Recent content by jzamoras

  1. J

    Markit Evaluated Bond Service

    Hi All, does anyone have experience with Markit service? is it any good? Best, Jaime
  2. J

    FiX Protocol and Matlab

    Thanks for your answer. The idea is to keep matlab as strategies builder and send from it FiX messages. Best, Jaime
  3. J

    portfolio optimization in practice

    I strongly suggest not to use historic mean, in average is a poor estimator. You may want to check robust optimization. Also, keep in mind that you should always check how your strategy is performing against 1/n portofolio without transaction costs. best, jaime
  4. J

    FiX Protocol and Matlab

    Hi All. This is my first post :-) We have built some strategies in Matlab and we would like to DMA chilean exchange. We know they are using FIX 4.4 protocol. We have a lot of experience using Interactive Brokers' ActiveX, but out c++ and java knowledge is pretty basic. How should we start...
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