Search results

  1. Ken Abbott

    FRM vs CFA vs MFE

    I disagree strongly. FRM/PRM are very useful, but only once you have a job. They provide the institutional backdrop for much of the math being done by risk management groups. In fact, in this job market, FRM/PRM may be more valuable than an MS in QF.
  2. Ken Abbott

    career change

    I've been watching this thread with some interest. I tend to be pretty bearish on the quant job market. While in not quite as negative as Liam, I observe a) the used to be 3 QF programs; now there are around 150, b) bank trading risk is way down for a number of reasons, c) there are many...
  3. Ken Abbott

    Career Mobility for a Quant : Trading, Private Equity and beyond..

    Private equity is a completely different business. The skillset overlap is minimal.
  4. Ken Abbott

    Switching from a bank to a regulator, or back

    The barrier between them is semi-permeable. I know stories of moving in both directions.
  5. Ken Abbott

    Quant jobs in Internal Audit

    Quant auditors review pricing models (review the reviewers, actually) and often review the risk models (VaR, stress) themselves.
  6. Ken Abbott

    Quant jobs in Internal Audit

    Alain, that kind of comment is beneath you.
  7. Ken Abbott

    Commodities Boot Camp @ Baruch: November 16

    Anyone. I'll get cost info out to people next week. I'll be covering the basics of crude oil (chemistry, extraction, transportation, refining) nat gas and power. I'll also spend time on the key analytical concepts involved, including the measurement of seasonality, mean reversion, and...
  8. Ken Abbott

    Commodities Boot Camp @ Baruch: November 16

    I'll be posting more details soon, but I wanted to get some brief introductory information out there. On November 16th, I'll be hosting a Commodities Boot Camp at Baruch. While the focus will be primarily on energy, I also hope to talk about metals and ags as well. The class will start with...
  9. Ken Abbott

    Quit Phd?

    I work closely with dozens of quants. Some have Ph.Ds and some don't. I have no idea who has one and who doesn't.
  10. Ken Abbott

    Trader vs. Quant

    Most traders aren't quants. Most quants aren't traders.
  11. Ken Abbott

    Subtle Differences in Bond Risk Numbers

    When credit spreads are high, small shifts in the credit spread can imply movement closer to the default "frontier," with its LGD assumption. You shouldn't see any difference in PV01 and CSPV01 for hi-grade bonds, but as quality gets lower, you should expect them to diverge. IRDV01 here is...
  12. Ken Abbott

    Where is the value in lower tier MFE programs?

    I disagree. If you already have a job and are going to grad school part-time only to learn the material, which school you attend probably won't matter much.
  13. Ken Abbott

    Staying at Same School

    Going straight to grad school without going to work will result in your retaining less. Context is everything.
  14. Ken Abbott

    The basics of ARCH / GARCH

    Start with ARIMA.
  15. Ken Abbott

    Are acceptance rates in MFE programs lower than MBA ones?

    I think it varies by class and by school. I have taught classes as small as 15 and as large as 60 in quant finance programs. I'd imagine that mostvintro courses in MBA programs would have large class sizes. I was in a large corp fin class at NYU as part of my (abortive) attempt at an MBA in...
  16. Ken Abbott

    Can I be the Quant ? Guide me plaese .

    A touch melodramatic, no? I've seen people get emotional about a lot of things, but never about quantitative finance...
  17. Ken Abbott

    Is the worth it to pursue a masters in FE given the current job market?

    1) It's a buyers' market, as evidenced by the fact that the key marketing metric is placement 2) Some firms are reconsidering their recruiting strategies, having found that many MS students lack communication skills 3) The era of "particle finance" is over - regulation is restricting the...
  18. Ken Abbott

    Gas trading literature

    look at whatever Pennwell Publishing has.
  19. Ken Abbott

    Work before Masters?

    ...but masters students without work experience are less interesting to employers.
  20. Ken Abbott

    Market Risk vs Credit Risk

    It depends. IMM and IRB can be just as quantitative as anything you'll see in Market Risk.
  21. Ken Abbott

    Job prospects for MFE

    Beg to differ. She could serve on a board someplace, but I'm not sure how employable she is. Can she code in R?
  22. Ken Abbott

    I am feeling a little lost.

    That job sounds perfectly fine. Keep track of the markets and hone your story.
  23. Ken Abbott

    Need ideas for Master's thesis

    Risk quants have tried many ways to make their models responsive to changes in the market. Some have kept their core VaR methodologies, shortening the historical "window". Others have used exponential smoothing to make more recent observations weigh more heavily on the final result. Still...
  24. Ken Abbott

    Help Choosing Topic for an Undergraduate Dissertation

    google equity portfolios principle components
  25. Ken Abbott

    Help Choosing Topic for an Undergraduate Dissertation

    Equity buy-side firms use eigensystem decomposition of random equity portfolios in search of alpha. How has this worked pre- and post-crash?
  26. Ken Abbott

    What is your career path?

