Recent content by eric lincoln

  1. E


    Hi, I want to apply for UCLA too. I will attend the GRE sub Math on 4/4. And the deadline of UCLA is: 31 March, 29 May and 31 July. Should I apply it after I get the GRE sub Math score? Also, is it easier to to admitted if I apply earlier?
  2. E

    Sub GRE Math

    Somebody said that GRE SUB MATH is very important if your GPA is not high enough. Is it true?
  3. E

    Columbia MAFN Application deadline for Fall 2009 admission(Master in Mathematics of Finance, Columbia University)?

    According to their website (Columbia University - MA in Mathematics of Finance), the Application deadline for Fall 2009 admission is May 31, 2009. However, most of the MFE program in top University, including the MSFE of Columbia University, set a deadline around 9 -12 months before the first...
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