Search results

  1. Joy Pathak

    Aspiring Quant - the math way or the econ/finance way?

    That is not entirely what I was saying although bits of it yes. I was merely suggesting that it will most likely not be possible to do research in those topics as a PhD student in FINANCE at a decent school. You will have to do Mathematical Finance research as a PhD student in MATHEMATICS or...
  2. Joy Pathak

    How I became a Quant? - Toronto

    Lol . Never mind then. Decided not to go, and stay back and go through with helping out organizing the trading competition on the RIT software for high school students.
  3. Joy Pathak

    Aspiring Quant - the math way or the econ/finance way?

    There aren't too many options to do PhD Finance in "quant finance" types of topics. Most of that work is done out of the OR or Math departments of universities. PhD finance is mostly focused on empirical work nowadays. Atleast 2/3rd of the research published in some form of empirical work...
  4. Joy Pathak

    How I became a Quant? - Toronto

    How I became a quant Anyone going to it? Is it worth going to? Has anyone gone to it before? I don't mind doing a 4 hour drive upto Toronto tomorrow morning to attend it. There is a special recruiter session too. I am assuming it will be mostly for Toronto jobs? I want to go check out and...
  5. Joy Pathak

    Energy Trader new to QuantNet got some Q's =)

    I get constant reports on seismic activity through twitter updates. lol
  6. Joy Pathak

    Energy Trader new to QuantNet got some Q's =)

    On a random note.. Chavez just opened a twitter account and is tweeting already.
  7. Joy Pathak

    Energy Trader new to QuantNet got some Q's =)

    AbeBooks Official Site - New Out of Print Books Maybe this will help with books for your location. Oil Sands are a great resource. Actually, in terms of overall oil reserves from Oil Sands Canada is greater than Saudi Arabia. The problem is that we only know how to extract about 20-30% of it...
  8. Joy Pathak

    Finance jobs in non-finance firms.

    I am the wrong person to ask. I don't know what qualities they look for at the trading desks of the oil companies but I know they are HIGHLY competitive. I heard from someone that a good way to get into the trading desks for the energy companies is to goto an MBA out in Texas since most are...
  9. Joy Pathak

    Questions about Masters program for Canadian Job Market

    That's cool. I spent quite a while out west snowboarding in Whistler, Kelowna, Banff and surfing in Tofino, etc. I worked in Edmonton. UBC offers a MSc. Finance, but that's about it. It's is not of quant nature. U Toronto, Waterloo and McMaster have MFE programs. There are programs in Quebec...
  10. Joy Pathak

    Recommended reading for a beginner

    Wow, old post. Yeah, I almost did think of going to CGU so I can be in California. haha. I am going to Illinois Tech now. :)
  11. Joy Pathak

    Questions about Masters program for Canadian Job Market

    University of Toronto has basically a 100% placement rate within Toronto. There are few schools in Quebec that offer the program too. It will be easier to get a job in Canada with a Canadian degree. Are you canadian?
  12. Joy Pathak

    Aspiring Quant - the math way or the econ/finance way?

    I will go with 2 3 and 4. A basic finance class is good to have to your arsenal in an application, but is not a high priority. It would be ideal to have at least 1 finance class by the end of your undergrad. Regarding the electrical engineering class, it would be nice to have the knowledge...
  13. Joy Pathak

    Claremont/ IIT/ RIT/ UNCC

    I am attending IIT in 2 weeks. Let me know if you have any questions.
  14. Joy Pathak

    Finance jobs in non-finance firms.

    True. But they are jobs that MFE students can compete for. Although, they are starting to use more advance quantitative methods in making their decisions. One of the provincial government run hydro companies in Canada uses quite a bit of quantitative methods in their energy trading department...
  15. Joy Pathak

    Finance jobs in non-finance firms.

    Well, the oil companies hire lots of finance people in their trading divisions. Almost all energy companies do. Also, every big company has a risk management department, so the skills of a FE could be used there. Lots of companies need fixed income people in their finance departments also...
  16. Joy Pathak

    Energy Trader new to QuantNet got some Q's =)

    No general energy trading exposure but a bit of risk management related to crude oil futures for hedging at ExxonMobil oil sands in canada(syncrude).
  17. Joy Pathak

    Interview with Sylvain Raynes

    Alright. Yeah, I don't think I have seen the topics of the second course you posted in any of the curriculum's I looked at.
  18. Joy Pathak

    Seeking Advice - Research vs Internship?

    In my undergrad I did a research project and an internship at the same time. It's doable if you aren't taking any other classes and have a focused goal on the project. 4 months in the summer. But my job, was closely aligned with the independent study, so it complimented each other.
  19. Joy Pathak

    Interview with Sylvain Raynes

    Nice interview, very informative. I liked the focus on financial engineering education. Although, the comment made about "structured finance" as part of the curriculums of MFE programs was not right. Other universities teach structured finance in their MFE curriculum. Structured Finance is...
  20. Joy Pathak

    Advices on joining ETH MSc QF program

    Not true lol I don't think so at least. Two BB interviews by applying online and sending resume to "" . No internal recommendation or anything. I am sure luck played a strong role too.
  21. Joy Pathak

    Greed is good

    Lol I was thinking of making a thread about the tea party movement, but I wasn't sure how the sentiment really is towards tea partiers in America. I have just been laughing it up at their signs and the 'epic fails'.
  22. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    At the moment, I am thinking about how to weigh the variables. I am most probably going to do a regular average and I will also present all the variables rankings individually. That is usually how it is done in research ranking papers. Giving individual variables weightings is an extremely...
  23. Joy Pathak

    Chess season is upon us

    This is getting too intense. Basketball playoffs is what I will be following. Pistonsssssssssssssss
  24. Joy Pathak

    Chess season is upon us

    I loved Yahoo Chess and . I used to spend hours and hours and hours on there during high school and smaller parts of my undergrad.
  25. Joy Pathak

    Average salaries for quants

    Lol, once again... Never know who is reading. :)
  26. Joy Pathak

    Average salaries for quants

    I would be happy if I can get 60-65K base and uncapped (lol) performance based bonus thereafter per quarter or per year, at least till I break to 2-3 year work experience barrier.
  27. Joy Pathak

    Would you take Numerical Analysis if it uses Mathematica?

