Recent content by Soumya

  1. Soumya

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu ?
  2. Soumya

    QUANTNET CONTEST : Brainstorming a slogan

    With some line like "Quant Network: Dont just want - Quant!" Or "Dont just think...." Or " Quant Network - Financially engineering" (bad pun i know ....)
  3. Soumya

    Cost of living in NYC- a break down

    Indian food: Most people here cook .... we bring rice cookers and non stick pans :) ... besides, depending on where you stay, there are indian grocers around ... theres one stones throw from college itself! If you were to buy food everyday .... it might get expensive .... anywhere over $10 for...
  4. Soumya

    End-to-End Solutions for Algorithmic Traders: Oct 3rd

    Hey, We actually received an e-mail about this event. Im not certain how much it costs to attend it (it just says students are welcome). I have already given a list to Prof. Stefanica, so maybe he can throw more light on this....
  5. Soumya

    End-to-End Solutions for Algorithmic Traders: Oct 3rd

    Hey all, People who are interested in attending this conference on Oct 3rd, please reply in this thread. We are trying to compile a list. Thanks Soumya
  6. Soumya

    Are you readyyyy for some football ?

    Went for the New England Patriots Vs San Diego Chargers game ..... home turf advantage saw them through to a rout!! Twas my induction into the spirit of football!
  7. Soumya

    Math quant jokes

    Thats hilarious!!!!!!!!!! Incidentally, was getting all ready to mumble about the choice of women, till i realised the joke meant the squaw kind :wasntme:
  8. Soumya

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Bday from the land of contrarian nods
  9. Soumya

    My Profile

    Hey Thanks a lot for throwing so much light on various subjects. Just wanted to tell you all, that I am in ...... :thumbsup: Guess we shall be meeting soon .... looking forward to it. Thanks again
  10. Soumya

    My Profile

    Hi Hope you had a great easter weekend. Just wanted to know how much the overall course would cost (tuition, down payment, books, stay etc) Also, where do people find accomodation there? If im not wrong, the classes are situated pretty centrally in manhattan. Thanks
  11. Soumya

    My Profile

    Sounds like you are managing quite effectively, your work, class and personal reading! What is the mode of teaching: do students prepare for the class before it starts and basically spend the classroom session debating/ clearing doubts or problems, or are things taught from scratch? With...
  12. Soumya

    My Profile

    I did mean activities geared towards MFE students, and I guess I was asking about inviting speakers, paper presentations etc (not social activities :) ). Are all the classes held in the evening? How does a typical day outline for you guys (say a mid-semester day, not a just-before-the-exams...
  13. Soumya

    My Profile

    Thanks. I was wondering, what are student run/ driven activities besides obviously the quantnet initiative and possibly mentoring of incoming batches. I guess I am just trying to get a feel for the depth of involvement. Also wanted to know what exactly is the capstone project (unless its the...
  14. Soumya

    My Profile

    Well, more about me: My undergrad was completed from Madras University, Chennai, India and my post grad from SIBM, Pune, India.My background involves science, engineering and finance, so I have had some kind of exposure to all these fields. I am really interested in mathematics, and I thought...
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