    Commercial bank Analyst Sales and Trading Associate Research VP Trading VP Risk VP Risk MD (before the Director/Principal was used, back when dinosaurs walked the earth) Be aware that the movement to and from the front office is now impeded by the fear that people with back-office knowledge...
  27. Ken Abbott

    Have you ever calculated return on your investment to grad program?

    Better yet, get a job and have your employer pay for it. Then the return is infinite...
  28. Ken Abbott

    Financial Math or Stats/OR

    In a few years, after the faddish obsession with financial math programs has waned, I think you'll find the stat degree more useful.
  29. Ken Abbott

    Credit risk v Market risk management

    Credit risk is much closer to equity research than market risk It is at least as in-depth any anyone in equity research would need it to be - probably deeper. There's a HUGE amount of financial modeling in credit risk. The credit risk models in the industry are at least as complex as...
  30. Ken Abbott

    How bad are unfinished doctoral studies for CV?

    Being an ABD is no sin. You should be prepared to explain why, but I've hired plenty. I personally don't distinguish between them (but then again, I'm merely a low-rent statistics MS).
  31. Ken Abbott

    Advice on elective courses

    Basic accounting will suffice.
  32. Ken Abbott

    Pre MFE Planning

    Stop worrying about grad school. Get a job and see if you like what people do in finance.
  33. Ken Abbott

    Advice on elective courses

    Because without it you're just a quant with no understanding of the context.
  34. Ken Abbott

    Advice on elective courses

    Financial Products Financial Risk Management Optimization in Finance Stochastic Processes Time Series Analysis Advanced Time Series Analysis ACCOUNTING
  35. Ken Abbott

    Commodities Bootcamp at Baruch

    Ideally, I'd imagine we would discuss basis trading, since that's where most of the action is: time spreads, product spreads, locational spreads, quality spreads, etc. "Valuation" usually means the price on the screen, but if there's enough interest, we could talk about structured transactions.
  36. Ken Abbott

    Commodities Bootcamp at Baruch

    It's likely to take place on a Saturday.
  37. Ken Abbott

    Commodities Bootcamp at Baruch

    It's likely we'll do this in November of December.
  38. Ken Abbott

    Mean Reversion Model

    I disagree. Estimating speeds of mean reversion is easy. Profiting from said estimates is hard.
  39. Ken Abbott

    Mean Reversion Model

    You're not "off keel", but you're several decades too late. People have been looking at things like this for a while - mean reversion, cointegration, all of it. Start with basic ARIMA models to get a feeling for the notion of "memory" in a time series. I also have some basic material on mean...
  40. Ken Abbott

    Commodities Bootcamp at Baruch

    It's not likely I'll record it, unfortunately.
  41. Ken Abbott

    Commodities Bootcamp at Baruch

    Dan and I have been discussing the possibility of having a commodities Bootcamp at Baruch late in the fall. The Bootcamp would be a full day and would provide an overview of production/extraction, processing, transportation, storage and trading of commodities. If there is sufficient interest...
  42. Ken Abbott

    morgan stanley strats intern london

    The head fixed income strat told me that the only real preparation is getting a good night's sleep.
  43. Ken Abbott

    Does an MFE pigeon hole you?

    From a BB recruiting standpoint, there's little difference between MFE, MSF, MQF, MSCF, etc. The question in a (quant) interviewer's mind is "can this person count to eleven with their shoes on or not?" Yes, programming skills can send one down a different path, but generally you're either...
  44. Ken Abbott

    Relevant Mathematics Courses?

    I have found basic accounting to be extremely useful. I encourage all financial math students to take it.
  45. Ken Abbott

    Organization of quantitative finance careers. Risks vs portfolio management vs automated trading

    Read the Careers in Financial Management paper Andy has posted here.
  46. Ken Abbott


    I have lectured at many quant finance programs. The NYU students I've seen are consistently among the best.
  47. Ken Abbott

    Book on VaR on callable fixed income securities

    On a portfolio basis, it's generally ok to use the local pv01. While the price/yield line will kink at the strike, this impact is muted at the portfolio level. In addition, many risk systems wil report pv01 on a yield-to-worst basis, so the call effect will be captured.
  48. Ken Abbott

    help with garch understanding

    Hard to do from scratch. First you need to understand Box-Jenkins analysis, then you need to comprehend the notion of time-varying volatility.
  49. Ken Abbott

    Any MBA material covered in MFE?

    Busienss management and and an MS in quant finance aren't fully orthoganal, but are close. You need accounting, corporate finance, and similar general skills for business management. Most of the quants I see don't pursue that.
  50. Ken Abbott

    thesis topic

    There are a couple of firms that have factor-based algorithms. Try APT (the company) and KMV.
  51. Ken Abbott

    How quantitative is risk management?

    You cannot "qualify" for a risk job by passing an exam. If you don't have the context, it will be empty information. Some risk jobs are as quantitative as those of desk quants - others less so.
  52. Ken Abbott

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Employment Statistics for December 2012 graduates

    I disagree. You either place all of your students or you don't. I'm not saying that CMU's program isn't excellent, but it's a real sign of the times if they can't boast 100% placement.
  53. Ken Abbott

    I'd go with Columbia. Better reputation, better location.

