Recent content by Viet Hoang

  1. V

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Belated Birthday, Andy :)
  2. V

    Housing in New York

    Thanks a lot Andy, alain and bigbadwolf for the quick comments. I just went to Craiglist and was shocked with the rent... I'm paying $420 for a huge apartment in MN so my definition of space will definitely change once I get to NYC :cry:. I was looking at google Map and it seems Jersey...
  3. V

    Housing in New York

    Hi everyone, I will be enrolling in the Baruch MFE program this year, starting with the refresher courses this summer and I'm looking for housing in NY. I'm currently going to school in Minnesota so I'm not very familiar with the New York area. Could you please give me some advice on housing...
  4. V

    Viet Hoang's thread

    I just got the Savitch book today and start reading... It seems like a great book for beginner, simple language and articulate explanations!!! Thanks Andy for the suggestion ;) By the way, I'm wondering how the workload for refresher courses would be? There will be one class at a time, so I...
  5. V

    Viet Hoang's thread

    Thank you Muting for your thought :). What you and Andy said are true, to make the most of my learning experience at Baruch, I should spend time studying and not worry about expenses. The tuition and living expenses would probably be investments with very attractive returns :D. 4 hours of...
  6. V

    New Quantnet members say hi

    Hi everyone, my name is Viet. I'm currently a senior from Macalester College. Most likely I will be enrolling in Baruch MFE in Fall 08' :)
  7. V

    Viet Hoang's thread

    But each person only has 3 Bernoulli Trials :D Do we have a week or two for "shopping" to decide which elective to take, just like in undergrad?
  8. V

    Viet Hoang's thread

    Thank you Professor Stefanica, Jacques and Andy for the advice and information. I have some questions for everyone that just pop up in my head 1. I remember Professor Stefanica told me the other day that students will start to put resume together and prepare to look for summer internship in...
  9. V

    Viet Hoang's thread

    thanks for the very comprehensive response, Andy. Does "no relevant work experience" in this case means no work experience in the financial industry? Or does it only apply to student like me, who just graduate from college and go straight to the MFE program? I also have another question that...
  10. V

    Viet Hoang's thread

    Thank you very much for the advice, Jacques, I really appreciate it!! Do you think that studying for the CFA exam and trying to take it at some point will be important/necessary for a Quant career? I think for Investment Management or Research career, it is very important but I don't know how...
  11. V

    Viet Hoang's thread

    Thank you very much for the reply Andy. Sleeping 4 hours is tough, so I guess I should practice that from now #-o. But I wonder if the students do homework together and help each other out? Are the assignments mostly group projects or individual works? I'm sure with that amount of workload, you...
  12. V

    Viet Hoang's thread

    Hi everyone, my name is Viet Hoang, a senior from Macalester College, Saint Paul Minnesota. I submitted my application to the MFE 08' program in the end of January 08' and I just spoke with Professor Stefanica on the phone this morning. I was very excited to hear the good news from Prof...
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