Search results

  1. Ken Abbott

    Prof. Ken Abbott retiring from Wall Street to join academia

    Thank you. Dan Stefanica and I have been planning this for more than 5 years. Time to execute.
  2. Ken Abbott

    It’s posted

    It’s posted
  3. Ken Abbott

    Collection of important documents for risk management

    I will soon post some governance-related files.
  4. Ken Abbott

    It's posted

    It's posted
  5. Ken Abbott


  6. Ken Abbott

    Actuary transitioning into Quant Finance

    1. Culture varies widely from area to area. If you're a quant developing a new approach to AML in compliance, you're on virgin snow and likely working alone. If you're an interest rate modeler or PDE person working on option pricing, you're essentially a commodity. Smart is necessary but not...
  7. Ken Abbott

    A salary question

    I concur.
  8. Ken Abbott

    spreadsheet posted

    spreadsheet posted
  9. Ken Abbott

    spreadsheet posted

    spreadsheet posted
  10. Ken Abbott

    spreadsheet posted

    spreadsheet posted
  11. Ken Abbott

    Collection of important documents for risk management

    Here is the MS Stuff spreadsheet many have asked about. I usually go through this in my classes. Please do not ask me to annotate it or provide additional details.
  12. Ken Abbott

    Is audit model risk a technical position? What skills are used?

    I work with these people daily. It’s very technical, but requires a variety of additional skill sets. Banks rely on audit to ensure that technical functions are doing a) what is required by internal policy and procedure and b) what is required by regulators. Thus, technical auditors need to...
  13. Ken Abbott

    NYU Tandon MFE NYU Tandon School of Engineering - MS in Financial Engineering

    @ApolloChariot, under normal circumstances, I might agree with you, but knowing the details and the people, I feel compelled to add some color. The Tandon program seemed rudderless for a while and got some bad press. Peter Carr was hired to shore it up. He’s done a good job, so far. It’s...
  14. Ken Abbott

    Seeking advice on Financial Engineering Certification from Columbia

    I agree. It just says you've taken a few courses.
  15. Ken Abbott

    entry level quantitative or risk jobs in Atlanta?

    B of A has run its investment book there in the past. I'm not sure if they still do.
  16. Ken Abbott

    Finance Industry Dictates Changes to Job Market

    Whomever told you that is an idiot. A big part concerns reg requirements, but there is a huge amount of transactional work as well. Plus the reg work is usually pretty interesting. Desk quants have become a commodity. Having a focus is key.
  17. Ken Abbott

    Time series questions

    Lots to address here. 1. Serial correlation, seasonality, mean reversion, time-varying volatility (stochastic vol, ARCH/GARCH). 2. See above. 3. Without liquidity, you have no idea if your price is real. Just because there’s a price observation doesn’t necessarily mean that anything...
  18. Ken Abbott

    Job Search Tips by Mark

    I thought you gave that hobby up, Mark.
  19. Ken Abbott

    Cornell FE, NYU MathFin, or Uchicago MPCS?

    To do NYU/Courant and NYU/Tandon, I think you'd need the consent of Petter and Peter, respectively. I'm not sure they would grant it.
  20. Ken Abbott

    Collection of important documents for risk management

    CCAR 2018 Instructions
  21. Ken Abbott

    I am graduating in May and still haven't found a job.

    @wkdwnstjdTprtm: As usual, @MRoss has hit the nail on the head. Heed his advice.
  22. Ken Abbott

    self study

    “When in doubt, tell the truth.” I think that this is the kind of thing that could be credibly explained in an application.
  23. Ken Abbott

    No probability background

    Most intro to probability classes focus on the Gaussian and Student's t distributions and only do basic c.i. testing. Did you cover chi-squared and F?Did you compare continuous and discrete distributions? Bayesian inference? Some of this stuff you can teach yourself, but like mathematics in...
  24. Ken Abbott

    What Quants make what money?

    Managing people (and quants in particular) is much harder work than you might imagine it is.
  25. Ken Abbott

    What Quants make what money?

