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  • Hi, I see you set your destination to NYU-Poly MFE and guess you are attending the program now. Can you give me any feedback about the program so far?? in terms of curriculum, quality, and job prospect? I have been seeing many posts that say negative things about the program... Thanks so much in advance and wish you the best!
    I see u got through NYU poly MFE....Do u plan n joining it?....It would be wonderful if you could share your inputs about the School coz i m getting a lot of mixed reviews about the programme.....BTW w u from?...I am from Delhi...
    dude I am from Mumbai and got NYU poly call too .. was wondering if you can mail me your profile shankar177@gmail.com

    Cheers and congrats!!
    Have you decided on NYU as your final destination? OR are you still waiting for responses from elsewhere?
    I got 10k Dean scholarship too. It seems they are throwing away scholarships like that only coz I have seen some ppl getting scholarship at 1150 GRE scores too.I got an offer from NUS singapore also.
    I have been talking to my senior whos studying MFE there at poly and he was saying that the job prospects are not good. As of now I am booking my seat @ NYU POLY and will wait for the scholarship decision from NUS singapore and will decide accordingly.where else did you apply?
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