    You owe me a a cookie if he does.
  28. Joy Pathak

    Quant Job Prospects Post 2011

    John Frank Adams?! Damn, you're not as young/old as me, assuming the "student" who told you was in the class with JFA and you are of similar age. I was three years old when he passed away. Okay, it would be a bit intimidating to have John Frank Adams teaching you. A nobel prize winner was...
  29. Joy Pathak

    Would you take Numerical Analysis if it uses Mathematica?

    I don't if this will apply to you, but I am taking a Mathematical Economics course which is basically all numerical work mostly, and the software we were SUPPOSE to use was Maple. Although maple would have been good since most of the work was symbolic, I wanted to use MATLAB since that is a more...
  30. Joy Pathak

    Is my program choice flawed? and ideas about Columbia's M in Statistics

    I am assuming technical means, specifically financial engineering related courses. If not, then obviously Masters in Astrophysics is considered technical too. Then again, there are PhD's in Astrophysics who are in quant positions.
  31. Joy Pathak

    Quant Job Prospects Post 2011

    I am sure you aren't lying but I find that hard to believe. I noticed people asking in India and I noticed people asking during my undergrad in Canada. I did not notice as I said during my graduate studies in USA. I cannot comment on US undergrad as I was not exposed to it but I am sure a lot of...
  32. Joy Pathak

    Quant Job Prospects Post 2011

    The more they regulate the more talent will be needed to come up with ideas to get around these regulations and create hedging instruments and so on... At least I hope...
  33. Joy Pathak

    Undergraduate study.

    Are you confident that 4 years from now you will still want to pursue MFE? I would pick a technical degree with which I could get hired upon graduation easily rather than pick something for which I would HAVE to get MFE. I would suggest any engineering degree and maybe 2-3 classes in...
  34. Joy Pathak

    Quant Job Prospects Post 2011

    He was obviously joking, but he was at the same time trying to insinuate something very important.
  35. Joy Pathak

    Is my program choice flawed? and ideas about Columbia's M in Statistics

    The issue with the MFE and MSOR or MS Stats program, all of which are at Columbia is the basic fact as you mentioned about, " technical material at the graduate level ". As a non-MFE student the students don't have priority into the classes therefore refraining them from learning material...
  36. Joy Pathak

    Quant Job Prospects Post 2011

    I think its a lie if any undergraduate student has not asked the question about what is on an exam. It is a common undergraduate mentality, and a good one at that. When I was doing my undergrad in engineering I asked several times as to what was on the exam and what wasn't so I could...
  37. Joy Pathak

    Is my program choice flawed? and ideas about Columbia's M in Statistics

    MFE > MAFM > (The Rest ) Seems like in the MS Stats you can take Financial engineering courses too? Then it would be similar to MSOR in which you can take MFE courses too. If you can structure the curriculum to be similar then they all fall in the similar category. MSOR seems to be the...
  38. Joy Pathak

    Is my program choice flawed? and ideas about Columbia's M in Statistics

    They have MAFM program also out of their Math department. It goes,, MFE > MAFM > MSOR < the rest @ Columbia from what has been seen. MSOR and MFE are in the same department whereas MAFM is separate department.
  39. Joy Pathak

    SEC requires Python for ABS deals

    I don't mind it as much as I am still learning, so I would just know now to add Python to my arsenal. Since the majority still use C++ over Python, it is unfair to them. As someone on another forum said.. "Regulators must specify objective, not method."
  40. Joy Pathak

    SEC requires Python for ABS deals

    hahaa. I was just about to post that actually. I don't think it's fair to specify a language.
  41. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    I have not finished ranking yet. It will take a while. You will have to wait for that answer.
  42. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    I thought it was an old program. The IAFE website and the QuantNet Program Selector show 2008. QN probably shows 2008 because IAFE does. I cannot find it on their website. Are you sure its 1998? Was it called something else previously?
  43. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    NYU Start? Can someone confirm NYU program start date? Is it 2008? Also, Columbia MFE?
  44. Joy Pathak


    Algodeal They take your ideas/algos and invest into it with a profit sharing system set up.
  45. Joy Pathak

    Matlab optimization question

    See if this software helps. Massive Analytics | QLA: The Quick Linear Algebra Library for MATLAB Many people on this thread have been discussing/using it.
  46. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    Having more practitioners increases the probability to attain jobs at their firms rather than having just academicians teach. It has been proven at all the universities where higher number of practitioners teach that they recommend their students internally for positions. This one is not up for...
  47. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    How would I know that? It depends on the person recommending. It is common for professors to internally recommend the top quintile of the students to their firms for positions or connections that they might have. I don't know what qualities they look for. I would assume doing well in the course...
  48. Joy Pathak

    No Programming Experience

    Umm. Not a good idea to upload ebooks. C++ How to program is great for beginners.
  49. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    Practitioners has been put as a variable because they can lead to jobs. It is not for their quality of teaching.
  50. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    Good catch. I forgot to copy the whole thing from my excel file. Columbia was the last. Thanks
  51. Joy Pathak

    iPad, do you iWant?

