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  1. Anton Slepnev

    Scripting languages

    This thread is too specific for such people to read it i suppose.. Has anyone heard of some serious GUI/Client-DB applications/systems written in a scripting language? Of course somebody may say that C# is surely better suited here, but nevertheless..
  2. Anton Slepnev

    Username change request thread

    ;) Can I change my username to Anton?
  3. Anton Slepnev

    Derivatives markets volume - a bubble to collapse or just a natural feature of world's economics?

    What do You think about the booming increase in volumes of derivatives trading (credit derivatives, commodity derivatives, stock derivatives) over last 10 years? Volume of debt derivs market being more than 7 times the world GDP and more than 3 times the volume of the world debt market is a...
  4. Anton Slepnev

    Scripting languages

    Is it possible to learn S+ if my company is not buying it? Or, only R is available in that case?
  5. Anton Slepnev

    Scripting languages

    What are advantages and disadvantages of scripting languages (Python, Perl, Ruby, R/S+, etc.) against C++ ? What is their field of application as a quant tool ? Which of them is the best for math computing, for Client-DB development, for any other development ? What opinions and experience do...
  6. Anton Slepnev

    What is the next programming language you want to learn ?

    ok C#/.Net architecture (it is called "a framework") is 1-level-higher than that of C++, and is made for cross-platform applications, web applications, distributed applications that base on high-level objects that are well integrated into Microsoft plarforms, operating systems and DBMS-s. It's...
  7. Anton Slepnev

    What is the next programming language you want to learn ?

    You are right Applications should be built using high-level tools and should use well-optimized C/C++ libraries for math. computations and complicated modeling that are taking 95% of processor time. And quants are people who know WHAT to implement (in detail) in these libraries and HOW to...
  8. Anton Slepnev

    SQL is really boring do we need it?

    SQL is essential SQL knowledge is merely essential for a developer who works with data and its analysis. One may use Excel, Crystal, Busnesss Objects and other stuff, program it, and use these in their programs. But SQL and DB development at all is something different - it just brings full...
  9. Anton Slepnev

    What is the next programming language you want to learn ?

    C# is much better for me I started my prog practice at the age of ~15 with plenty of Java programming so Java-like C# syntax is much more comfortable for me personally. C# fairly resembles C++ in syntax, also. I am not a well experienced VB programmer, however..
  10. Anton Slepnev

    What is the next programming language you want to learn ?

    C# brings comfort but quetly steals some freedom I was really angry when a program I have written didn't run on my boss' laptop just because he didn't have a .net framework installed.. I fear the day when I will have to deploy some application written using MSFT technologies on a computer...
  11. Anton Slepnev

    New Quantnet members say hi

    Hi there! My name is Anton, I am a PhD student at MIPT, Moscow, Russia, with specialization in applied maths. Interested in statistics, probability, stochastic processes, mathematical modeling, IT (of course). I am working for an asset management company as a senior developer, developing a...
  12. Anton Slepnev

    What is the next programming language you want to learn ?

    >80% is pretty much is the info correct? c++ is not a simple language if to program in a civilized manner, but basic concepts... sure?
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