Recent content by sannjay

  1. sannjay

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Well thank you Andy, I appreciate your view. But trying again next year is kind of difficult for me. I am sure that there might be few competitive programs who would appreciate my background for I have interned in a Fortune 500 Indian Petroleum Company and worked in one of the largest Mfg. firm...
  2. sannjay

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Hi, I am a mechanical engg from University of Mumbai, India. I am interested in pursuing a Masters program in Quant based financial engg. My GRE score is Q750, V560 AWA 3.0 and TOEFl score is 100 (R22, L26, S24, W28) I am also taking CFA Level 1 this June. And besides it, I have an...
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