Recent content by tigergb

  1. tigergb

    10 Things the Public Need to Know About Quantitative Trading

    I put this thread at off-topic section because it is purely for fun and open for discussion, enjoy it. Feel free to leave a comment either here or at the original post:
  2. tigergb

    What are your favorite Wall-street themed movies?

    A friend of mine just posted a list of top 20 movies for business men on my blog, enjoy the list.
  3. tigergb

    Top quant finance journals?

    It totally depends on your interested field, besides the top three mentioned by Joy, Journal of financial and quantitative analysis is another solid tier-1 journal. Three another less solid but still very good journals I read are: journal of futures markets, journal of banking and finance...
  4. tigergb

    Anyone has their own website?

    I can't believe it costs you over $10,000!! I am not saying it is not good, it can be easily created at a much much smaller budget, to be honest.
  5. tigergb

    Quantnet migrated to new SERVER

    I randomly visited a few pages and it is faster, i am located in UK.
  6. tigergb

    English as a Second F*cking Language

    LOL, that's the book I've been searching, dirty funny.
  7. tigergb

    Any decent Quant blogs out there?

    Quantitative Finance Collector is a personal blog devoted to quant staff maintained for over 2 years.
  8. tigergb

    Short Term Stock Price Movement Prediction Competition

    it depends on how you define the accuracy, no body can predict 100% confidently, what most statistical quants do is to increase the confidence level, 60% to 65% CI is a big improvement, but still, many of their predictions are not correct.
  9. tigergb

    Short Term Stock Price Movement Prediction Competition

    Lun, here is news: With the 2010 World Cup kicking off in less than four weeks, financial analysts at JP Morgan have crunched the numbers and come up with a bold conclusion – England will win football's biggest prize for the first time in 44 years. "Having developed a rather successful Quant...
  10. tigergb

    Short Term Stock Price Movement Prediction Competition

    Forward the post here as some of you guys may be interested. Traders, analysts, investors and hedge funds are always looking for techniques to better predict stock price movements. The 2010 INFORMS Data Mining Contest takes aim at this goal, requiring participants to build models that...
  11. tigergb

    Advices on joining ETH MSc QF program

    As a graduate from this program, here are my two cents: 1) the course structure of this program is amazingly good, from derivative pricing to risk management, you can build a strong foundation if you carefully choose courses; 2) the professors, especially at ETH side, are well-known, and most...
  12. tigergb

    Anyone here on Twitter?

    I am on as well, although not a fan of it.
  13. tigergb

    Asian Markets

    quant risk, structure, trading... for instance, you can see from my old post, where you can see quant salary survey results and types of jobs in Asian market , hope it helps
  14. tigergb

    Archimedean copula

    Copula estimation and simulation codes: Tags:copula - Quantitative Finance Collector hope it helps.
  15. tigergb

    optimization problem??

    in R/S+, try "apply", in Matlab, simply use "min(x,2)"
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