    Absolutely great list... I have been looking for a good I-Padish system. I am not an apple fan so was waiting for a good competitor...Rumor around the RIM factory is that a Blackberry tablet will be out soon too. Notion Ink Adam Tablet Caught On Video, Specs Finalized - ADAM - Gizmodo...
  52. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    the problem is... it is not fair to american schools. The opportunities that the american schools present to you is incomparable. It would be very easy to go from an american schools to any of the foreign financial hubs, but not as easy to go from foreign hubs to america. That is a very key...
  53. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    Yeah, thats the problem. I don't know much of the quant finance programs outside north america. I think there are few in UK. Here is a resource with date started and so on. Also the Program Selector on the Homepage of QuantNet...
  54. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    I am trying to focus on North america schools. Maybe sometime in the future, I will do a world MFE ranking. It will take a lot of time too collect data on international schools as it will increase my sample. I cannot only take NTU, I would have to take all other foreign schools also. Maybe if...
  55. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    Update 1 This is the list of universities we have come up with. Let me know if I have missed out on anyone's program. I am trying to keep the list big right now, but I am sure it will get cut a bit possibly. I am trying not to put super new programs. I might make a small study on 1 yr data by...
  56. Joy Pathak

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Ok. That makes more sense. I thought he took it twice.
  57. Joy Pathak

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    You got 800/800 on your second exam?! I have never seen a 800 on verbal...EVER!
  58. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    Lol You want me to teach people how to make a hard decision and think? I think it will be fun to see such a ranking because it will really show how many of the not-top 5 program compare. Because MFE is soooooo much different then MBA, we cannot use MBA rankings to compare. Also many...
  59. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    Nice random rant on rankings. lol You are entering financial engineering and already distrust algorithm outputs. I am not doing ranking to promote anything. I have no vested interest in any magazine. If QuantNet decides to publish it then so be it, if not it will go up on SSRN or maybe a...
  60. Joy Pathak

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Programming component of the program Matlab, C++, Java, VBA, AMPL … simulation requires Matlab, credit derivatives we used VBA or Matlab depending on the assignment, AMPL was only for deteministic models. Other than simulation you could choose your language as long as it’s accepted as a well...
  61. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    Good point on Boston. New York and Chicago will be given the most importance for 10/10 and the rest accordingly. I will have to look into the weightings of the hubs a bit more outside NYC and Chicago. I mean't more in the terms of quant finance being published in the top Finance journals, so...
  62. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    You are entitled to your opinion. I am trying to make this study into less of an opinion ranking and more of a statistical ranking. If it was an opinionated ranking I would not ask anyone for inputs. This is a research project. It will include a full fledged paper that will go up as a working...
  63. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    Which is why we are picking 25 schools... ;) There are only 5 top 5... the rest will also be compared in the list of 25. And you hit the jackpot..that is the MAIN reason I am doing this ranking, is to show/see how the schools outside the top 5-10 rank against each other/etc. It is very rare...
  64. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    I don't think it is wrong in any way to assume universities like CMU, NYU, Berkeley, will fall in the top 10 ranks. If they don't then I think it is fair to say that there is some wrong with the methodology. This is definitely not setting oneself up for failure. At the worst, my original...
  65. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    There is already a general set consensus on what are good gauges for MFE programs. I am trying to set some proxies in this post and possible weighting for each of the variables. I have gone through many replies by forum members when students ask about comparing programs. It would be redundant to...
  66. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    I initially thought of "quality" in the sense that they work/worked in a known firm in a high position, but you're right, in your statement. It will include ANY practitioner. Assumption is they are ALL of high quality.
  67. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    It think we will just have to go with the assumption that in general it is advantageous. Another reason as to why it is beneficial to have practitioners, is because of possible internal referalls into their firms. I think this is very valuable if you have quality practitioners teaching. You're...
  68. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    Good points. I think location is an important factor due to the reason that the networking possibilities are enormous compared to a program that is not near a financial center. Obviously weight-age would be low compared to other variables. The financial hubs considered would be New york...
  69. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    It will be current available data. How am I suppose to find 5 years data on faculty, or placements. I will have to look through archives of websites. Professors who teach part-time while working, keep changing at times possibly. Whatever is available online, I will just gather that. For...
  70. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    That's the great part of the methodology. If data is hard to find you get a 0 for poor marketing of your program. :) That's why for placement stats, I am willing to call them once for grace. The rest should not bad hard. I have got a bit of data for few programs. I have 2 other guys collecting...
  71. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    I will have to think about that. I don't think it is fair to include an Operational Research program. Columbia's MFE program and Fin Math will be included most likely. Putting up 3 programs of Columbia might be too much. Maybe if you can send me the data for some of the variables I will...
  72. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    So.... I am thinking of building a new set of rankings due to the overwhelming response I have gotten through emails to compare programs for people. I might turn it into a full fledged paper too maybe...or something of that sort. I have got 3 volunteers who will help me collect data...
  73. Joy Pathak

    Claremont/ IIT/ RIT/ UNCC

    Review of Illinois Institute of Technologys Master in Finance program | Quant Network Here are reviews from students @ IIT. There are reviews from domestic and an international student. Review of Claremont Graduate Universitys Financial Engineering program | Quant Network Here are reviews...
  74. Joy Pathak

    “Hot Girls” Still Love Wall Street

    They got rejected :(
  75. Joy Pathak

    How to prepare for Financial Engineering programs, Part 1

    bwc I think he was talking to me? lol @Rich As you see in the last statement...I am merely pointing out what I AM doing as preparation... Will it be helpful ? Only time will tell. I have built the preparation plan for myself after talking to my program director, professors, and several MFE...
  76. Joy Pathak