    I’ve been watching this thread with some interest. This is a topic to which I’ve given some thought. Finance isn’t necessarily a business driven by altruists or idealists. At the end of the day, there’s a profit motive and you don’t find too many folks who are trying to choose between the...
  26. Ken Abbott

    UT Dallas Master of Science in Financial Engineering and Risk Management

    Andy, I took a good look, but the course descriptions are way, way too vague for me to make an assessment. The way the courses are described could easily have been done generically, so it’s hard to see whether they cover academic or practical material. I would need to see a syllabus.
  27. Ken Abbott

    Market risk Quant vs Analysts

    Market risk quants develop and test models, like VaR models and stress test components. They also do model documentation and validation. Nearly all have PhDs or technical masters degrees. BA/BS degrees in anything beyond the governance area is rare. Market risk analysts are usually...
  28. Ken Abbott

    Profile Building for MS in OR and Computational Finance

    I'm not sure I understand. OR or quant finance? Sure there's an overlap, but are you really doing both? I've met plenty of pde people, physicists, econometricians, mathematicians, and statisticians. I think OR is some of the most interesting stuff on the planet, but aside from portfolio...
  29. Ken Abbott

    Books for Factor Modeling?

    Look at the links on the Barra website. I suspect their own research will be of interest.
  30. Ken Abbott

    Aspiring quantitative financial engineer, looking for advice!

    They do have an advantage. My experience suggests two areas where this is so. First, the students at these generally more aware of what’s happening in the job market for these positions. This is attributable to the fact that many companies have a presence on campus and to the generally...
  31. Ken Abbott

    Aspiring quantitative financial engineer, looking for advice!

    I have been in the business for over three decades and have worked at several bulge-bracket firms. I have hired dozen of quants - junior and senior. Many have come from "brand-name" schools and have studied math and/or CS. Most have not. I have had many more people come from state colleges...
  32. Ken Abbott

    Civil Engineering Student at Ivy

    Change your quantnet username. If people link it to you, it could affect a hiring decision.
  33. Ken Abbott

    Collection of important documents for risk management

    6.4. Introduction to Time Series Analysis
  34. Ken Abbott

    Making the switch from Risk to a Revenue generating role

    The most common route to achieve this that I've seen is via hedge funds. A lot of risk people I know have moved to HFs, where risk is often a key part of marketing.
  35. Ken Abbott

    Monte carlo simulations with one of the indexed pre-defined

    You can build an increase into the outcomes, but it would be deterministic. I'm not sure the covariance structure gives you enough information about directional moves to divine anything useful.
  36. Ken Abbott

    Career Change For Engineer/Marine Corps Veteran

    PM me. I can put you in touch with several senior vets on Wall Street who can give you advice. I work with several, including a recovering ROTC Marine vet now very senior in my company.
  37. Ken Abbott

    Communication skills in mathematical careers

    I've hired dozens of quants. Most are relatively weak communicators. Poor communication skills are probably the single largest impediment that most quants have to overcome. When you're a junior quant at a bank, you work for a quant. When you're a senior quant, you don't. If you're lucky...
  38. Ken Abbott

    University Student Project on Quant Career. Help please...

    PM me. Happy to oblige. As an MS in statistics, I consider myself to be "quant-lite," but I'd be happy to chat.
  39. Ken Abbott

    Suggestion for research topic

    I did a study for the Financial Services Volunteer Corps a few years ago in Albania one could use other less-liquid benchmarks to price illiquid securities. You'd need access to a Bloomberg. It shapes up to be a panel data problem.
  40. Ken Abbott

    Long term career trajectories of quants

    This is true. Some of the best quants I know don't have PhDs. The ex-head quant at Morgan Stanley only had a BS.
  41. Ken Abbott

    Am I wasting my time?

    Don't write off the possibility of quant finance, however. West Point grads are generally engineers or econ majors, as I recall.
  42. Ken Abbott

    Am I wasting my time?

    Thank you for your service. I have mentored with a number of vets in this area and know several successful Wall Street quants who also happen to be USMA grads. You should work first, then leverage the GI Bill. PM me.
  43. Ken Abbott

    Resume prioritization

    Always be 100% truthful on your resume.
  44. Ken Abbott

    Retail Credit Risk

    Net Income After Tax, I think
  45. Ken Abbott

    Should you have a specific career job/role in mind when applying to a program?

    Well-said. It's ok if you have different stories for different types of jobs describing why you want to do each, as long as the stories are well-researched and sincere.
  46. Ken Abbott

    Getting into Quants from a non-finance background

    I'm not entirely convinced that you've thought this through. The business is filled with people who either went into the business on a whim or came in expecting quick riches. Is your interest primarily academic? Have you spoken with people in the business? Do you understand what risk...
  47. Ken Abbott

    Is it ok to keep interviewing if I accept a post-graduation offer?

