you don't want to go back to school, try to get good books. I can give you a few names if needed.
  11. enthusiast

    The Economist : Don't do MBA

    Well....Do what you believe in...Pursue your passion . You will do well in life! 'There is room for you to succeed in any field. Just be good at it (don't be happy with average).
  12. enthusiast

    A way to get MS Computer Science for FREE

    R u serious! Why even bother with MS or PhD. U should just get into politics. Your parents must be so proud.
  13. enthusiast

    A way to get MS Computer Science for FREE

    The problems I see are 1. Its not ethical. 2. Like Ohad said you will not get good recommendation from your advisor. 3. You may have to explain why you started a PhD program and dropped out. Meaning, Do you give up on other things mid way also?
  14. enthusiast

    Salary History

    Cost of living is much higher in Cali. Don't forget to take that into account and use it as a bargaining chip. From what I had heard last something like 20%. Try n sell all your strengths and justify a higher salary that way (easier said than done). From what I have seen, companies do pay you...
  15. enthusiast

    Attending Fox School of Business for MSFE, Fall 2011

    Sure, I will suggest it. 2011-2012 tuition rates r not out yet due to the PA budget issues and the PA funding cut to Temple. I think I should aslo suggest getting rid of the info session (geared for MBA program), if they don't provide additional information compared to website.
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