Recent content by ICQuant

  1. ICQuant

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    Jake_Shah dude im not sure which employment report are you talking about! the 2011 employment report? its for people who graduated 18 months ago! 2012 class graduated 6 months ago and they didnt publish the employment report yet! I am an Master of Finance student at MIT btw.
  2. ICQuant

    MIT MFin Versatility of MIT MFin

    It would be interesting to know if we hear some updates regarding the above discussion from the students who got enrolled last year.
  3. ICQuant

    COMPARE please help: UChicago finmath/UCBerkeley mfe/Columbia mfe/Cornell mfe

    I'd go with UCB because the program is hosted at the business School. The people there give potential students a lot of care and attention when it's not the case for the remaining schools. I suppose this signifies a better treatment for current students as well and that's what I heard when I...
  4. ICQuant

    Best Laptop for MFE Students

    I was wondering what would be an appropriate laptop for an MFE student, in terms of computational power (C++ & Matlab) , reliability an endurance? Would a Macbook be inconvinient? What about ThinkPads?
  5. ICQuant

    MIT MFin 2011 MIT MFin Placement Report

    Where did you get your funny information about Columbia from? They have been suffering placing their students for 3 years now mate!
  6. ICQuant

    GRE, Should I even bother studying for verbal/analytical?

    Listen mate, I did the GRE exam without preparation as well. I thought that what matters would be a high GRE verbal as I believe that the GRE Verbal isn't a good measure of your communication skills in English anyway. I easily got a perfect Quant score (thus, i don't think you need that kind of...
  7. ICQuant

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    It seems UCB has gotten some good strategies to raise money!
  8. ICQuant

    CFA with no accounting background

    Mind you Saurab that yes CFA level 1 is mainly about accounting more than anything else. The FSA section is something like 35% of the exam. It's not hard though, you can do it on your own, but what I'm saying is that yes, you will have to study accounting. Good luck
  9. ICQuant

    MIT MFin Oversubscribed, MIT MFin offers admitted students $8K to defer

    What about their placement records? If they are not being able to place 60 students, how are they gonna deal with 120? with this market conditions? What about expanding the program into 3 semesters Andy? No news?
  10. ICQuant

    what did you end up doing mate?

    what did you end up doing mate?
  11. ICQuant

    Taleb Nassim: Eliminate banker bonus

    It won't work man! We have been living in a crisis mode only because Lehman wasn't bailed out! Imagine a permanent crisis! :D
  12. ICQuant

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    What's the source of your information?
  13. ICQuant

    Quantnet rank British programs?

    so Andy you mean you can't provide any insight at the moment about what might be the top 5 programs in UK for example?
  14. ICQuant

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    you shouldn't take their suggestions seriously man! It's just an automated message. I received a very similar one asking me to prepare and take CFA level 1 when I already passed the CFA level 2 exam and asking me to get the 90th percentile quant score in GRE when my GRE quant score is perfect...
  15. ICQuant

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    Due to the fact that all accepted students I knew got a 2nd interview during which they were told about the offer of admission, I suppose that the abscence of an email calling for this interview means the abscence of an offer! Thus, I am not optimistic and not anymore in a hurry for the decision...
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