    Do not reneg on an offer you accept.
  48. Ken Abbott

    Long term career trajectories of quants

    Keep in mind that long-term success as a quant is probably more weakly correlated to pure technical competence than you might be assuming it is. The most successful quants I know haven't solved a pde or run a regression for years. They succeed by communicating effectively and by managing...
  49. Ken Abbott

    Advice on my profile

    Rahul, it's very hard to give advice when you specify as broad a spectrum of interests as that. Investment banking, private equity and quant finance are all very different, as are banks and consultancies.
  50. Ken Abbott

    See what I just sent you. Are you a student? If so, where?

    See what I just sent you. Are you a student? If so, where?
  51. Ken Abbott

    Creating Expected Exposure curves for XVA

    The BIS website ( ia the usual go-to website for the facts. I just found dozens of references. Thereafter, check the Big 4 audit/consulting + McK and OW.
  52. Ken Abbott

    I don't understand CVA

    It's not up-to-date, but it covers the bases. Think of it this way: You have two identical swaps, one with US Treasury and the other with a hedge fund that would be rated CCC, if it could get a rating. How do you ascribe relative value?
  53. Ken Abbott

    I don't understand CVA

    Start with Canabarro and Duffie.
  54. Ken Abbott

    God, hardest choice! NYU MathFin VS Harvard CSE

    I don't doubt that's true, but I haven't seen all that much of it academically-based. I think it's much more prevalent with respect to shared experience at a particular firm. I can't think of any Harvard cabals in the sales and trading space while I can readily identify the JPM, Bankers Trust...
  55. Ken Abbott

    God, hardest choice! NYU MathFin VS Harvard CSE

    I have no experience with anyone from Stanford. I have been teaching at NYU for over 10 years. I have been uniformly impressed with the caliber of the students there. I have seen dozens (no hyperbole) become very successful.
  56. Ken Abbott

    God, hardest choice! NYU MathFin VS Harvard CSE

    1. Good mathematicians do not necessarily make good teachers. 2. Programs generally limit how many courses you can take outside of the department (I have degrees from both and teach at one of these.) 3. I don't agree about the social value and I won't even say anything about the "usurping...
  57. Ken Abbott

    Comprehensive Path To Become A Quant

    How do you know you want to be a quant?
  58. Ken Abbott

    Financial Mathematics vs MFE: Distinguishing between the two?

    Recruiters and hiring managers are likely to see them as equivalent.
  59. Ken Abbott

    Market Risk Analyst

    PM me. Let's chat.
  60. Ken Abbott

    Do traders look down risk managers?

    This has not been my experience. Certainly you get the occasional egomaniac that looks down on everyone (they usually don't last) but it's more of a partnership. Consider: the regulatory burden is here to stay. Traders don't have to like it, but they do have to deal with it. Most of those...
  61. Ken Abbott

    Which groups in an investment bank have a higher average GPA?

    Not necessarily a meaningful comparison. The investment bankers often have liberal arts degrees where grades are easier to come by and harder to compare. Lawyers are a mixed bag. Some are 4.0-types. Operations people have varied backgrounds - I have met several who never attendeded college but...
  62. Ken Abbott

    Collection of important documents for risk management

    Happy to help. I will be updating this soon.
  63. Ken Abbott

    Volatility and Monte Carlo

    Start with ARIMA. Then try some kind of GARCH approach. Box and Jenkins are your friends here.
  64. Ken Abbott

    Grades in MFE program

    If you're in a good program, I wouldn't care much about your GPA.
  65. Ken Abbott

    How to prepare Risk Quant interviews?

    Basel III: international regulatory framework for banks
  66. Ken Abbott


    T Be sure to take my risk and regulation classes.
  67. Ken Abbott

    How to prepare Risk Quant interviews?

    Read the Basel 2.5 and Basel 3 stuff from the BIS. AIRB IDRC IMM CRM
  68. Ken Abbott

    COMPARE Stevens Institute of Technology or Claremont Graduate University

    The best of my CGU students are as good as anyone I've seen. I have not met anyone form the Stevens program. It has a great reputation as an engineering school, but my only direct experience there has been as a sub musician in their music department on clarinet.
  69. Ken Abbott

    COMPARE Stevens Institute of Technology or Claremont Graduate University

    A couple of things: I'm CRO for the Americas at Barclays - that's plenty. I guess you could describe it as "connecting", but it's simpler than that. If someone : does well in my class (generally a B+ or better) participates (so I get to know them) seems like a fit for an open spot I will...
  70. Ken Abbott

    See if what I just sent makes sense.

