Recent content by petrolmaniac

  1. P

    MsC ETHZ Quantitative Finance - phd

    thanks for advice Connor ; maybe both paths are relevant, but MsC QF makes more credible for interviews in finance industry ; other advice are welcome! (maybe are some people here MsC QF ETH alumni or know about it...)
  2. P

    MsC ETHZ Quantitative Finance - phd

    Thanks for answer. I think ETHZ MsC QF is quite well-known. I saw on web site some (rare) student took phds in maths/finance/operations research after this MsC, including one at Cornell University (but not all information about alumni are displayed) ; I put my plan clearer : current and...
  3. P

    MsC ETHZ Quantitative Finance - phd

    Hello, I am studying electrical eng. (French top school) and BsC Applied Economics ; I am considering MsC quant. finance in Zurich for 2011 - 2012, and i would like to know more about it : do people have good opportunities for a FEng. phd in UK/Switzerland/USA after MsC graduation (eg...
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