    Claremont/ IIT/ RIT/ UNCC

    Also look through the reviews on this website in the Education section. There are reviews for IIT and Claremont. RIT is not an MFE program.
  77. Joy Pathak

    “Hot Girls” Still Love Wall Street

    There is a tv show called Millionaire matchmaker. Girls set up with millionaires...or atleast I think it works somehow like that or so my gf told me...... Somehow similar...
  78. Joy Pathak

    “Hot Girls” Still Love Wall Street

    Seton Hall University Professor Unspecified Rejected --- John JT Marlin Head Trader Rejected Lol
  79. Joy Pathak

    How to prepare for Financial Engineering programs, Part 1

    Ernie Chan is a good author. QuantNet conducted an interview with him. He mentions in his interview his preference for MATLAB for all his work.
  80. Joy Pathak

    Claremont/ IIT/ RIT/ UNCC

    Reasons why I joined the Illinois Institute of Technologys Master in Finance program | Quant Network Maybe this will help.
  81. Joy Pathak


    He had made another ... NEW thread. Moderator put it back here instead of having new duplicates.
  82. Joy Pathak


    hahaha Darn it. I was just about to post... "YES!! MAYBE THIS WILL HELP!! Rutgers MSMF vs USC MSMF - Forum | Quant Network "
  83. Joy Pathak

    How to prepare for Financial Engineering programs, Part 1

    Haha. Yeah. CD Adapco is huge. My university had set up a special discounted system with them to use it for all the student projects. I was the only odd one out to use Fluent. Everyone else at my university uses CD Adapco. They have a big office out of Michigan I think, so it's convenient for us...
  84. Joy Pathak

    How to prepare for Financial Engineering programs, Part 1

    I just got back from a presentation from the SAE World Congress in Detroit on my CFD research paper, and two Fluent(Ansys) competitors approached me regarding using their software for future use and building some aerodynamics tutorials.. I don't think these are the biggest competitors...but...
  85. Joy Pathak

    Movie Futures Trading?

    Lol What about final exam marks? Going long on ........and shorting on....
  86. Joy Pathak

    Should I transfer or not......PLEASE HELP ASAP

    I think he is asking about transferring to Bucknell and doing economics or management there and not about his degree major change? Is Bucknell or Elon looked at well at IB's? I have no clue....I just know those are two liberal arts colleges from googling them. That's about it.
  87. Joy Pathak

    How to prepare for Financial Engineering programs, Part 1

    bwc Thanks for the reply. I am trying to build myself up to be able to program extensive mathematical models in C++. As I mentioned, I am basically "refreshing"/"learning basics", at the moment before I start my graduate studies in Summer (may 2010). I will be taking a C++ for finance course...
  88. Joy Pathak

    Want a Job in New York ? Move there.

    Moving to Where You Want to Find a Job - Nice piece of how companies have reduced their relocation programs and are hiring locally only basically. Some 58% of companies have reduced their corporate relocation programs, 27% have frozen such programs, and another 17% have eliminated...
  89. Joy Pathak

    Quants' Perception of Southern Methodist University?

    Yeah, Rice University is a really good school. They just started their PhD Finance program too and have gotten an overwhelming response. Rice MBA is really strong too and places very well within the energy trading firms in Houston. UT Texas Business school is one of the best in the world too...
  90. Joy Pathak

    Movie Futures Trading?

    I am going long on Iron Man 2. Short on any m night shyamalan or Jennifer Lopez movies please.
  91. Joy Pathak

    Movie Futures Trading?

    First Business Network, LLC / Videos / Trading Movie Futures 03/30/10 Would trading box office receipts really be a sound investment?
  92. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    Another IIT review is up. This time by an international student. It is nice to see the other side. The student is unhappy with the career service but is still able to land a great job without even finishing the program. Goes to show that pro-activeness and opportunity to network in a great...
  93. Joy Pathak

    Risk Latte's Certificate in Financial Engineering (CFE)

    They are watching.... $5000 isn't bad for the whole program I think ?
  94. Joy Pathak

    Risk Latte's Certificate in Financial Engineering (CFE)

    Any particular reason for not accepting? I think many working professionals would like it?
  95. Joy Pathak

    Risk Latte's Certificate in Financial Engineering (CFE)

    Came across it on another forum... Risk Latte - CERTIFICATE IN FINANCIAL ENGINEERING (CFE) For Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo only I think... A CQF competitor?
  96. Joy Pathak

    Help with housing at Troy, NY

    albany rooms - craigslist Troy apartments for rent in Troy NY | Rental Source To name a few...
  97. Joy Pathak

    How to prepare for Financial Engineering programs, Part 1

    I have received several emails from students about to start the program, regarding MFE preparation, so I figured I would talk about how I have been preparing for the onslaught of what Masters in Financial Engineering is all about. I decided to make the switch to finance at the end of 2009 during...
  98. Joy Pathak

    Research Papers on use of Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

    I have a research paper on use of neural networks related to gold price forecasting if you want. You can probably Google it too. I do not have the data set for it, as it is not my work. Most data if attained from a "propriety database" have strong sharing restrictions so I don't think anyone...
  99. Joy Pathak


    Reasons why I joined the Illinois Institute of Technologys Master in Finance program | Quant Network This is how I picked. Maybe it will help.
  100. Joy Pathak

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Yes. It will help. .-.-.-.-.--
  101. Joy Pathak