    I'd go with Columbia. Better reputation, better location.
  54. Ken Abbott

    Is there such things called a 'mini' quant?

    jo_joejoe, I'm a fairly senior guy at a very big firm. On a really, really good day, when I'm seeing things really clearly and everything makes sense, I consider myself a 4th-rate quant. It's not about how much math you've taken, unless you want to be a pure theoretician or how well you code...
  55. Ken Abbott

    Beginner needs Help

    Accounting Probability Inference Time Series SQL
  56. Ken Abbott

    Questions about OLS

    It was a CMU guy, too.
  57. Ken Abbott

    Questions about OLS

    I once hired a guy on a phone interview because he knew what [(X'X)^(-1)]X'Y
  58. Ken Abbott

    Any futures quants?

    1. Know the technicals, know the contract specs, know what the locals are up to. 2. Very 3. I wasa fundamentals guy, but you need to know what the chart guys are thinking. 4. Futures are very liquid 5. You have to for FI 6. Good to know for ex-post analysys, but I don't know anyone who's made...
  59. Ken Abbott

    MBA for a quant career?

    The value of an MBA has stood the test of time. Many senior people with real quant skills have MBAs and leverage their skills effectively. The long-term value of an MFE (or MS in Finance) has yet to be determined. Right now, there's oversupply, some of it of questionable quality. There's no...
  60. Ken Abbott

    UCB MFE Does Berkeley MFE give any scholarship?

    Not just India, but that's a big part of "smartsourcing." Big firms have also established quant groups in Prague, Budapest, and Warsaw.
  61. Ken Abbott

    Citi S&T Interview

    Some go to the buy side, some move to support functions, some go into management. One guy I know opened a hair salon.
  62. Ken Abbott

    Career opportunity after MFE with 8+yrs in Consumer Risk Management

    A friend who was a retail credit card guy (as opposed to someone structuring ABS) became a senior methodology guy in risk. Another guy covering retail cap markets moved to the wholesale side.
  63. Ken Abbott

    Career opportunity after MFE with 8+yrs in Consumer Risk Management

    dban, I've seen people make the jump and I've seen people cover both wholesale and retail. Were you doing analysis of deposit activity or loans?
  64. Ken Abbott

    dentist vs finance

    Don't switch. If you need to scratch your finance itch, do it with your own portfolio.
  65. Ken Abbott

    Clearing OTC derivatives

    Don't look under Basel III. Look under Dodd-Frank Title VII. That's where the beef is. There's a lot of material available form EY, PwC, Morrison Foerster, Davis Polk, and others. ISDA also has some stuff.
  66. Ken Abbott

    Time series analysis of airline stocks

    Which distribution for what? Returns? The GARCH will look at the variance. Why not start with ACF/PACF?. Look for seasonality or some kind of AR/MA pattern. Check your priors on the stock returns using an AIC or a KS.
  67. Ken Abbott

    Long term career options and exit opportunities for a Risk Management Analyst

    It's a bit early to be thinking about exit opportunities when you haven't yet started, don't you think?
  68. Ken Abbott

    Over saturation of Quant job applicants possible?

    See QN article from late 2011 on this topic.
  69. Ken Abbott

    MFE General Doubts

    Gaurav, there are lots of roles described on QuantNet. In addition, Andy has posted some excellent reference material.
  70. Ken Abbott

    Question on courses for Risk, Portfolio or Hedging

    I can only speak to Risk. If you're doing model review, you need to know stochastic calc and PDEs. For desk coverage, statistics (especially TS, multivariate) is helpful. For risk modeling, stat and Monte Carlo. SQL is helpful for all. The challenge is that classroom knowledge of many of...
  71. Ken Abbott

    Quantitative portfolio management

    Yes. Mean, variance, etc. Efficient frontier.
  72. Ken Abbott

    Am I stupid to think about career as a Quant?

    My fear is that people are flooding into quant finance like they did into mortgages in 2003-2005, like they did into Internet startups in 1995-1999, like they did into IR derivatives in 1994, and like they did into tulips in Holland in the 17th century. It's very late in the game...
  73. Ken Abbott

    Am I stupid to think about career as a Quant?

    Consider the evolution of compensation kind of like a Gaussian random walk, starting at, for arguments's sake 100k, with each person's trajectory a single path. There is drift, as most will make more over time, but the dispersion after a few years is huge. People go into different...
  74. Ken Abbott

    Monte Carlo applications

    Some thoughts: MC as a concept covers a very, very broad range of topics. To wit: Outcomes simulation for one-step events (eg VaR) Outcomes simulation for capital additions (eg Basel IRC) Time series simulation for pricing Time series simulation for risk (counterparty credit as in Canabarro...
  75. Ken Abbott

    Quantitative portfolio management

    Start with Markowitz. Then move on to QP.
  76. Ken Abbott


    I don't know what looks better on an application, but I think that sql is more useful in the workplace. I think that econometrics (beyond the basics) are best learned on the job, with real-world problems.
  77. Ken Abbott

    GS Strats vs Morgan Stanley SM

    The market is tough. Either one would be a fine place to start.
  78. Ken Abbott

    GS Strats vs Morgan Stanley SM

    Morgan Stanley started calling quants "strats" after a senior Goldman guy moved to Morgan and reorganized the function.
  79. Ken Abbott

    Physics Undergrad not sure what to do?!

