Recent content by maxdama

  1. maxdama

    Quant Programming Contest

    In response to your advice, the section has been changed to: 11. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: As between Max Dama and the Participant, the Participant retains ownership of all intellectual and industrial property rights in and to the Entry that Participant had before submission, including...
  2. maxdama

    Quant Programming Contest

    hardlianotion, It is not restricted. Your home university has no weight in the scoring criteria.
  3. maxdama

    Quant Programming Contest

    I am willing to change that section if anyone can suggest an appropriate clause that says something to the effect, "the entry will be open-sourced under the BSD license and may also be used for promotional/marketing materials." Tobias, this is correct: "hosts are (presumably) after some clever...
  4. maxdama

    Quant Programming Contest

    Tsotne, this is the first time running the contest. Depending on how this one goes there could be more. Andy, I was going to ask if I could post this on QuantNet. The plan is to open source the top submissions.
  5. maxdama

    2009 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

    March 23rd is a very long time to wait! (That's when the website says final results will have been released) Max
  6. maxdama

    2009 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

    Adam, Thanks, I've gotten that advice elsewhere too. That trading plan was version 1; version 2, as I mentioned below, only uses futures. Has anyone received more news from IB? I guess trading starts on the 12th but I've heard nothing since first being accepted.
  7. maxdama

    2009 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

    Bhargav, You can make it a little bit flexible. Also you can change the plan later: "You may list multiple trading strategies, and add and/or delete your different strategies during the competition." My original, accepted plan was about as vague as it gets since I hadn't...
  8. maxdama

    2009 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

    Thanks Gus, that's good to add
  9. maxdama

    2009 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

    alain, Thanks for reading. I am not so much going for the $100,000 as I am just trying to learn. It's great to have free access to data for participating.
  10. maxdama

    2009 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

    Trading Plan Deadline in 3 Days The final deadline for the Olympiad is in 3 days. I'm going to submit a revised trading plan before then but I was hoping to see if anyone could criticize it beforehand. It's copied below, omitting most of the long list of futures contracts which the system will...
  11. maxdama

    2009 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

    I would also like to know if transaction costs are simulated.
  12. maxdama

    New Quantnet members say hi

    Greetings All, Just finished my first year at UC Berkeley undergrad (but I have senior standing somehow). I will most likely declare a double major in Business Administration and Computer Science when it comes time. Besides that I do indoor rock climbing 4-5 times a week, manage a website, and...
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