    I greatly regret starting this thread.
  102. Joy Pathak

    Undergraduate Advice

    That's pretty cool. These are all very selective schools. I was looking at the recruiting schedule for Harvey mudd and Claremont Mckenna when looking at the CGU program since the MFE students can attend the career fairs too and it is just insane. Everyone basically comes there to recruit at...
  103. Joy Pathak

    Undergraduate Advice

    I had researched american liberal arts colleges a while back, and it is crazy how strong some of these universities are. I had never heard almost ANY of the colleges previous to doing my own research online. Swarthmore is a top 5 liberal arts college with a good program. It seems like they...
  104. Joy Pathak

    Various Compilers

    I was trying out the new Dev C++ new beta version. It's not bad. But I switched back to MS VS.
  105. Joy Pathak


    So I got tricked into eating snails last night at the keg steakhouse. They actually tasted pretty good. The snails were stuffed into mushroom caps. I don't think I would ever eat it again just because I know they are snails now. I have eaten caribou and elk meat before in Whistler...and it...
  106. Joy Pathak


    He was joking. wow.
  107. Joy Pathak

    anyone can help me chose from these programs?

    What makes you say that NCSU ranks highest?
  108. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    Just in-case people go straight to the forum page ... New review for Illinois Tech. Review of Illinois Institute of Technologys Master in Finance program | Quant Network There should be more up soon from international students especially.
  109. Joy Pathak


    Almost always it's a first come first serve system till the class is full regardless of what university and program. As long as they allow external students to come in, the first preference goes to students in the program, and then first come first serve. Be sure to register right when the...
  110. Joy Pathak


    I agree with Joe. North american universities in general are very flexible to help students out in any way they can. Professor in general are very accommodating and will let you in their class if you genuinely want to learn.
  111. Joy Pathak


    Yeah, maybe if there was a format to put in information in the application tracker? That would be ideal. I know you gave a lot of information but majority haven't. Let this stick around for a while. We'll see what happens. Hopefully not a bust. lol
  112. Joy Pathak


    Well the idea flopped on GD. I would have pushed for it more, but I don't like their idea of banning QN and so on. I will push for it more here. --- here is a profile that was put up in the GD thread. makaveli121 Vanilla Options Specialist « Reply #9 on: Today at 10:02:46 AM »...
  113. Joy Pathak


    The moderators are free to delete it if it is redundant. This is what I am trying to develop here. Profiles and Results 2010 There are several such threads set up on that forum, for PhD Finance, Economics, etc. I have gone through the tracker and it is not similar to this. Such a thread would...
  114. Joy Pathak


    I saw lots of other websites doing this...and I thing this would be great for future and current students. Since it's results/decision season: Post in this manner: If something is not applicable please put ....N/A PROFILE: Type of Undergrad/Uni: Undergrad GPA: Type of Grad: Grad...
  115. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Uconn finance phd VS Rutgers finance phd

    Goto the websites of the programs...they usually have the incoming class statistics.
  116. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Uconn finance phd VS Rutgers finance phd

    Many programs will let you use GMAT instead if you ask them for it. Berkeley uses both for convenience to students.
  117. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Uconn finance phd VS Rutgers finance phd

    Madison is not top 5. They only take 2 students into their program. 100% placement . haha. Apply to some other MFE programs maybe. With a PhD Statistics attached to you and an american degree you should not have a problem getting a job, if you can communicate your skills efficiently to potential...
  118. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Uconn finance phd VS Rutgers finance phd

    How much funding have you received from each? You have a PhD in Stats. Why are you not getting offers. Doesn't make sense to me? ---------- Post added at 11:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 AM ---------- Alumni : University of Connecticut School of Business Rutgers Business...
  119. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Uconn finance phd VS Rutgers finance phd

    Woh. Yeah. Go get a job with your Statistics PhD. Also, since you already have a strong quant PhD, how come you did not apply to the top 10 schools, they would have loved to have you?
  120. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Uconn finance phd VS Rutgers finance phd

    Look at PhD placements, faculty with whom your interest lies, funding, etc... and then compare.
  121. Joy Pathak

    The Story of the CDO Market Meltdown

    She has some interesting tweets.
  122. Joy Pathak

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Lol but I am sure there is only one "rohan chawla"
  123. Joy Pathak

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Lol What if they read this post and Columbia doesn't offer you anything ... 'Rohan' name shouldn't be that hard to find in the applicant list ;)
  124. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE nyu mathfin vs ucb mfe

    which one gives better chances of landing a trading job on wall street I think you have your answer.
  125. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Columbia MSOR vs. BU MSFM vs. Rutgers-MQF vs. Claremont MFE

    Well if you see it that way, then yes...You're competing with all your classmates...and the other students in the university in different fields with interests in similar Math Masters, PhD's , etc.
  126. Joy Pathak

    NYU MSMF NYU-Poly: New center tackles finance issues and risks

    Faculty: People - Finance and Risk Engineering | NYU-Poly Location : Brooklyn Placement : Call and ask them. Nothing is available online that is official from the university I think.
  127. Joy Pathak

    financial economics

    Master of Financial Economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Master of Quantitative Finance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Computational finance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  128. Joy Pathak

    RPI Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics

    lol RPI Tuition is only 38K... Don't complain.'s a lot for Indian students yeah I guess..
  129. Joy Pathak

    Baseball season is up on us

    Goooo Tigers! lol Well.. Maybe Cubs now..
  130. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Columbia MSOR vs. BU MSFM vs. Rutgers-MQF vs. Claremont MFE

    I have no idea as it wasn't me who made that comment. Probably PhD's in Quantitative Archeology...I would assume they would be the most likely candidates...
  131. Joy Pathak

