C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

Reviews 4.93 star(s) 1,314 reviews

Overall, this was a great course. The course covered a broad array of topics, but also spent adequate time focusing on the more important concepts. As someone who was new to C/C++ and who also has a full time job, I appreciated having the freedom to spend as much or as little time as necessary on a particular topic and to work through the material at my own pace. The videos and instruction by Dr. Duffy were straightforward and his sample code was instrumental in my understanding of material. My TA, Avi was always quick to respond with a helpful answer or question to get me going in the right direction on the assignments. Andy and the rest of QuantNet community have been helpful and supportive throughout the course. I am now much more confidant about my programming skills and would recommend this course to anyone considering a financial engineering program.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Great course!!! I enjoyed being thrown into the deep end of things from the start. It is the only way to quickly learn to swim in the vast C/C++ sea, after all. The task of learning C/C++ was greatly helped by good and graded course material, enlightening exercises, far from trivial quizzes, a thriving online forum and, last but not least, an engaging TA who provided prompt and illuminating feedbacks. I feel that the course provided me with a solid base from which to progress. Thank you Avi and QuantNet!!!
Yes, I would recommend this program
the course is demanding and excellent. The TA is easygoing and available any time.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I had no previous knowledge of c++ and little notion of programming. This course helped me a lot to learn c++. Is very well explained with useful examples, a great forum and an amazing TA who leads you to the answers but doesn't give them to you.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This course was very helpful and well-structured. The course materials are quite relevant. TA was very instructive as well and they were always ready to answer questions. The homework was very intensive and rigorous.
Yes, I would recommend this program
All the assignment is really good for learning C++. Forum is also quite useful. I am really happy to finish the course.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Really enjoyed the course, was a good introduction to C/C++ for someone who had some programming experience prior to the class but no specific C/C++ knowledge. The lectures and modules flowed logically and built on what was learned in previous levels. TAs were always prompt to answer questions, grade homework, etc.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This course has been very useful for me - I feel that it has taught me a lot about the basics of C++ and introduced me to the ways in can be used in practice. What's more, this course was extremely enjoyable - the exercises were fun to do and really made sure you knew how to apply the theory taught in the videos. I also liked the fact that the levels build on each other and you use the same classes/examples at each stage so you can really see how all the aspects of building a program come together. APalley was my TA for this course - he did a great job by providing me extremely quick feedback for each of the exercises - it was very useful to get personal feedback so that I could improve on my weaknesses as I progressed through the course, and the speed of his reply was great as it meant I could quickly move onto the later levels. The discussion boards have also been a very valuable tool for this course as there have been many very helpful tips from students and staff alike which have definitely been of great support during the course as well as highlighting important aspects of each level that I may have otherwise overlooked. Overall fantastic course - thank you!
Yes, I would recommend this program
Thanks very much for an enjoyable and challenging learning experience. I came to this course with zero programming experience and now feel comfortable reading and writing basic C/C++ and with the concepts of object-oriented programming. Special mention to the TAs whose help with the homework assignments and participation in the forums really made a big difference.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This C++ course covers both basic knowledge of C and intermediate level of C++ contents. The depth of this course is satisfying, and will help the students prepare for future study in financial engineering field. The TAs and certified members are active. Nearly all questions can be answered if posted on the forum, as long as they are not demanding final solutions to homework questions. This interactive mechanism helps a lot when problems pop up.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I took this course not necessarily for finance applications, and I was really pleased with this course overall. I think the level of difficulty is perfect, manageable for someone with no C++ experience, but difficult enough that it requires the student to really dig in, work at it, and learn it well. I would definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to learn C++ for any discipline.

I was also impressed with the smoothness of learning for an online course. This system works very well.

Thanks a lot to DJD, APalley, and Andy Nguyen, and my fellow classmates.
Yes, I would recommend this program
It is a great learning experience. The learning progress and format is in great design.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Great learning experience. Quantnet C++ program is perfect for starter programmers.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I work for a large insurance company and currently specialize in quantitative risk management. I enrolled in this course to improve my computer programming skills (several of my colleagues have backgrounds in computer science which gives them an edge in my line of work - I came into this course with relatively little programming experience, aside from VBA) and was very satisfied with the results. The course covers a wide range of content in a fairly short time frame and dives deep enough to give the successful candidate a solid foundation for future learning. The course requires a fairly significant time commitment and although TAs are nearly always quick to respond to questions, students should expect to spend a lot of time independently researching topics and thinking critically in order to solve problems.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Provided a solid introduction to general C++ topics and financial applications.
Yes, I would recommend this program
With only some VBA I came basically out of nothing regarding C/C++ and the concept o OOP. This is a great, because demanding and comprehensive course. You have to study the material thoroughly, but the TA assistants always acted with great care and dedication. Their help did not come for free, though. The students have to put emphasis before getting helped out, but this is exactly part of the learning experience. They succeeded, as well as I did in getting started with a sound foundation in C/C++ and OOP. Well done all, including me, and thank you so much.
Yes, I would recommend this program
It has been a rigorous C++ course. Very good quality. TA and forum support have been excellent.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This is an awesome course. Avi is great, he responds timely and very helpful. I followed the quantnet forums a lot and read his comments about exercises which was more than helpful in finishing my exercises. Daniel Duffy's lectures are great. I loved the structure of the course. I also thank my friend for referring me to this course, otherwise I wouldn't have known about this course. All I can say is I am extremely thankful for the people who organized this course. Because there are not many good places where they conduct a course with detail and dedication. This course made a believer out of a non-believer like me.

You guys rock.
Yes, I would recommend this program
It was a great learning experience for me which I enjoyed thoroughly.
This is a good way to learn a tough programming language which seems easy while sailing through this course.
The study material (PDFs,Videos , Forums and conversation with the TA) were exhaustive and well constructed.
I am very confident now of my C++ Skills and will definitely want to leverage the knowledge I got from this course.

Thanks Quantnet and Baruch for coming up with this certificate program.

Yes, I would recommend this program
The course was an very informative experience. Before the course I was definitely my c++ knowledge was very poor and after I finished the course I feel pretty comfortable with many of the basic fundamentals of computer programming along with some of advanced topics of c++ itself. The TA was a treat to work with and helped me all through the course. The community support was one of the main things that helped give me that little nudge whenever I was stuck. Overall it was a great course and I enjoyed it very much.
Yes, I would recommend this program