    See if what I just sent makes sense.
  71. Ken Abbott

    Master of Stats OR MFE?

    I disagree. I teach in three MFE programs and I have an MS in stats. There's a huge difference. A statistics MS would likely include: Probability Inference Time Series Regression Multivariate OR Methods Other than time series, I don't think you'd get those in an MFE.
  72. Ken Abbott

    NYU Tandon MFE Is NYU Tandon Good?

    I concur. Contact him. He is a great guy and he is committed to making that program top-notch.
  73. Ken Abbott

    Is wealth of asset management really Quant job?

    I know plenty of senior quants who have done really well in asset management.
  74. Ken Abbott

    Forecasting behaviour of exchange rate after the annouce of switching from peg to float

    Is this for a school paper or for your own trading?
  75. Ken Abbott

    Forecasting behaviour of exchange rate after the annouce of switching from peg to float

    I'm not sure I agree. EURCZK shows clear regime change. MADUSD much more volatile generally, but looks more-or-less stationary. Is it MADUSD you're studying?
  76. Ken Abbott

    Non-Typical Background, Need Substantial Guidance

    This is the best advice you will get. Change the things you can. Get your scores up. Get experience. The only thing I will add is that focus on the industry, not the specific job.
  77. Ken Abbott

    Quant jobs in Internal Audit

    PM me. I know those guys really well.
  78. Ken Abbott

    Profile Evaluation

    Your application will be stronger with real work experience. Teach at NYU and Baruch (and at Claremont Grad School as well). I see backgrounds like this all the time. What often distinguished them is the actual work experience.
  79. Ken Abbott

    Using days to bridge data (different frequency)

    Weekends don't count unless they are trading days (which they usually aren't.)
  80. Ken Abbott

    Using days to bridge data (different frequency)

    PM me. I had had to solve this problem. I know of two different approaches to doing this. One is closed-form, the other is Monte Carlo based.
  81. Ken Abbott

    Classes - Fourier Analysis or Operations R.

    OR is very mind-expanding and will help you consider alternate ways of solving problems. FFT has some interesting applications in finance (seasonality, etc.), but I'd go with OR.
  82. Ken Abbott

    Should I work before MFE program

    Work first. Find out what you like. Also, you will be MUCH more motivated to do grad work if you understand why you're studying what you're studying.
  83. Ken Abbott

    What does the Trump election mean for financial risk managers?

    Nothing will happen right away. The rulemaking process is slow and cumbersome. All of the required rulemaking from the DF Act isn't even complete. Most likely: the pace of reregulation will slow and banks will have the chance to adjust to it. VaR isn't going away, nor are DFAST or CCAR...
  84. Ken Abbott

    Navy pinstripe suit for interview of quantitative research(C++)

    Old guys like myself tend to cut young guys like yourself some slack as long as you don't look too hip or funky. That said, Brooks Brothers is always a safe bet.
  85. Ken Abbott

    Is Quantitative Finance an intellectually stimulating field?

    Liam, I don't know who you are, but I think Andy should hire you as as an advice columnist. This and your earlier post should be required reading for aspiring quants.
  86. Ken Abbott

    Quant QF/MFE vs. Data Science Analytics DSA

    1- Do you think that QF was a bubble ? Or the market is soaked with Quants ? If not; What type of jobs still available for Quants QF/MFE ? Yes, - a bit, but there's still real work to be done with real jobs being created in the banking sector. 2- Do you think that DSA is the new MFE ...
  87. Ken Abbott

    The Coming Glut of Financial Engineers

    1. All quant processes need to be reviewed by quant auditors. 2. & 3. I don't know - I've never worked at one. 4. The engineering program has a great reputation, but I haven't worked with anyone from their MFE program.
  88. Ken Abbott

    The Coming Glut of Financial Engineers

    From a bank standpoint, quant analytical capacity has become a commodity. We talk about time series people, PDE people, etc. There is still great demand, however, on the risk and audit side. CCAR and other reg requirements are very quant-intensive. There may be continues demand on the HF...
  89. Ken Abbott

    Duck Curve

    Has anyone tried this?
  90. Ken Abbott

    Adding two data sets, monthly and quarterly?

    Dangerous to spline unless you have a very strong prior that that is how the data really behaves. You could Brownian Bridge the quarterly data, but it looks like you don't have too much history so your variance assumption would have to be too strong.
  91. Ken Abbott

    Is Quantitative Finance an intellectually stimulating field?