    Hedge Fund Data

    BarclayHedge I think is a database I have heard of that has Hedge Fund data. I have heard of it pop up here and there in discussions. I don't know how good or bad it is.
  132. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Columbia MSOR vs. BU MSFM vs. Rutgers-MQF vs. Claremont MFE

    I am pretty sure thats what he said. I am trying to find the thread. I am not 100% sure though..I am sure the people who have worked in the recruiting side would know better. ---------- Post added at 12:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 AM ---------- I was wrong.. he had said 10K...
  133. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Columbia MSOR vs. BU MSFM vs. Rutgers-MQF vs. Claremont MFE

    Lol... About time you said that. You're competing against every student in your class, your badge from the year before and before that who did not get jobs, and every other student in every financial engineering, financial mathematics program, graduating from the 40+ universities now that...
  134. Joy Pathak

    Chicago MSFM U Chicago looking for New Director

    Actually after looking through this a bit more .... it seems like the new position will report TO Dr. Nygaard? Reporting to the Program Director and the Chairman of the Department of Mathematics, the Executive Director So...There will be a program director....AND an Executive Director? What...
  135. Joy Pathak

    North Korea on Economic Management

    Wow that's a firing squad in a stadium too.
  136. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    I was going through some of the courses I will be taking in summer and fall and came across one of the professors at Stuart - IIT Dr. Geoffrey R. Harris He has a PhD in Physics from U Chicago (30 Physics Nobel prize winners out of that department including Alumni and faculty) He was the...
  137. Joy Pathak

    Chicago MSFM U Chicago looking for New Director

    Many people have been giving bad reviews about the director and the program. I am sure they were "surprised" in the sense that there is actually significant changes being made possibly based on their reviews of the program. I am talking about general views and not specifically QN reviews.. I...
  138. Joy Pathak

    Chicago MSFM U Chicago looking for New Director

    Looks like students opinions can really make a difference.
  139. Joy Pathak

    Chicago MSFM U Chicago looking for New Director

    Executive Director Prof Program in Financial Math - IL, Campus - Hyde Park | America's Job Exchange They are changing the structure and looking for a new program director.
  140. Joy Pathak

    Washington University in St. Louis MS Finance

    I know Olin has a good well renowned finance faculty. That is about it. I think one of their professors is top 10 in most downloaded SSRN authors.
  141. Joy Pathak

    Market Risk vs. Trading

    Isn't model review independent of trading groups? Would there be much interaction between the groups so as to prove you have the skills and get transferred to a trading desk? I ask this because I was interviewed by Morgan Stanley for an internship this summer in their Model Review Group in...
  142. Joy Pathak

    Columbia MFE Columbia MSFE Placement Record

    That is a really BIG assumption. The MSOR program has 150 students on average and they are mostly people who did not get into the MFE or MAFN programs. I would find out what the stats really are. See if you can get the stats for the other two programs. That will really show how strong the...
  143. Joy Pathak


    I do not know as I am not from Rutgers. If you were to read the numerous comments on the forum with a quick search of "Rutgers" you will see that the general sentiment is that Rutgers is not a target university. If you're international students goto the university with the best international...
  144. Joy Pathak

    Market Risk vs. Trading

    So this "trader" from this hedge fund in Toronto came by today to my university(canada) to give a talk on the financial industry. This is what he said, and I thought it was wrong and seems like my doubts have been answered here. "You come in as traders.then become risk...
  145. Joy Pathak


    Read through the forums for MSMF. For UIUC, well they have very good engineering programs and a good business school. They are not a top finance school though, although in the mid-west you could say they are, making them a target for some of the Chicago firms. UIUC has a big name in accounting...
  146. Joy Pathak


    Email and ask UIUC for extension.
  147. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Columbia MAFN or NYU Poly MSFE?

    .the columbia name remains slightly more prestigious than nyu poly and therefore may be more helpful when looking for a job or self promotion at my current employer. Lol, SLIGHTLY??? Are you thinking Nyu-Poly is same as going to NYU? That is not the case ALTHOUGH you can go take courses at...
  148. Joy Pathak


    FIN 500 - 4 HRS Introduction to Finance FIN 501 - 4 HRS Financial Economics I don't see the need for both of those in an MFE program. One of them is fine, or a Financial Accounting program. I was so upset when I thought I had to take Financial Accounting and Corp Finance this summer...but...
  149. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE which program would you guys recommend?Rutgers,Claremont, Fordham, JHU, Minnesota

    I pick Unimes. You should go there. "Search" Other than JHU(I think_ the rest have been discussed. I just did a quick search and Fordham has been discussed quite a bit too. ---------- Post added at 09:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 PM ---------- Whatever, cuz I am nice...
  150. Joy Pathak

    R using quant firms

    Kinsey Allen - Home It's a recruitment agency. They were looking for R coders a while back for commodities trading groups around chicago and new york. Maybe they still have some positions? There is a guy named william who frequents quant forums for talent from there. I don't know him, and...
  151. Joy Pathak

    Advice For a Scientist Ready to Play the Field

    Well he asked about.. Do I have a shot at anything other than quant-type jobs with my background (and lack of formal finance training)? I assume if he mean't Investment Banker type positions than a top tier MBA would open a lot of opportunities. Not neccasry though, as he could try and...
  152. Joy Pathak

    Advice For a Scientist Ready to Play the Field

    I was interviewed a month ago by a PhD in Astrophysics from top 5 school for an internship at a hedge fund out of NYC. It is a very reputed firm. You are definitely a great candidate for quant positions. I do not know about non-quant positions. Getting an MBA would open a lot of...
  153. Joy Pathak

    Recruiters for Internships?

