Recent content by Lovjit

  1. L

    Got admitted by LSE MSc Financial Mathematics, any advice??

    I am a PhD student at Birkbeck in Mathematical Finance. The modules I get taught are the ones through the London gradutate school of mathematical finance.
  2. L

    Got admitted by LSE MSc Financial Mathematics, any advice??

    You read my mind. I was going to say that the LSE course is very hard to get into but I think it is not the strongest in the UK. In terms of the mathematical finance faculty there are no real huge names. Imperial have Alex Lipton (even though I do not think he teaches), Lane Huughston and...
  3. L

    Got admitted by LSE MSc Financial Mathematics, any advice??

    I have heard that the LSE Financial Maths MSc is hardest financial maths program to get in to the UK.
  4. L

    Internship choice: trader assistant or quant researcher

    I reckon you should go for the quant research internship. You would probably learn more in my opinion.
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