    Full disclosure: I'm not a real quant. I have an MS in statistics from NYU, so at best I'm "quant-lite." If you find the markets interesting, it's likely you'll find QF interesting. If you happen to be very quantitative and QF looks like an easy way to make money, you will not like it. I've...
  92. Ken Abbott

    Which spreadsheet? I have a bunch I use in the classes I teach. Risk can be eliminated with...

    Which spreadsheet? I have a bunch I use in the classes I teach. Risk can be eliminated with offsetting positions.
  93. Ken Abbott

    best quant book to read if you are stuck in a tiny island

    Kant - Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics
  94. Ken Abbott

    If you have a real offer, you should take it. People move frequently from quant positions. A...

    If you have a real offer, you should take it. People move frequently from quant positions. A good friend of mine was a quant auditor and is now in model validation.
  95. Ken Abbott

    How I can find a quant job with a Master in Finance?

    What do you mean by a "quant job?" Developer? Strat? Programmer? Trader?
  96. Ken Abbott

    I don't think EAE^-1 will factor your matrix. It's E'.

    I don't think EAE^-1 will factor your matrix. It's E'.
  97. Ken Abbott

    Can I put Coursera courses on resume?

    I'd put them at the bottom where you typically list things like outside interests and computer languages; I wouldn't include them in the "education" section of my resume.
  98. Ken Abbott

    Phd in Finance or Financial Engineering?

    You forgot to mention the cars. Taking care of them can be a real bother. Stop sugarcoating things.
  99. Ken Abbott

    COMPARE Cass VS NYU Tandon

    I have worked with him at several firms. You couldn't be more wrong. he's one of the best in the business.
  100. Ken Abbott

    Starting in the back office is suicide?

    He speaks the truth.
  101. Ken Abbott

    What is a good fixed income book for someone who has completed Steven Shreve's book on stochastic ca

    Ken Garbade even gives me a shoutout in the preface - not that that would bias my view.
  102. Ken Abbott

    What I love most is Learning

    Within the sphere of their commercial interest, yes - firms encourage you to expand your knowledge of the business and usually pay for at least part of any tuition you incur. If you look well beyond your area - if you were a desk analyst who wanted to take law school courses, for example, they...
  103. Ken Abbott

    career change advice

    Not any more. With the advent of Dodd-Frank and Stuructual Reform in the UK, analogies involving gambling houses became passé. Banks are becoming utilities. Underemployed and unemployed traders are more and more commonly found in the banking world. I'm sorry to hear you're bored. I've always...
  104. Ken Abbott

    How to identify a good Quant...if you aren't a Quant?

    I was going to respond here, but you've said it better than I could have.
  105. Ken Abbott

    Yield Curve Vs. Swap Curve

    The classic version of this problem (which every finance student in the 90s had to do) is that you are given futures prices for the first n contracts and then are given a series of points further out. From this you have to derive forwards, discount rates, and ultimately yields-to-maturity for...
  106. Ken Abbott

    Biggest growth areas in Risk?

    VaR may not be dead, but it's definitely coughing up blood. It will be supplanted as a reg measure by ES. That said, with banks de-levered and portfolios de-risked, measures of daily trading risk aren't nearly as important as they once were. It's all about stress testing on the banking risk...
  107. Ken Abbott

    Need help with decision on pursuing career in Quant Fi

    If you're not willing to put in this kind of time, this business isn't for you.
  108. Ken Abbott

    what quant jobs are still available? i've heard big banks will start hiring again?

    Periodically (and regularly, for that matter) big banks simply stop hiring to save on costs, sometimes for months at a time. Usually, this doesn't apply to internships.
  109. Ken Abbott

    Futures Options Data

    Bloomberg has this.
  110. Ken Abbott

    Futures Options Data

    Bloomberg has this daily. The exchanges publish it also.
  111. Ken Abbott

    can anyone go over career/salary progression of risk?

    This is all true. Quantquanta: the other posts here are a bit ill-informed. PM me to discuss.
  112. Ken Abbott

    can anyone go over career/salary progression of risk?

    If you're a "back office vp" making that much, I will guarantee you that your life will NOT be stress free.
  113. Ken Abbott

    Model validation vs market risk

    I disagree. The market risk role could be leveraged into many different areas.
  114. Ken Abbott

    Quants and business ethics

    No matter what you do, you will be faced with ethical choices; it's unavoidable. Just do the right thing. I've been in the business for over 30 years and I haven't done anything about which I wouldn't be able to tell my mother.
  115. Ken Abbott

    How much can you earn with a MFE from a top program after working for 20 years in finance?