    1. There are plenty of physicists, but there are more econometricians, statisticians, and finance people. 2. You might have a hard time convincing a senior risk person that your interest is genuine.
  80. Ken Abbott

    Physics Undergrad not sure what to do?!

    1. MUCH more stressful. You have no idea. 2. I think "might as well try my luck" is a very, very bad reason for going into the glutted field of quant finance.
  81. Ken Abbott

    S&T vs Portfolio Management

    This is tantamount to saying "If I want to play drums for the Rolling Stones, does it make sense to be their manager for a few years and then move to drums or should I perhaps tour with Prince on keyboards for a few years?" Entry-level trading jobs are few and are getting scarcer. If you're...
  82. Ken Abbott

    PhD Intakes drops for Finance, recession or low applications the reason

    It's a buyers market for quants at big firms. This is especially challenging for PhDs, who often have minimal experience. The FRM certification, on the other hand, is something people find useful after they get a job. It encourages focused study in particular areas. (Full disclosure: I'm on...
  83. Ken Abbott

    Monte Carlo applications

    Stay away from Cholesky. It only works on PD matrices. Stick with eigensystem.
  84. Ken Abbott

    Quant? Analyst? Trader? What do these mean?

    Start with the career guide that Andy (and several others) have posted here.
  85. Ken Abbott

    Quant Finance Research

    Good point. Expected Shortfall is part of Basle's Fundamental Review of the Trading Book. It's worth a look. (I had some of my stdents explore its properties as part of their final project last semester..)
  86. Ken Abbott

    Quant Finance Research

    How about quantitative techniques utilized by regulators as part of the Basle rules? These would include: VaR Models (HS, V/CV, Monte Carlo) The specific risk component of VaR models Gaussian copula-based techniques for counterparty credit risk measurement the Incremental Risk Calculation that...
  87. Ken Abbott

    Is a MFE worth it for a Physics PhD?

    As an employer of quants, I think I can safely state that big banks don't distinguish between the different finance masters programs. In risk, there are two basic paths, the PDE derivative pricing path and the statistics/econometrics path. That distinction is of more interest to me. An MBA...
  88. Ken Abbott

    Deciding between MBA/MFE - would appreciate advice

    Those are very different degrees that will take you in different directions. If you want to do risk, consider the MFE. If you want to focus on transactions, the MBA is probably more useful. It's hard to say which which will ultimately pay better. The quant finance party is over with respect...
  89. Ken Abbott

    Whats the average age?

    As I recall, someone wrote an article on QN a few years ago about the coming glut of financial engineers...
  90. Ken Abbott

    Advice on courses for Columbia MAFN or Baruch MFE

    Look at the Baruch Pre-MFE program
  91. Ken Abbott

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Poly was once Brooklyn Polytechnic. It was absorbed by NYU a few years ago.
  92. Ken Abbott

    Quantitative Risk Management Courses

    CFA is a great qualification, but not necessarily for risk management. The FRM is much better for risk, but I think it's pointless to get it before you actually have a job. Unless you understand the applications, it's simply a massive reading list. You'll have no context at all. When I...
  93. Ken Abbott

    Accrued Interest & Dirty Price Calculation in Bond Pricing

    Garbade has the last word in this subject area.
  94. Ken Abbott

    7.8 Strats and Modeling Exam

    I just put your question to the head strat at Morgan Stanley, who is a friend. His response: "It's a very hard test. You really can't prepare for it. Get a good night's sleep."
  95. Ken Abbott

    Post Dodd-Frank, why do you want to be a Sell-Side Trader ?

    I think you're planning way too far in advance. It sound similar to "I want to be a tax attorney specializing in cross-border financial flows between Bhutan and Nepal that are denominated in EUR, but only on alternate Tuesdays." Focus on getting your foot in the door in Finance. Then think...
  96. Ken Abbott

    Post Dodd-Frank, why do you want to be a Sell-Side Trader ?

    eager_to_learn, you need to do some fundamental research on how these markets function. Andy Nguyen has assembled a weath of resources on this site. What areas are you interested in?
  97. Ken Abbott

    A new beginning...

    I've worked with several students from Karlsruhe and they were all excellent, including one who is now a senior risk manager at a major firm. I think quant trading is a fad and is likely to be severely restricted by regulation in the coming years. That said, I think that valuable insights may...
  98. Ken Abbott

    A new beginning...