    Yeah. I wouldn't want to pay for an unpaid internship. Although I wouldn't mind an unpaid internship. My course-load for this summer is not too heavy(2 finance classes only) and I will be in Chicago anyways, so just been looking around for paid/unpaid internships in the Chicago region so that I...
  154. Joy Pathak

    Hofstra Masters in Quantitative Finance

    All I know is madoff from there. lol . I would probably lean towards Baruch. it's closer to the financial district. Maybe you can take classes from the MFE program as electives? I don't know if it's allowed. I am not sure though. I don't know either program.
  155. Joy Pathak

    MFE chances straight out of undergrad?

    Your exit options? when the job market picks up? You want to leave the industry, when things get better? lol
  156. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    FYI: I was talking to the director yesterday and they are changing the curriculum a bit. It mostly affects the concentrations. They switched from a quarter system to a semester system so some courses will be combined into one.
  157. Joy Pathak

    LHC achieves something...

    Hadron Collider breakthrough as beams collide - Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider managed to make two proton beams collide at high energy Tuesday, marking a "new territory" in physics, according to CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. I want to go see the...
  158. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE BU Mathematical Finance vs. Claremont Financial Engineering program

    Boston Univ Vs Rutgers Univ Placement and Location - Forum | Quant Network Any Previous Boston MSMF student - Forum | Quant Network Help!! Claremont VS. Florida State - Forum | Quant Network Columbia MSOR vs. BU MSFM vs. Rutgers-MQF vs. Claremont MFE - Forum | Quant Network I didnt read what...
  159. Joy Pathak

    Bayesian Statistics in Quant Research

    I know Bayesian Econometrics is taught sometimes in PhD Finance so I am sure it's used. It's used quite a bit in financial economics stuff. I don't know how much in trading/etc.
  160. Joy Pathak

    What If Women Ran Wall Street?

    Tiger becomes vegan... I like lamb.
  161. Joy Pathak

    Regarding TN Visa Requirements?

    Yeah. You're right.
  162. Joy Pathak

    Regarding TN Visa Requirements?

    You just go up to the them your documents and wait for rejection or acceptance. TN Visa is a right as a Canadian citizen. Visitor Visa? I don't need visitor Visa to enter USA? I don't think I have needed visitor visa for anything. is that easy? lol I got no clue.
  163. Joy Pathak

    Financial Engineering stuff for Indian students

    I put a few up. Many costs for indian programs aren't up.
  164. Joy Pathak

    Financial Engineering stuff for Indian students

    Yes, students applying for financial engineering should meet all the requirements for the regular MBA program. However, if you meet any of the below criteria, CAT score is exempted: B.Tech from IIT with a GPA of 7.5 or above GRE score of 1550 and above GMAT score of 750 and above Lol...
  165. Joy Pathak

    Financial Engineering stuff for Indian students

    Just wondering if there are many financial engineering programs in India. Many students want to get refresher courses/basic mathematical finance courses/etc. These might be some cheaper alternatives to taking online courses from columbia/berkeley and then applying to USA. 1) Here is a 3...
  166. Joy Pathak

    Regarding TN Visa Requirements?

    Edit. Sorry. Just in-case this gets read in the future by an immigration officer google searching me. Lol But for simple reasons.. TN Visa takes 5 mins.
  167. Joy Pathak

    Regarding TN Visa Requirements?

    So I was just wondering if anyone knows how about to get a TN Visa in the financial engineering/quant analyst/quant (something)/trader type of roles? There are prescribed set of positions that you can apply for TN Visa...I was wondering if any Canadians had gone through and got TN Visa to work...
  168. Joy Pathak

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    Fair argument. Maybe, we should stick to the status quo of companies sponsoring for work visa's where they see fit. Maybe we can increase the quota that is allowed so firms in USA don't start outsourcing their entire research departments to other countries to get more talent. E.g. Microsoft...
  169. Joy Pathak

    Day traders versus algo traders

    I don't remember exactly where I got it from. I just took it off Wikipedia right now. But like you said, I have just seen those figures tossed around quite a bit in articles before. Never saw a clear source, but the numbers made sense so I never bothered investigating further.
  170. Joy Pathak

    Intellectually Stimulating Career Path?

    Alright, no one has posted anything useful for here goes. I have switched from Mechanical Engineering to Financial Engineering to have more opportunity for growth, have challenging work and projects that I see actually get implemented rather than wait around for bureaucracy and never...
  171. Joy Pathak

    Day traders versus algo traders

    In the U.S., high-frequency algorithmic trading firms represent 2.0% of the approximately 20,000 firms operating today, but account for 73.0% of all equity trading volume. There is all this talk about human intuition...and so on. But at the end of the day, the true brute force of algorithmic...
  172. Joy Pathak

    iPad, do you iWant? Well someone wants them at least...
  173. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Help!! Claremont VS. Florida State

    I think majority secured internships at the firms in and around LA. There aren't that many students. They have very small classes. They are quite selective actually. Goto their "current students" page, and send them all emails and ask? There are only 10-15, won't take that long.
  174. Joy Pathak

    Recruiters for Internships?

    Interesting article, but the paying so much money for an unpaid internship... I don't know about that. ---------- Post added at 02:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 PM ---------- Chicago Program Tuition: $6,999 Includes: GUARANTEED Internship, Meal Plan, housing in chicago, career...
  175. Joy Pathak

    Recruiters for Internships?

    Lol That's what I was looking at too. I just signed up for an account few minutes ago to see what it's about. They are boasting some big name placements. Maybe it is all a "dream". haha.
  176. Joy Pathak

    Any Math courses?