    Or even Rich Uncle Pennybags from Monopoly. He's a hedge fund guy, isn't he?
  116. Ken Abbott

    Mean Revertion in Stock Processes

    I did some work on this. PM me and I will send it. I can also send a sample spreadsheet. I teach part-time and it's a homework I often assign.
  117. Ken Abbott

    Good thesis topic for financial mathematics?

    Have the statistical properties of financial markets changed since the crisis? Time series: ARCH/GARCH, ARIMA Cointegration Correlation structure PCA of swap curves
  118. Ken Abbott

    Can MS in Statistics be an option to get into finance?

    It worked for me. Of course, I got my ms (NYU) over 20 years ago.
  119. Ken Abbott

    Any good books for risk quant?

    See what I posted in the books section. In addition, Canabarro recently edited and published a set of important papers in "Counterparty Risk Management", which is published by Risk Books.
  120. Ken Abbott

    What do you Pros do? Time Series Analysis

    Correct. This is frequently used for reg calculations where you need some kind of reasonable proxy.
  121. Ken Abbott

    Advice to a High School Student

    This is a very slippery slope. The Street is strewn with the careers of people who went into finance for the money. They usually end up stuck in middle management and miserable. Better try an internship and see if you really like it.
  122. Ken Abbott

    What do you Pros do? Time Series Analysis

    I have used GARCH to generate missing implied vol data. Other times series techniques are widely used in reg calculations. Op risk often uses ARIMAX. Incremental Default Risk often uses ARIMA. Monte Carlo (w time series elements) is used in IMM credit. Gaussian Copulae are used...
  123. Ken Abbott

    What do you Pros do? Time Series Analysis

    Are you asking what is used in the real world?
  124. Ken Abbott

    Questions on Risk Management

    1. Stat skills are very useful. 2. FRM is useless without experience. 3. Time series, database skills, multivariate, regression. 4. PM me. I have coached many of these. 5. Know the regulatory environment,
  125. Ken Abbott

    anyone know how to pull stock price data for top 300 stocks in s+p 500?

    Do you have access to a Bloomberg terminal? I did this for the S&P 100 once (many years ago) and once I had the symbols, it was easy.
  126. Ken Abbott

    smooting data series

    Even better: Truffle Butter
  127. Ken Abbott

    Introduction to Calculating Risk

    There are dozens. Maybe hundreds. Many are firm-specific. For example, some firms measure CSPV01 while others use PV1% or PV10% for credit spreads. Some firms normalize that measure at the 5y point to eliminate curve influence. Bloomberg will have a decent, if not comprehensive list. Go to...
  128. Ken Abbott

    From Regulatory Modeling to Capital Market?

    This is tantamount to saying that you're interested in either oilfield maintenance, becoming a CPA, or playing oboe in the NY Philharmonic. You're going to have to focus a lot more. Right now CCAR and other "middle office risk management" areas are where the jobs are. This may be the only...
  129. Ken Abbott

    smooting data series

    What he said.
  130. Ken Abbott

    smooting data series

    I think that would be hard to justify. What data, exactly?
  131. Ken Abbott

    模型风险管理监管指导! Now in Mandarin

    I asked my Claremont grad student Shuwen Liang to translate SR 11-7, the Fed/OCC seminal document on model validation, into Mandarin. I'm told she did a great job. Check it out.
  132. Ken Abbott

    US Citizen - Mention on Resume?

    While employers in the US are unable to ask about citizenship in the interview process, they are allowed to ask if a candidate has permission to work in the U.S. Many face visa constraints. I have always found that having citizenship / green card / visa status available very useful.
  133. Ken Abbott

    MFE without maths background

    Consider alternatives to a pure quant finance degree. I did a stat masters many years ago. It took me a year (calc + linear algebra) going part time to prepare.
  134. Ken Abbott

    How i became a quant?

    It was my class that made you a quant, I think.
  135. Ken Abbott

    Can I ask you how to calculate risk-weighted assets
  136. Ken Abbott

    Most Practical Quant coursework/Modules?

    Time series. Regulatory models.
  137. Ken Abbott

    Can anyone in risk talk about why they chose risk?

    Not necessarily, not necessarily and not necessarily.
  138. Ken Abbott

    Get onto a Bloomberg terminal and look at the local sovereign markets. You can probably get...