    I've worked with many people educated in Germany and have been uniformly impressed. The question is why would you want to waste a fine engineering degree on something as pointless as finance?
  99. Ken Abbott

    Post Dodd-Frank, why do you want to be a Sell-Side Trader ?

    That is not entirely true. US Treasury, FX and several other categories of trading are exempt from DF Title 6. Take a look at 619 very carefully. Davis Polk and several other law firms have done nice summaries of what's permitted and what's not.
  100. Ken Abbott

    Citi S&T Interview

    You had better reconsider your choice of career. First, you're interviewer will have seen many candidates. It's usually pretty easy to spot those who are only interested in the money. Second, trading isn't what it used to be. It will be very hard to make big bucks trading at a financial...
  101. Ken Abbott

    Monte Carlo applications

    1. Yes, but with many variations 2. There's a lot of material available on this. Google it.
  102. Ken Abbott

    Learning Inflation Derivatives?

    Read about the linkers markets in Europe. There's a lot of material published by the big banks about instruments and trading strategies. The math is not complex. The institutions are complex. Read about pension funds while you're at it. They're a big piece of the picture.
  103. Ken Abbott

    S&T vs Portfolio Management

    That's hard to say. The is a fundamental shift taking place in the industry. Big banks are doing less and less due to regulatory restrictions. Many people have moved to the buy side. The dust hasn't settled.
  104. Ken Abbott

    Monte Carlo applications

    It's not about complexity - all the packages mentioned above can do it. It's about plumbing and throughput. Truth be told, the analytical part simply isn't that difficult - it usually takes much more time to write out the results than it does to do the calculations. I think most big firms...
  105. Ken Abbott

    S&T vs Portfolio Management

    Operations, Risk Management, Portfolio Management, various industry utilities, to name a few.
  106. Ken Abbott

    S&T vs Portfolio Management

    It happens frequently.
  107. Ken Abbott

    Analytics/Stats Program

    I was doing corp fin type work and the stat degree helped me transition, but that was 20 years ago. I must say that it was the second smartest move I ever made (after getting married). I did it at night and my company at the time (Bankers Trust) paid for the degree. Best of all, I was able to...
  108. Ken Abbott

    Is it relatively difficult to become an MD as a quant developer?

    Stop obsessing about becoming and MD. Worry about making it to Associate.
  109. Ken Abbott

    Basis points vs percentage change

    Movements in yields and yield spreads are usually (but not always) measured in basis points. That, however, is not necessarily indicative of any stationarity assumption. Rates can be normal (absolute changes gaussian) or log-normal (relative changes gaussian) or anything in-between. Think of...
  110. Ken Abbott

    Changing careers, where to start?

    This is very true. That said, I got to know a young woman through my college's alumni program who was also a music major and quite numerate. I recommended her to a few people for interviews and she's been with my firm for almost two years. People, however, are more likely to accept a career...
  111. Ken Abbott

    Master's Program in Quantitative Finance in Poland

    Maybe that's it. I'm ultimately of Polish descent. I was actually trying to think of a way to get them to invite me over for a guest lecture...;)
  112. Ken Abbott

    Master's Program in Quantitative Finance in Poland

    There are good opportunities within Europe. Morgan Stanley currently employs over 700 people in Budapest. Eastern Europe has great universities with many talented, technically skilled, English-speaking students. I've worked with these people. They are excellent and they provide real value.
  113. Ken Abbott

    Just finished the online C++ course, here's some tips for fellow coursemates

    I swear by my iPad, but it's not a PC substitute.
  114. Ken Abbott

    Ms Statistics concerning about jobs outlook

    1. More QP than PDE stuff 2. I don't know 3. This is a much longer discussion. I'd ask the questions separately in the forum. Stat is used in risk a lot.
  115. Ken Abbott

    Ms Statistics concerning about jobs outlook

    Your question is not naive at all. Right now, there are many people chasing few plum jobs. All firms are under cost cutting pressure. I'm afraid that many people who think that finance is the ticket to easy money will be very, very disappointed. Trading will be migrating increasingly to...
  116. Ken Abbott

    Ms in Stat with co-op vs MFE

    They ditched the MS program when the started the math finance edge at Courant. I was disappointed when they did so. Ironically, I teach in the NYU Courant program now.
  117. Ken Abbott

    Ms in Stat with co-op vs MFE

    I got an MS in Stat at NYU in 1994. It may be one of the smartest things I ever did.
  118. Ken Abbott

    Interesting question

  119. Ken Abbott

    Looking for some advice

    The standard texts are usually adequate. The problem with time series is that it isn't a spectator sport. You need live data and projects to make sens of it (IMO). Similar story with SQL.
  120. Ken Abbott

    Looking for some advice

    Probability Inference Time Series SQL
  121. Ken Abbott

    A Day in the Life of a Managing Director Market Risk

    No offense taken. I've done 7:30 AM - 6:30 PM for years. It's not unusual. Not that I haven't seen 9:00 PM or 10:00PM a few times - I have. I'm also on-call, 27/7. I've put a few weekend hours in and responded to late-night issues as well from home.
  122. Ken Abbott

    A Day in the Life of a Managing Director Market Risk

    Talk to me in 30 years.
  123. Ken Abbott

    From top 5 Masters programs to NYU / Columbia

    As an undergrad alumnus of one of those institutions in your "top 5" who has 2 NYU masters degrees and as a hiring manager at a big firm, I can tell you that no one considers NYU to be a step down.
  124. Ken Abbott

    Stress testing in Excel

    Read this first to get background:
  125. Ken Abbott

    how to get quant job information?

