Recent content by nelisar

  1. nelisar

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday, Dmytro!!! Best wishes and have a great day today!!!
  2. nelisar

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes.... I am sorry for the rather late reply, but my visit to QuantNet is not as frequent as last year......hmmmmm..... :-k Well, I did nothing special for my birthday since it was wet and cold, but I will be celebrating in February when I return to my country...
  3. nelisar

    class dinner time

    Wow...This dinner is for only incoming students.....ce n'est pas juste! (that's not fair):smt018
  4. nelisar

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Response sent Dear Mr. Weng: I did send out a response today concerning your issue. If you have any other questions, please send your questions to The hotmail account is my personal account. Thank you! Nelisa.
  5. nelisar

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Sorry my dates are mixed up :smt017 Today is your birthday....HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUSHALI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  6. nelisar

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY RUSHALI!!!! You know why this is so late.... I hope that you live to see many, many more birthdays and may you get all that your heart desires. Stay cool! Enjoy your upcoming trip! :smt006 Nelisa.
  7. nelisar

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Thanks for the wishes Thank you everyone for your wishes. I apologize for the late response. Unfortunately, I do not have any internet access at my home. Thanks once again! Thanks Andy for the beautiful cake....hmmmm....and thank you Erich for the video :smt006 ....I feel like getting up...
  8. nelisar

    applying for fall 2007

    Typo: Not Today, But Tomorrow! Dear Aparna Anand: I meant on Wednesday 1st November, 2006 -- not today. Can you come and meet with Prof. Stefanica at 5:30pm on that day? Please let me know. I apologize for the typo. Sincerely, Nelisa Roach.
  9. nelisar

    applying for fall 2007

    Email was sent on 10/18/06 Dear Aparna Anand: There must have been some confusion or some uncertainty. On October 18, I sent you an email and in this email, I stated that Prof. Stefanica will like to meet with you on Wednesday 1st November, 2006 at 5:30pm. Also on that same evening, you...
  10. nelisar

    Lying on your CV

    I agree!!!! Yes, I totally agree...BE HONEST. As the saying goes, "Honesty is the best policy". Some people live by the motto "Fake it until you make it". :smt018 I just think that is wrong and very misleading. I remembered during my job hunt season, people would advise me to fake it...
  11. nelisar

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Bonne Anniversaire Alain! Feliz Cumpleanos Alain! and in plain old english......HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALAIN !!!! :smt006 Hope you had a wonderful day. Nelisa
  12. nelisar

    Sign up for Study Group

    Thanks for a response Andy! I was just wondering if this is how it is always going to be. :smt102 I understand now!
  13. nelisar

    Sign up for Study Group

    What happens to the students who can't make the study group What happens to the students who cannot make it on that day or time? Are we out of the loop? :cry: Nelisa.
  14. nelisar

    Sign up for Study Group

    Availability for study group I am willing to join the study group. Availability: Fridays & Saturdays and maybe Monday & Wednesday evenings. Need help with: DEFINITELY Finance and C++ Can help with: some math Looking forward to it! :) Nelisa.
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