Recent content by fcandeli

  1. F

    Engineering, Cubicles and Finance

    Will Smith in pursuit of happiness "Tell me two things, what do you do and how you do it?" I think that money are really important. In any case, why thinking about finance if not for money? Is there by chance a thread already started where Quant salary is discussed? I'd really like to...
  2. F

    Engineering, Cubicles and Finance

    Again.... I have seen questions for interview. I was asked to do microprocessor design to solve the problem of Die Hard 3 of the jar and the fountain. My mistake was to try to solve (I hadn't seen the movie at that time) it quickly, while it could take some time near 10-15 minute (I have a IQ of...
  3. F

    Engineering, Cubicles and Finance

    Thanks for the answers. I have some more questions. I am reading Deraman's book but I have just started. I am wondering.... what does really do a Quant? I mean do you write code or do you think about new theories? From some threads I read that people discuss how much a math Phd could worth. I...
  4. F

    Engineering, Cubicles and Finance

    Hi guys, this is my first post. Let me introduce myself. I am Italian, I earned an Msc in electronics engineering and a second Msc from a uk university in software engineering, working on a machine learning enhanced compiler. I have worked for a major semiconductor design company for a couple of...
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