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  • pediq, i e-mailed them but i didn't get a response. I am starting to lose every hope of admission my friend. Where are you from? I am from Greece...
    nothing yet.still waiting.i give another week and then email or call them. Did you email them as you said? I am not sure if they were waitlisted first
    Pediq i didn't hear anything yet. I am going to send them e-mail. These people have been admitted after waitlist? I will let you know if i hear anything.
    hi pediq, i am exactly on the same boat just like you( 'short waitlist' and 'thank you for accepting our offer of admission'). I am just being patient man......there is nothing else we can do....
    hi~I am not on a waiting list . I just have not got any response from them,
    So I am wondering when would the results be available~thank you for ur information~good luck to us~~
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