C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

Reviews 4.93 star(s) 1,314 reviews

The course is well-organized and very comprehensive. My TA Avi always provides me with detailed comment on HW and timely response in the forum. Overall, it's a great course and it's worth taking.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course is quite comprehensive and I enjoyed working on the codes and discovering the solutions with the help of the QuantNet community, the TAs and the internet. Professor Duffy's explanation is clear. What I found most crucial was that there is a structure in the course that is not available on youtube videos or other websites. And for a beginner, structure is very important in that one needs to build the fundamentals in a logical manner. A good stepping stone into the world of programming.
Yes, I would recommend this program
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  • 5.00 star(s)
The C++ 11 techniques and optimization skills in this course is very helpful for me in my MFE degree. Also, C++ 11, multi-threading and Boost are required by some companies for quant jobs. Overall, I believe this course is helpful and challenging.
Yes, I would recommend this program
TA is really patient and kind. He helps me solve all the problem in time.

The course is of high quality, I really harvest a lot from that.
Yes, I would recommend this program
It's a really solid and well-designed C++ learning course. I haven't learn any object-oriented programming before but through learning all the materials, lecture videos, doing homework, debugging the program and asking questions, reading the threads, I started to understand how to program in ""Object"" way more and more and improved my programming skill a lot. According to my own experiences taking this course, I need to say this course it's really not easy, especially if you don't have any OOP experiences, but you will definitely benefit from this learning process and won't regret what you have invested on it. I feel like completing this course is not the end but the start, this course opens the C++ world for me, and makes me want to continue to improving my programming ability which is the best thing I got from this course!! So, thanks for Professor @Daniel Duffy's lectures, my TA @APalley's help over these months and all the people's sharing in the forum threads!
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course is really good. I do not have much programming background, but I can still follow the course. The course content is also very good, I benefit a lot from this course. I sincerely want to thank all TAs, since they are very helpful. They always answer my questions quickly and clearly.
Yes, I would recommend this program
It's really a great course that I've learned a lot from. Professor Duffy's slides and lectures are clear and his words in the forum is illuminating. My TA is always there for help, kind and patient. I sometimes got response within a few minutes. It is a valuable learning experience. Thanks a lot.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The TA has excellent availability on the forum and in private msg to help with suggestions on hw. The TA responds quickly.
Yes, I would recommend this program
well-designed course treating a wide range of topics in C++. Always quick responses from the TA

I have learned a lot.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This course was good to learn the basic of C++.

It was tough to complete each level's HW but they definitely helped me understand C++ well.
TA are so good,. They responded my question promptly their advice was so useful.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I really must say that I benefited from the course, being someone new to programming. I was successfully able to make the transition to the intermediate level. The course design was great with constant support from every one doing the course. I would like to make a special mention to my TA Avi Palley who has been extremely helpful throughout my journey. I would recommend this course to anyone who is looking to learn programming to suit their requirement in the field of quantitative finance.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Good comprehensive course for prospective financial engineering students. I didn't have much prior programming experience, so the course felt challenging. The forums were a very good resources -- almost all the problems that I encountered were previously discussed.

Course curriculum was well designed, but I would have liked more of an emphasis on the application of programming in finance. Another module at the end expanding on the concepts discussed in module 9 would have been great.

I thought Avi was a very good TA. His responses were were prompt and his feedback was clear. I appreciated his help throughout the course.

Thanks Avi, Professor Duffy, and the rest of the Quantnet team!
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course design is very good. It first lays a solid foundation for us students by providing the background of C language, and then turns to OOP and generic programming. The TA is very nice and patient and offers me great help. Besides, I learn a lot from discussions in the forum.
Yes, I would recommend this program
APalley is my TA and he is really really responsible and nice. I have some self-learning fundamentals in programming, but this course is still very helpful structuring my knowledge. Hope people like it.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course was a fantastic introduction to the fundamentals of programming in C++. Learning topics ranging from inheritance and polymorphism to generic programming to using STL and Boost libraries provided a solid foundation off of which I'm sure I can build in the future.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This course took me from having zero C++ experience to being fairly proficient in just a matter of weeks. Even before the course was over, the concepts I was learning helped improve the code I had been writing in Python for my job. Learning C++ is a daunting task for someone without a formal background in CompSci and after this I feel very confident in the fundamentals of the language and am looking forward to continuing my self education in the language.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This is the first course I have taken about object oriented programming. It's well organized and very beneficial to my further studies in the MFE program. Unlike the other C++ courses that focus mainly on the syntax part, this course gives me a lot of chances to make use of the language in option pricing and simulations! The TA, Avi is also willing to help whenever I reach out to him. Anyways, it's a great experience.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I've learned a lot from this course. The first eight levels help me to build a knowledge framework of C++, and from the last level I learned how to apply C++ in financial engineering. I love the lectures and homework exercises. TA is also very nice and helpful, and he responds to my questions very soon.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The structure of the course is very good, starting from C and then gradually the specialties in C++, and useful libraries in C++.

The homework in Level 8 and Level 9, especially Level 9, is very practical and comprehensive.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course is well organized and it is a great starting point for anyone with little C++ experience and background. The TAs are really helpful and responsive, and they explain my questions clearly and thoroughly. Overall, it has been a great experience!
Yes, I would recommend this program