Recent content by MSFHQ

  1. M

    MIT MFin MIT Mfin Placement Report 2014 Out!!

    1) Base salary in finance is largely irrelevant. Analyst base salary just got bumped to $80K on the street. $100K for a domestic student is pretty good also. IMO, total comp is what you want to focus on and that will be significant. MSF programs are largely for younger students. Yeah, some...
  2. M

    MIT MFin MIT Mfin Placement Report 2014 Out!!

    Not sure why you think $70K is low. Street IB pay just recently got bumped to around $80k. If you consider this report not factoring this in you have a bunch of people getting IB pay. Notice how it says Base Salary and not all in comp. MIT is still probably the best pure MSF program in the US...
  3. M

    The real Wolf of Wall Street

    Haha. True. His wife is a real gem also. Arrested for drunk driving after crashing her Range into a tree with kids in the back. Sounds like the disaster couple from hell. I am sure this is heart breaking for all the people on the website who think finance isn't a big frat party.
  4. M

    The real Wolf of Wall Street

    I read this, absurd. I have no doubt some people in finance party, but the level this MD was at is shocking. I am amazed at his ability to wake up and function.
  5. M

    MSF Profile Evaluation

    Haha, same as on WSO. I think you have a good profile. WUSTL and UIUC as a safety (for a Chicago play). Put an app into MIT depending on your GMAT. Vanderbilt or Claremont depending on GMAT, how you like the area and campus and if you want to get out of the Midwest.
  6. M

    MSF Profile Evaluation

    LOL. I love how you use the same Icon on every site. I love Huskies.
  7. M

    Why MBAs get all the gold??

    To be fair, LTCM blew up in a major way and everyone there was a PhD. Sometimes being super technical can be a disadvantage. And the banks fell for a variety of reasons, not just MBA's running things. These CEO's have to worry about countless divisions and initiatives. They rely on managers...
  8. M

    Why MBAs get all the gold??

    MBA's are managers. They don't need to know how to price a derivative, they just hire someone to do it. I don't understand a rant on either party. Not everyone loves math and not everyone loves meeting clients or managing people/process. MFE grads from top schools that stand out can make just...
  9. M

    MSF or MFE

    Thanks Andy! Sounds like a lot of things flying around right now. IMO, you don't currently have the stats for an MFE and you wouldn't be a particularly strong candidate for many MSF programs. I believe Oklahoma State U has an MSF that would be close by and something to look into. I would site...
  10. M

    MS in Finance: Wash U Olin, U Rochester Simon, or MIT Sloan?

    Congrats! A very good friend of mine just got into MIT also. Amazing program, so happy for you!
  11. M

    MS in Finance: Wash U Olin, U Rochester Simon, or MIT Sloan?

    60% tuition is a pretty big thing. Simon is a great business school. Just go into this realizing you are going to have to work harder (it is unfair) than others to get a job you want. Good luck!
  12. M

    MS in Finance: Wash U Olin, U Rochester Simon, or MIT Sloan?

    International students are going to struggle because of sponsorship issues. So whatever you choose you need to be realistic and cast a wide net when applying. MIT is the obvious best choice. If that doesn't happen I would personally choose Washington (assuming you are talking about the corp...
  13. M

    I think international students gravitate to the quant track because they are more comfortable in...

    I think international students gravitate to the quant track because they are more comfortable in that area. This is a generalization of course. The corporate finance track is going to be for those interested in banking, asset management, valuation, credit analysis, etc. I would look at it as a...
  14. M

    MSF vs MFE

    Agree with Illini. Tons of firms (usually based in DC) have defense and aerospace banking and ER divisions. Hit them up and start working there. I think too many people get stars in their eyes with regards to finance. It can be awesome, but it is a grind many a time. I'd probably tell the OP...
  15. M

    MSF vs MFE

    Some hedge funds are fundamental, some are quant. This is over simplified as there are any number of strategies, but you get the idea. I read your post and am assuming you want to break into finance from your current career or just break in generally. If I am wrong let me know. The usual...
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