Recent content by MSUPokerGod

  1. M

    Allston Trading

    I have a phone interview with Allston Trading coming up, does anyone have any tips or relevant info/articles? (specific to Allston, that is; I've had a few phone interviews with different firms before)
  2. M

    Last Atlantis Capital Management / Phoenix IBFO

    Much appreciated, PM sent.
  3. M

    Last Atlantis Capital Management / Phoenix IBFO

    I'm 2/3rds of the way done with this MSMF program at BU. My technical skills are alright; I'm surrounded by geniuses though so I might be underestimating my abilities. Yeah its not a great thing, but whats better for this summer: this internship, or working for my dad, an independent financial...
  4. M

    Last Atlantis Capital Management / Phoenix IBFO

    I'm really interested in becoming a trader. I found a 5 year old list of trading firms and applied for many of them. Today I got a call from John B. of Phoenix IBFO, asking me to come to Chicago for an interview. The internship would be unpaid, but I would apparently be coding and trading their...
  5. M

    Accepted! BU, Claremont, or USC?

    yeah but what should I expect from a class called "ISE 563 | Financial Engineering" thats so vague and theres no clarification anywhere. Above that is: "Click on these icons next to a course name for more information:" then nothing. (theres an icon below it about distance learning, but its clear...
  6. M

    Accepted! BU, Claremont, or USC?

    Alright well I decided to go to BU, but I finally got an email back from USC and I figured I'd share it. Also I should note that I tried unsuccessfully to find the answers to all of these questions on the website. I also called, and the secretary said she was going to connect me with the FE...
  7. M

    USC, Claremont, or BU better for algorithmic trading prep?

    thank you onthesc, thats exactly what I was looking for. Looks like I'm a future BUer!
  8. M

    USC, Claremont, or BU better for algorithmic trading prep?

    yeah, I wish I could It's really tough having poker as my only job and going on a big downswing though. Really stressful. Also if the legal landscape changes or play becomes too difficult (due to bad players quitting) then I'm old, degree-less, and resume-less. Not a good plan. Also its not...
  9. M

    So, what's more now?

    I got offered a 12k scholarship to the BU MSMF (equivalent to MFE) with a 800Q, 500V, and a 3.38 GPA fwiw. Really to get a 800 just take the GRE a few times unofficially by yourself or in a (free) Kaplan proctored testing environment. They run free tests every so often at the Kaplan office at...
  10. M

    USC, Claremont, or BU better for algorithmic trading prep?

    What would you recommend I do (now or during my education) to prepare for such a career path?
  11. M

    USC, Claremont, or BU better for algorithmic trading prep?

    I'm not completely sure on my career path right now, but in trying to decide between USC, BU, and Claremont I was wondering if either program shines in certain aspects such as alg trading, since so far it looks like the most fun (I like programming) Maybe this doesn't happen, but is there a...
  12. M

    Statistically happy quants, mostly, except maybe model validation

    Does anyone have a link or resource I can draw on about what exactly each of these jobs entail? Also, I'm trying to decide between USC, Claremont, and BU, any ideas about which programs best prepare for which jobs?
  13. M

    Accepted! BU, Claremont, or USC?

    do you think that this is a fair assessment? Also, what do you know about the differences in the programs as far as what type of job I would be best prepared for? Does either have more of a focus on programming for example? Is there a place where I can see what types of jobs BU graduates go into...
  14. M

    Accepted! BU, Claremont, or USC?

    do you need me to go do the tracker now? I'm looking for some clarification on the state of the BU program...
  15. M

    Accepted! BU, Claremont, or USC?

    I applied to those 3, UCLA, NYU (both rejected), U of M, and Baruch (both not considered due to recommenders not turning in recommendations in time) I didn't do any of the tracking, sorry
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