    I am not too sure. I have never looked into online courses. I know there are tons of "online universities" but I don't know how that will help. Berkeley has some refresher online courses too I think. Just do some google searches and see what comes up. Maybe see if a university nearby is...
  177. Joy Pathak

    Recruiters for Internships?

    Sounds good. I was just curious in knowing if there even existed internship recruiters. I know there are some (non-profit organisations mostly) for unpaid internships and so on, but wasn't sure how it was for paid internships.
  178. Joy Pathak

    Off-Campus Housing for Graduate Students: Evidence from Chicago | Quant Network Here you go.

    Off-Campus Housing for Graduate Students: Evidence from Chicago | Quant Network Here you go.
  179. Joy Pathak

    Recruiters for Internships?

    I searched "Internship Recruiter" ... "Recruiter for internship" .. etc. Couldn't find it. Hmm... Let me try a few others.
  180. Joy Pathak

    Any Math courses?

    Yeah that's what I figured. Well FSA is a part of the curriculum. I think many curriculums have that one Corporate finane/financial accounting course in their first year. I just have no choice for this summer in my program and might have to take a Corporate Finance and FSA courses unfortunately...
  181. Joy Pathak

    Recruiters for Internships?

    I was just wondering... Do students use recruiters for internships also? I know for full-time it is common, but what about for internships? I have had several internships in engineering before and just applied online and got in and so on. I thought maybe because recruiters are so common in...
  182. Joy Pathak

    Student reviewers of MFE programs

    The location is a big disadvantage. Although it is closer then many other programs with MFE programs. It is a 5 hour train ride from Ann-arbor to Chicago. It is the same for a car ride basically. It's a great university. I live near it. Amazing campus.
  183. Joy Pathak

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    Well what I was trying to say was more on the terms of "longer" degrees. A PhD is a 4-5 year degree, similar to an undergraduate degree. I think maybe if a student gets a Bachelors and MS then he/she can get a green card of if a student gets a PhD. The best would be the status quo of getting...
  184. Joy Pathak

    Student reviewers of MFE programs

    While typing I though about that. I thought the way the City universities are set up that Baruch was the Business school of all the City universities. Well they only have the arts and sciences and the public affairs departments at Baruch in addition to Zicklin Business School. I figured it...
  185. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Help!! Claremont VS. Florida State

    You should really think hard about your decisions when it comes to programs here as an international student. With both of those schools it is going to be very hard. The proximity to LA will be more beneficial than FSU. CGU is a decent named school in the finance community due to Peter Drucker...
  186. Joy Pathak

    I don't know what to tell you man. I haven't started my MFE degree. Starting this summer. I have...

    I don't know what to tell you man. I haven't started my MFE degree. Starting this summer. I have a Mechanical Engineering degree. MFE will be all about differential equations, statistics/probability, stochastic calculus and programming. If you feel like you won't be able to handle high intensity...
  187. Joy Pathak

    Student reviewers of MFE programs

    This is an interesting review. It further strengthens my doubt about the impact of a MFE program out of an engineering school. I think one of the main reasons universities like CMU/ Baruch and Haas have such high impact is due to their programs being housed in their business school. Starting...
  188. Joy Pathak

    Any Math courses?

    I think it will be helpful for a future application towards PhD Finance. But otherwise, not really. I am going to call program director and see what can be done. I want to take Statistics and C++ or Statistics and Fin Statement at least to start off in the summer semester. ---------- Post...
  189. Joy Pathak

    Any Math courses?

    That's what I thought. I am just trying to figure out what courses to take this summer, and I am kinda screwed cuz the program is only offering Financial Statement Analysis and Corporate Finance this summer because they have internships in their curriculum in the summer. I guess I will goto...
  190. Joy Pathak

    Any Math courses?

    Since we are talkin about mathematics courses... I figured instead of making a separate thread to just ask here... I was wondering about finance courses. How important would be it be to know things about Financial Accounting and Corporate Finance? Many MFE programs have a Financial accounting...
  191. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Help!! Claremont VS. Florida State

    Are you an international student?
  192. Joy Pathak

    QuantNet Coding Project

    Lol I think one of the points of the simpler problems was for everyone learning to start off from the basics and gradually build up after getting a good grip on syntax and flow and so on. I am going to try your problem though on python.
  193. Joy Pathak

    Any Math courses?

    Yeah eh. It is offered as an elective in my program. I was thinking about taking it. So many courses I want to take lol so hard to choose. I will take Time series analysis then in the fall. Thanks for the reply.
  194. Joy Pathak

    iPad, do you iWant?

    iPadForgot: Multitasking, Notifications, TV Subscriptions, Camera, Tethering, Textbooks, | TiPb Yup.
  195. Joy Pathak

    Any Math courses?

    Just a question for people who are working... How useful is Time Series Analysis in addition to normal statistics and econometrics related courses.
  196. Joy Pathak

    iPad, do you iWant?

    I am waiting for 2.0 if they make it more like a Netbook Tablet. I need USB, and ability to run useful applications and softwares. I would buy an apple iNet(book). 10.5 inch. Otherwise seems like a large iPod Touch with possible add-on 3G etc.
  197. Joy Pathak

    Should people with a degree in fin/biz/eco take the lvl 1 CFA exam ?

    Agreed with Dubz. GRE is way more important. Sometimes universities give conditional acceptances if you have no finance background to take CFA level 1 (E.g Berkeley). But if you have the background you don't need it. Do good on GRE and GRE subject.
  198. Joy Pathak

    MFE -> Investment Banking?

    What are you talking about???? I know like 2 people who I was working with at ExxonMobil went on to become investment bankers after getting into kellog. I know people from SLB, GM, Siemens, who went onto work in investment banks especially M&A after working engineering before getting into...
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