    Talk to Joy Pathak, who frequents this forum. He's the world champion of job serach.
  126. Ken Abbott

    What to study?

    Take accounting. Take time series. Take economics.
  127. Ken Abbott

    Ask Ellen - Job Hunting and Career Development Advice

    I agree,mJoy. Theres a lot of value here. I've known Ellen since before many of those posting here were born (in deference to Ms. reeves, I won't say exactly how long. She is one of the best connected people I know and I can assure you she knows whence she speaks.
  128. Ken Abbott

    Could someone show me where to find valuation for bonds with option?

    Garbade, "Fixed Income Analytics" Garbade, "Pricing Corporate Securities as Contingent Claims"
  129. Ken Abbott

    MFE/MBA Dual Programs

    Harkkam, I think that's the wise choice and I'm glad you came to that conclusion yourself. I often say there are only 3 core skills in finance: understanding bond math, pricing an option, and understanding how cash flows through a company. Best to focus on one and take more courses as you need...
  130. Ken Abbott

    Quantitative Risk Management Courses

    I can't speak to the application process. I teach at several programs, but I 'm not involved in the admitting process. I doubt they would have much impact, though. These programs a good ways to focus you attention on material that is useful for work. I certainly don't use them as a screen...
  131. Ken Abbott

    Ask Ellen - Job Hunting and Career Development Advice

    Ellen, as classes start and people get distracted by their academic responsibilities, how can they keep sharp for the interview process? Is there anything you'd recommend?
  132. Ken Abbott

    Ask Ellen - Job Hunting and Career Development Advice

    I believe that amanda.jayne has some well-formed thoughts here...
  133. Ken Abbott

    Where to buy a SUIT

    Several things: 1) Who says Joe Bank is bad? The salespeople are not nearly as attentive as those at BB, but I can assure you that their suits are worn by many senior people at major firms. 2) Brooks Brothers often sells suits for under $1000. They're having their summer sale right now (I just...
  134. Ken Abbott

    Quick question about internship recruiting

    Ask Joy Pathak. He's the leading expert on internships.
  135. Ken Abbott

    How to convey the statistical significance

    You should ask this question in sci.stat.math in Google Groups. This kind of thing is frequently addressed there.
  136. Ken Abbott

    Good book on systemic risk

    And do you really believe that we live in the best of all possible worlds?
  137. Ken Abbott


    HF traders are more likely to be quant-oriented. Most quants in sales and trading develop and manage models and the associated risk. In our current regulatory environment, there's much more of this required than you might think..
  138. Ken Abbott


    Most traders are not quants. Most quants are not traders.
  139. Ken Abbott

    Paper trading and quantitative analysis

    Once again, I fond myself in violent agreement with Ms. Amanda.
  140. Ken Abbott

    Paper trading and quantitative analysis

    The problem is that paper trading is always and everwhere COMPLETELY different from real trading. Think of it like the difference between playing Madden NFL Football 2012 and suiting up and going onto the field. Your loss tolerance when it's your own money is nothing like what it is on paper.
  141. Ken Abbott

    Good book on systemic risk

    try Darrell Duffie, How Big Banks Fail and What to Do About It
  142. Ken Abbott

    Good book on systemic risk

    Start here:
  143. Ken Abbott

    Ask Ellen - Job Hunting and Career Development Advice

    Folks: I agree with MRoss here. You will get few opportunities like this one for free advice from a true expert.
  144. Ken Abbott

    Statistical Arbitrage

    I'd start with the fundamentals of equity quant trading strategies at and Barra.
  145. Ken Abbott

    Junior math major needs advice

    Vociferous? No. But I do have a slightly different take. Economics - any economics (mercantilism, neoclassical, socialist) - provide models of behavior. Those models may be crappy, but they're models nonetheless. I have found the study of economics to be an excellent framework for...
  146. Ken Abbott

    The Dodd-Frank Act: a cheat sheet

    I encourage people to check out other material Morrison Foerster has on their website regarding Dodd-Frank. They have done some very good work. Also, take a look at the Davis Polk site and the material from the Congressional Research Service for a title-by-title review of DF.
  147. Ken Abbott

    Junior math major needs advice

    Read the career guide that has been posted here and Joy Pathak's guide to internships.
  148. Ken Abbott

    Interdisciplinary studies in persuit of quantitative analysis

    Stick with UM. Name counts and accounting is more marketable. Take as much math as you can there and some programming if you can.
  149. Ken Abbott

    Advice for a Novice

    Well said. I agree. I often use it to summarize quickly and efficiently a system of equations.
  150. Ken Abbott

    Advice for a Novice

    Linear algebra is a must.
  151. Ken Abbott

    Bail out
  152. Ken Abbott

    Why bankers quit?

