Recent content by helpteye

  1. helpteye

    So I created this software...

    whoa; That is an error. I did not write that statement. I think there is an error. ATTN: Andy. Another member made that statement. I have never worked in any hedge fund, I believe I commented on that statement.
  2. helpteye

    So I created this software...

    LoL; My thought exactly.
  3. helpteye

    Sir Allen Stanford

  4. helpteye

    Are MFE programs only for rich kids?

    If it is your preference, then ok. I am talking only from a logical point of view; not emotional.
  5. helpteye

    Why are there so many international MFE/MFin students?

    Sounds to me like you are talking about the movie GoodWill Hunting. In any case, I agree that it is possible, yet highly improbable. Agreed.
  6. helpteye

    Are MFE programs only for rich kids?

    If you get a job that pays $200K after graduation, then your investment is sound. However, if you get a job that pays $80k, then you will have to smile at your boss for a few years to pay your loan off because your will be living in expensive areas of town, so you can not pay off the loan in one...
  7. helpteye

    Are MFE programs only for rich kids?

    I disagree. Masters programs in STEM tend to get at least a tuition waiver. The bottom line is that you do not go into the type of debt that makes you scared of 'pissing off your future boss' because you have a $100K loan to pay.
  8. helpteye

    Are MFE programs only for rich kids?

    I think of it as "paying for a job interview, and eventual job". I agree with you fully. This is the reason I am usually impressed with the Baruch program's lower tuition, reasonable job placement. However, I notice their tuition is beginning to make quantum leaps as well. And you are right...
  9. helpteye

    Why are there so many international MFE/MFin students?

    Thats weird simply because in order to "turn down many requests to go to Wall Street for programming/quant jobs, 'your friend' would have had to apply and study and interview ferociously for these jobs. Therefore I am not sure about the many "requests". Sort of baffling to me. Point being 'your...
  10. helpteye

    Why are there so many international MFE/MFin students?

    That is almost every country. Including the USA. Why do you think silly rappers talk about their 'ice, cars, rims, women etc'. Consider the fact that just because someone like Jay-Z can rap and makes money doing that, he gets personal meetings with warren buffet; and actually shows up on...
  11. helpteye

    Why are there so many international MFE/MFin students?

    It is "damn cool" everywhere in the world; even in the richest countries. For instance the ave. GDP per capita in the USA is somewhere in the mid-high 40K's. If someone is a trader from GS with a masters degree in financial engineering and earning $150K, it is also "damn cool".
  12. helpteye

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Employment Statistics for December 2011 graduates

    Baruch continues to amaze me; by far the best bang for your buck. By the way, expect an application from me soon. Wrapping up my Ph.D. now.
  13. helpteye

    7.8 Morgan Stanley Interview

    Thanks for your reply Joy.
  14. helpteye

    7.8 Morgan Stanley Interview

    If you do a phone interview and the interviewer asks you how did you arrive at your answer, does that mean your answer was correct? Out of 5 or 6 questions, I know I got one wrong because I said I can not solve it. If you get one wrong, does that disqualify you?
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