    Get onto a Bloomberg terminal and look at the local sovereign markets. You can probably get several curves. Then consider a panel data approach.
  139. Ken Abbott

    FRM/PRM not much use at a HF. If you're not doing private equity, a CFA wouldn't be useful...

    FRM/PRM not much use at a HF. If you're not doing private equity, a CFA wouldn't be useful either. MS in QF might be of more use.
  140. Ken Abbott

    Practical Value at Risk (VaR)

    Which employers? Where? There are descriptions in pretty much every risk textbook, but it sounds to me like you're reading the classifieds from 1995.
  141. Ken Abbott

    ALM modeling

    See what's available from QRM. They wrote the book on it. Their ALM software is used at every ,an or bank.
  142. Ken Abbott

    90 day notice period at Barclays?

    This was confirmed with HR. I was surprised, too. Many other firms have 3 month notice periods for MDs only.
  143. Ken Abbott

    90 day notice period at Barclays?

    In which group?
  144. Ken Abbott

    Do HSBC have Quants?

    Managers of interns HATE it when their charges actively look for positions elsewhere.
  145. Ken Abbott

    Would an actuarial internship be considered relevant to your MFE application?

    What are you smoking? YES As a senior risk person, I can assure you that for many if not most fields in finance, statistics is more useful than much of what you'd get from a generic quant finance program.
  146. Ken Abbott

    What are some realistic career options for a math fin grad major?

    This isn't true. I know plenty of people with degrees from state schools (and by "state" I don't mean Michigan, UVA or UCLA) who got great entry level positions at bulge bracket firms. It takes industry knowledge, persistence, networking skills, and a little luck - but then again, "luck" is...
  147. Ken Abbott

    So disappointed by risk management professionals

    Wow. This escalated quickly. A few points here: Every senior risk manager I know is well-versed in statistics - and I know a few. The suggestion that we are there to deceive regulators is simply offensive. I'm glad whoever wrote that doesn't work for me. VaR is a relatively minor part of the...
  148. Ken Abbott

    Career Direction - Model Validation

    In model validation you are likely to see many different kinds of models, including pricing models, risk models , revenue models, and stress models. There is a lot of demand for model validators.
  149. Ken Abbott

    Help: Book on Derivatives for undergraduates??

    Figlewski's "Options, Futures and Other Derivatives" providers a superb explanation of option pricing in intuitive terms.
  150. Ken Abbott

    Age in the world of Quant

    No. Not at all.
  151. Ken Abbott

    Quant Trader: Nature or Nurture?

    Taking this approach at a big investment bank will certainly get you fired.
  152. Ken Abbott

    2015 quant job market: CDS is dead, booming data analytics

    This is good stuff, Peter. It confirms what I have observed anecdotally. Keep it coming.
  153. Ken Abbott

    Help me choose between two offers for summer internship (Europe)

    You had better be sure about your decision. Reneging on an offer is serious business and is likely to make company 1 very angry. These things have a way of catching up with you...
  154. Ken Abbott

    Quant Jobs in Commercial Bank

    Credit modeling. IRB stuff, usually leveraging copulae. Frequency and severity of default. Big into tail risk stuff. Also Potential Future Exposure modeling. IMM for derivatives exposure. Deposit/ALM modeling. Heave use of QRM and related tools. Balance sheet management.
  155. Ken Abbott

    To people working in Risk Management

    Under normal market circumstances, traditional measures work very well. In some markets (eg commodities) they never stopped working, even during the crisis. All models are bad. Some are useful. Many work really well - until they don't. It's easy to be an iconoclast when you're not proposing a...
  156. Ken Abbott

    Send me email address. I suggested an approach and assembled the data.

    Send me email address. I suggested an approach and assembled the data.
  157. Ken Abbott

    Valuation of illiquid Bonds

    I worked with the central bank of a Balkan country on a similar issue. We had to price bonds that traded several times per month. I recommended a panel data approach. PM me if you want to know more.
  158. Ken Abbott

    Visiting Dehli in April

    Yes, next weekend -but only briefly.
  159. Ken Abbott

    Visiting Dehli in April

    I am staying in Noida sector 93a. Maybe Monday evening?
  160. Ken Abbott

    Visiting Dehli in April

    I leave in a few hours
  161. Ken Abbott

    Advice on further education for quant

    If you're worried about having family time, don't go to Wall Street. Things have gone well for me, but I didn't get to see my kids grow up. There are too many quants and not enough dedicated physicians. Go to med school. Trade on the side.
  162. Ken Abbott

    Why does the FX market quote the vol against delta?