    Some do well. Others less so. The ones that do well tend to be the ones with a genuine interest in finance and/or economics, not the ones chasing the $. For too many, the business ends up being something to which they devote their waking hours in a passionless pursuit of earnings.
  153. Ken Abbott

    Why bankers quit?

    Where do you get 70 hours per week? While many junior investment bankers work those kinds of hours (not necessarily engaged in productive pursuits during that time), I have 29 years of empirical data at five firms that suggests that 50-60 is more realistic.
  154. Ken Abbott

    What should I do?

    EBrand, I think Connor is providing some excellent wisdom here. Heed him.
  155. Ken Abbott

    Risk versus Portfolio Management

    I disagree with you, my friend. I've reviewed thousands of backtests over the last 20 years. There are some trading business for which VaR provided very reasonable backtests, even through the crisis. Also, between crisis periods, VaR has been a decent, if far from perfect, tool. It passes...
  156. Ken Abbott

    Why bankers quit?

    There are plenty of entry-level positions at or below this level, depending on the type and size of firm.
  157. Ken Abbott

    Eventually I did, but I was asked to pay for it. That combined with numerous administrative...

    Eventually I did, but I was asked to pay for it. That combined with numerous administrative difficulties and some unruly students laed me to resign my post at Rutgers Newark.
  158. Ken Abbott

    A Day in the Life of a Managing Director Market Risk

    That's fine when you're in your 20s. Later on, your priorities change.
  159. Ken Abbott

    A Day in the Life of a Managing Director Market Risk

    Live closer, have much less space, pay much more, have less peace and quiet.
  160. Ken Abbott

    How is the market for entry level Quant?

    Declaration of Independence: 1 page Magna Carta: 1 page Declaration of the Rights of Man: 1 page your resume: 1 page
  161. Ken Abbott

    What course should I take to become a good trader?

    Very few traders are quants. Very few quants are traders.
  162. Ken Abbott

    Quantitative Risk Management Courses

    The FRM material might help you. Most risk courses teach the basics - not the technically-driven reg calculations like IRC and AMA.
  163. Ken Abbott


    What time series? I can't think of how this can be.
  164. Ken Abbott

    Does CFA or FRM help?

    Both will introduce you to large bodies of knowledge. I encourage people to consider them after they have a job.
  165. Ken Abbott

    Monte Carlo applications

    Operational Risk capital MC relies on frequency and severity estimates. VaR estimates can be built on gaussian copulae. Derivatives are prices using time series MC. Often, when doing a VaR Monte Carlo one will superimpose "events" on the gaussian outcomes. These can be poisson.
  166. Ken Abbott

    Jobs for Operation Research

    The most OR-oriented jobs I can imagine involving queueing and scheduling. Airlines, for example have many variables involved in their objective functions. Power companies have even more and work to similar standards (i.e. very, very low failure rates). Read about locational marginal pricing...
  167. Ken Abbott

    Ken Abbott: Financial Regulation - Evolution and Current State - May 12 Master Class

    This is what's been published:
  168. Ken Abbott

    Which broad topic is more close to real industry?

    Number 3 is most topical now, but you'll have a hard time getting companies to tell you what they actually do. You could explore GARCH-based approaches (Carol Alexander was looking at this a few years ago) as well as exponential decay techniques. A seasonal add-on might be interesting -...
  169. Ken Abbott

    Difference between MFE, MQF and MMF?

    From a practical (i.e. hiring manager) standpoint, there is no difference.
  170. Ken Abbott

    Stephens: To the Class of 2012 Attention graduates: Tone down your egos, shape up your minds.

    Yike Lu, there are opportunities and plenty of them, but there not where people expect or want them to be. This notion of people making big bucks "quant trading" - it's a pipe dream. Most traders aren't quants and most traders don't make a killing. For those that really want quant finance...
  171. Ken Abbott

    Dodd-Frank, Volcker, the UK and JPMorgan

    It's a US bank.
  172. Ken Abbott

    Why didn't I take economics?

    In that case, Steve Keen is simply a better, smarter, and undoubtedly better-looking human than I, who simply rely on simple, intuitive notions. I tremble before his awesomeness.
  173. Ken Abbott

    Why didn't I take economics?

    You use it all the time to provide intuition to the innumerate. It's certainly the way I learned this stuff.
  174. Ken Abbott

    Why didn't I take economics?

    Y = [(C + I + G) + (X - M)] and MR = MC Become one with those.
  175. Ken Abbott

    Why didn't I take economics?

    Disagree. That's like saying that English isn't about literature, it's about grammar and syntax. That's technically true, but without context it's much less meaningful. You can learn all about OLS and GLS, but yo really need to understand how those tools have been used to be effective.
  176. Ken Abbott

    Ken Abbott: Financial Regulation - Evolution and Current State - May 12 Master Class

    LAN Chile has a flight that leaves SCL @ 20:50, arrives JFK 07:40. Just sayin'...
  177. Ken Abbott

    quant corporate finance?

