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  • Hi, I'm from Singapore. Here a bunch of people are planning to get a MFE degree. And I noticed the class are usually full of Chinese and Indian students. Are they really better off after completing the course ? What is your advice in breaking into banking industry? Thanks a million :p
    sure, do the MFE if you can afford it. As I said before supply of MFE graduates way exceeds the demand for quants out there.
    So put more emphasis on skills that could be applied somewhere else (pure coding, applied math etc.). This will hedge you against not being able to get a job as a quant after you graduate.
    Hi, saw your comment earlier knowing that you're working in HK as a quant.
    Were you graduated from any US university?
    Can you send me your porfile if you dont mind?
    How's the finance's job market in HK?
    yes, I did phd in maths in US. then got MSc in finance in UK (LSE). regarding finance (quant in particular) job market in HK, there is more demand for more senior positions. there are openings, but of course not as much as London/NY.
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