    It might be because of the peculiarities of the vol smile in FX. Often there are two different models used - one to price and one to hedge.
  163. Ken Abbott

    Chinese Financial System

    I just posted a very interesting 2013 Brookings paper on the Chinese financial system in the risk doc collection. It's pretty short and very well-done. I'd be interested in hearing what our Chinese members think of it. Is it accurate?
  164. Ken Abbott

    Collection of important documents for risk management

    Here's a very good piece from Brookings on the Chinese Financial System.
  165. Ken Abbott

    For everyone thinking about doing a part-time MFE.

    Well said @mhy. I did an MS is stat/OR 20 years ago at NYU and it was brutal. And I don't think that program was as tough as some of the quant programs out there now. The upside of a part-time program, of course, is a) you save a lot of money, b) you don't lose the work experience and...
  166. Ken Abbott

    Baruch MFE 100% placement of December 2014 Baruch MFE gradautes

    The reason is clear: we teach them stuff that is useful.
  167. Ken Abbott

    MS in CS or MS in Applied Stats

    Statistics will lend more flexibility.
  168. Ken Abbott

    Does one has to calibrate Black Scholes for FX Option Pricing?

    The smile calibration issue with BS for FX is well-known and probably well documented. Some firms have used one model for pricing and another for hedging/risk.
  169. Ken Abbott

    UCB MFE Help! I need to make a pretty big decision quickly

    More importantly, I have generally been very impressed with the Cornell folk I've met.
  170. Ken Abbott

    UCB MFE Help! I need to make a pretty big decision quickly

    If I were you, I'd go to Cornell.
  171. Ken Abbott

    career change statistician into finance

    There are two basic quant career paths, the PDE route and the econometrics route. You seem to be a better fit for the latter, obviously. Many of them are to be found in risk. The challenge for you won't be the math. It will be the institutional complexity. It's not uncommon for firms to...
  172. Ken Abbott

    Quant jobs in Internal Audit

    @IntoDarkness , not everyone who reads this blog will get a big job at BlackRock or Goldman. There is an oversupply of quants. One place where they are still in demand is in audit. When you say "dead end", what do you mean? No job satisfaction? Low pay? No advancement? I know a lot of audit...
  173. Ken Abbott

    Internal Audit

    I have seen people move between the two groups very regularly. Also, this kind of position could lead to a consulting job, since model review is a key part of CCAR.
  174. Ken Abbott

    Visiting Dehli in April

    It looks like I'll be visiting Dehli in April. I think meeting some students from quant programs there might be fun. Does anyone have suggestions?
  175. Ken Abbott

    Baruch MFE 2015 Baruch MFE Q&A

    I think you'll find they are equally passionate about what they do. If they weren't, they'd find it difficult to teach for two hours on a day where they've already put in 11 or 12 hours working.
  176. Ken Abbott

    Liquidity Risk Management v.s. Model Validation

    BUT being a good model validator will give you better job security. The number of models requiring formal review has grown exponentially.
  177. Ken Abbott

    Liquidity Risk Management v.s. Model Validation

    I've seen more people move from liquidity-based jobs to the front office than I have seen move from model validation. (Come to think of it, I can't name a single person who has made that move.) Regarding the regulation comment: get used to it. It's here to stay and will be just as prevalent...
  178. Ken Abbott

    FO Internship vs BO Full-time position

    Disagree. Trading is the hardest work you'll ever do and very few do it successfully. On an EV basis, you're much better off in a permanent risk job.
  179. Ken Abbott

    Interesting Math Gifs
  180. Ken Abbott

    Collection of important documents for risk management

    Here's a VaR lecture I gave at MIT. I only recently found out that they taped it.
  181. Ken Abbott

    Moody's Analytics - Quantitative Research Internship interview?

    Read their study on corporate bankruptcy. They update it every year. They show one year and cumulative probabilities of default across all corporate issuance by issuance cohort. Do some reading on credit scorecards. Understand how a Merton model of credit default works. Understand...
  182. Ken Abbott

    First job advice

    I disagree. While most quants can code, I wouldn'let a quant anywhere near my production code.
  183. Ken Abbott

    Starting over. Looking for feedback.

    @Osogordo , I've seen career-switchers have varying degrees of success. The key thing is commitment. When I interview people looking to make a big career change, I always ask why. Is their interest genuine or purely money-driven? You need a good story.
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