Recent content by Mathamaniac

  1. Mathamaniac

    Chicago MSFM Should I do the Chicago MSFM at Singapore ?

    DC ... This line wasn't for you. Stop reading SCI-FI as it is badly affecting your ability to interpret :) such interpretation seriously makes me doubt the other statement of "your significant other". I hope that you understand that this is not the case with Chicago sngpr program. Believe...
  2. Mathamaniac

    Chicago MSFM Should I do the Chicago MSFM at Singapore ?

    I am not sure why most of the posts from Baruch guys sound like this but Alain, I hope you agree that a brand delivers premium quality education. Right ? (I take marketing absolutely out of it).I agree that beyond a specific level the brand name doesn't matter and it's your individual attitude...
  3. Mathamaniac

    Chicago MSFM Should I do the Chicago MSFM at Singapore ?

    On the contrary I pity this old man for putting up such analogies.
  4. Mathamaniac

    New Kid in Town

    NYU and Poly merger Is the merger of NYU with Poly going to help in increasing Poly's reputation or the quality of program as such ?
  5. Mathamaniac

    Are stocks cheap ?

    I tend to agree with this point but nobody can go against sanity except insanity..i mean if seasons are bad they will hit the price and so have they done all through ... As far as the political and the trading issues are concerned had i been a shrewd politician or a clever market manipulator...
  6. Mathamaniac

    What you want to do 2 years from now ?

    I see myself not much different from most of others in the same league.... I wish to be on a trading desk preferably energy ... i love the heat , the aggression and the life that a floor offers ... the best thing that u love there is the fight to stay ahead ... if i get a chance (i mean a good...
  7. Mathamaniac

    Are stocks cheap ?

    "As the 2007 Atlantic hurricane season officially came to a close on November 30, with some fanfare with Olga past the end of the season into December, NOAA scientists are now carefully reviewing a set of dynamic weather patterns that yielded lower-than-expected hurricane activity across the...
  8. Mathamaniac

    Are stocks cheap ?

    The very fact that oil is pegged against the dollar won't make it tumble down so easily... when oil was at 90$ there were sentiments similar to those we have now "it won't sustain those levels ...but it did and did it in style "... now when it has shown the audacity to cross 100 (rather 110 )...
  9. Mathamaniac

    New Quantnet members say hi

    Hi All Hi All I am from India and graduated from I.I.T. Roorkee .Currently I am working as a Financial Analyst and have applied for MFE at Baruch... Earlier I was regularly visiting GD but now I find quantnet much much better as there are so many topics apart from the regular admission and...
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