    Exactly. This is a perfect example of "quant corporate finance." The challenge I think, however, is that people arrely recruit for these positions. The people that get them happen to be in the right place at the right time, yes?
  178. Ken Abbott

    Banks prefer undergrads to MFEs for entry level jobs?

    Andy, I'd have a hard time distinguishing between an undergrad and an MS student if neither had experience. It's easy to imagine both having similar exposure to math, statistics, programming, and finance concepts. As far as risk management is concerned, experience makes a big difference. As...
  179. Ken Abbott

    Rutgers MSMF Rutgers MSMF program placements

    Sorry, Minsuk Chang, I'm with Joe Ross on this one. You'd be surprised at the extent to which this site is monitored. I know for a fact that Carla is well aware of this site, having discussed it with her
  180. Ken Abbott

    Banks prefer undergrads to MFEs for entry level jobs?

    It used to be said that with undergrads, you got 90% of the skills with half the attitude at half the price. That's a bit hyperbolic, but a) there is an oversupply of MS in finance people, b) knowing how to solve a PDE is of very limited use in most areas of finance and c) experience is the...
  181. Ken Abbott


    Many quant finance students know a lot about PDEs, but very little about the fundamentals of bond pricing. I even had one draw a price/yield line concave wrt the origin. take the actuarial path. It's a safer bet.
  182. Ken Abbott

    Rutgers MSMF Rutgers MSMF program placements

    MSMF in addition to MS in Stats seem like overkill. You'd be better off getting some experience instead. Now is the worst time to be expecting program admins to be responsive. Wait a few days for the admissions crunch to be over with and try again.
  183. Ken Abbott

    MS Programs in Singapore

    I've seen references to degree programs in Singapore, but haven't come across any candidates in my travels. What can anyone tell me about these programs?
  184. Ken Abbott

    any Contact in Citi Corp

    Amit Gupta, they're teasing you. Vikram Pandit is the Chairman of Citi. It's unlikely you'll be able to get in touch with him. You'll need to job hunt the old-fashioned way, with cold calls and cover letters. Contact Joy Pathak to ask about networking. He's the champ in that arena.
  185. Ken Abbott

    quant corporate finance?

    Any good corporate finance text will suffice.
  186. Ken Abbott

    A few noob questions

    The risk team at my firm is several times the size it was a few years ago. Experience trumps graduate study, every time. I tell people it's always better to go to graduate school after getting experience. You'll find your motivation to be much, much different. I had the good fortune of...
  187. Ken Abbott

    A few noob questions

    Statistics worked for me. Although (full disclosure) I'm pretty far from being a real quant. On a really, really good day when I'm thinking very clearly, I might generously be considered a 4th or 5th rate quant.
  188. Ken Abbott

    A few noob questions

    I agree. If you're a very good student, get an education first. Learn a trade later. If your education is good, learning a trade won't be that hard (provided, of course that you take some preparatory courses, like those in math). Also: be forewarned. Quant Finance programs in 2012 (notice...
  189. Ken Abbott

    quant corporate finance?

    The quants I know in corp fin are typically deal guys with PhDs in the sciences. Think tech venture cap. I suppose you could also make an argument for some aspects of structuring wrt WACC, etc.
  190. Ken Abbott

    Hard career choice (anyone heard of WorldQuant?)

    I'm afraid I've got some bad, bad news for you - it's 29 years later and I STILL do grunt work. Even my boss, one of the most senior guys in my firm, just asked me to send him a file with 10,000 lines of data so he could work on it.
  191. Ken Abbott

    How are volatility estimates used?

    GARCH is often used to proxy implied vol time series where they don't exist or are of poor quality.
  192. Ken Abbott

    Choice between Time Series courses

    Take the first. It sounds much more practical.
  193. Ken Abbott

    Top skills/People skills

    John Heisenberg: Everything you do, everywhere - now and for the rest of your career - will depend not just on your ability to convey information, but also on your ability to build consensus and get cooperation. Everyone with whom you work will be optimizing their own personal objective...
  194. Ken Abbott

    federal reserve system

    Also: Read OCC 2011-12 Fed SR11-7. That document describes the collective wisdom of 11 years of model risk regulation. The line items in that paper describe what Fed/OCC model reviewers look at. As one often subject to the occasionally harsh glare of their exam spotlights, I can tell you it's...
  195. Ken Abbott

    federal reserve system

    Look at the Basel website for models, I posted some links a few days ago. Much quant work there is focused upon new reg models. Reg quants also review var and stress models as well as each firm's model review process.
  196. Ken Abbott

    Paul Wilmott: most quants are stupid
  197. Ken Abbott

    Soft Skills In Finance

    Quant programs are churning out graduates by the hundred. Math skills are easy to find. Communication skills and other soft skills are much more rare.
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