Search results

  1. Daniel Duffy

    Impressive but realistic Project ideas (15 weeks)

    Sounds like a good idea, TBH I haven't studied MCMC. What about MLMC? Maybe MCMC is similar. I would say that doing a modular approach in Python pays dividends going forward in your career. A remark: the MC architecture is the test...
  2. Daniel Duffy

    Impressive but realistic Project ideas (15 weeks)

    One idea: Monte Carlo option pricing in Python based on solutions in C++, C#.
  3. Daniel Duffy


    AI Agents!! @Paul Lopez // we did some basic stuff on agents 20 year ago ... not easy.
  4. Daniel Duffy


    I don't use/need it.. What about this new stuff!!
  5. Daniel Duffy

    Feedback/Input on career shift from applied math eng -> Quant Finance roles

    Nothing wrong with SW engineering. Performance can be a requirement for many applications. In a sense, the maths is not the most critical part(?) C++ is still vital I reckon.
  6. Daniel Duffy


  7. Daniel Duffy


    DeepSeek's libraries
  8. Daniel Duffy

    C++ Online Programming Course Testimonials

    But maybe parallel MC ? Also done in Advanced QN C++. @MikeLawrence
  9. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    Anti-pattern and bad practices in real-life software projects We present the following seven patterns: BIG BALL OF MUD THROWAWAY CODE PIECEMEAL GROWTH KEEP IT WORKING SHEARING LAYERS SWEEPING IT UNDER THE RUG RECONSTRUCTION The real problem with THROWAWAY CODE comes when it isn't thrown away.
  10. Daniel Duffy

    Would it be better for me to study Java or C#?
  11. Daniel Duffy

    Would it be better for me to study Java or C#?

    C# is much better than Java for quant stuff (Java is good for other things). C++ and C# are close. Many shops use C# because its many advantages. C# for Financial Markets Daniel J. Duffy and Andrea Germani C# is a modern object-oriented programming language that runs under the Microsoft .NET...
  12. Daniel Duffy

    C++ course (Datasim or Baruch)

    In the QN C++ course we use Euler scheme for Black Scholes. It's easy but 1st order. Now, ADE is just as easy to program. Could be an exercise next version? Let me know. @APalley @Paul Lopez
  13. Daniel Duffy

    C++ course (Datasim or Baruch)

    My 2022 book on PDE/FDM for finance is useful in this context And I have C++ code for all schemes.
  14. Daniel Duffy

    C++ course (Datasim or Baruch)

    Fantastic! Actually, there are 2 modules on Monte Carlo and FDM 101 to do in C++. After that you are ready for Adv FDM and I can coach you how to set up the fancy schemes and program them in "C++" if you like idea.
  15. Daniel Duffy

    C++ course (Datasim or Baruch)

    I am trying to help. But I need to know more. DM/PM me is an idea. I have a repeatable process/best practice. See QN C++ Testimonials.
  16. Daniel Duffy

    C++ course (Datasim or Baruch)
  17. Daniel Duffy

    C++ course (Datasim or Baruch)

    Your requirements seem to be changing.. FDM has nothing to do with C++. I wrote a book in 2022 on FDM. Here is a link to some C++, PDE, FDM.
  18. Daniel Duffy

    C++ course (Datasim or Baruch)

    I am planning to study some C++ and then jump directly to DataSim C++ course. What's your plan, precisely? BTW you need to get to QN C++ (or equivalent) level to do Datasim C++. Otherwise coaching you would be sub-optimal for both of us. Studying "some" C+ sounds a bit a la carte TBH...
  19. Daniel Duffy

    C++ course (Datasim or Baruch)

    Datasim C++ assumes C++ knowledge. I recommend QN C++, it is appropriate in your case. And great support for those w/o C/C++ knowledge. FDM is fine but ODE./PDE is an essential precondition (essentially parts A,B,F,G)...
  20. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    Language-independent Software Design based on reusable domains and design blueprints example: Monte Carlo
  21. Daniel Duffy

    AI/ML roles in quant?

    Some recent MSc theses on ANNs might be useful. Important not to get too carried away with the hype.
  22. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    We can avoid virtual destructor in a numbe of ways by considering other options: 1. Use smart C++11 pointers. 2. Parametric polymorphism (templates) instead of subtype polymorphism (inheritance). 3. Postpone physcal memory allocation for as long as possible (e.g. in main() using dedicated...
  23. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    This 3-month work was written in 2014 and rightly focused on GPUs which were hype at the time. It is now 2025, so many technical and organisational requirements have evolved and changed: 1. Code is not portable ("captive user"). Porting to CPUs => rewrite. 2. Traditional OOP used; parallel...
  24. Daniel Duffy

    Quant library

    Automation COM Adds were something completely different, especially ATL and CRTP.
  25. Daniel Duffy

    Did QuantNet suffered a data breach?

    Ask Irina if she plans to take QN C++ course.
  26. Daniel Duffy

    Is the programming language Rust just "new wine into old wineskins"? Discuss

    Beginning of the end? A bit quite in Rustland.
  27. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    Fundamentals of Structured Programming Also applicable to C++
  28. Daniel Duffy

    How to enter into quantitative finance

    Maths is essential.
  29. Daniel Duffy

    C++ will be used for the next 50-100 years in financial services

    An Interview with Daniel J. Duffy: The Origins of C++ in Quantitative Finance
  30. Daniel Duffy

    Is GPT allowed in real job ?

    What about IP issues, copyright etc.?
  31. Daniel Duffy

    6 Months Before Starting My MFE—Seeking Guidance for Best Use of Time to Break Into Quant Roles

    stochastic processes, numerical methods, PDEs, convex optimization, derivatives pricing. Thinking out loud: FEM and FDM applied to option pricing etc.
  32. Daniel Duffy

    how prevalent is AI/ML in the field?

    Cool. Originally, he was called Setanta. Cuchulain stories are based in Cooley, Co. Louth where I have a cottage. My mum founded the Cuchulainn Ceili Band back then. POC FADA
  33. Daniel Duffy

    how prevalent is AI/ML in the field?

    Wow! Cuchulainn is my name on
  34. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "boost/pfr.hpp" struct some_person { std::string name; unsigned birth_year; }; int main() { some_person val{ "Edgar Allan Poe", 1809 }; std::cout << boost::pfr::get<0>(val) // No macro! << " was born in "...
  35. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    // Copyright 2020 Peter Dimov // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // #include <boost/describe.hpp> #include <boost/mp11.hpp> template<class E> char const * enum_to_string( E e ) { char const * r = "(unnamed)"...
  36. Daniel Duffy

    ODE/PDE/SDE online courses for computational finance

    Thanks for the feedback! For MFE, Parts A,B,F,G of ODE/PDE course are sufficient for a good overview and certificate. Some middle-level calculus is needed but most students find it easy. Normally, 2-3 months is fine to complete. I support all parts if you want to do them all. The course...
  37. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    Template metaprogramming in C++11 and beyond
  38. Daniel Duffy

    Quantum finance

    We'll need a bigger desktop :)
  39. Daniel Duffy

    Iterator concepts

    So, pre- C++20 iterator concepts aren't actually concepts in the sense of the C++20 language feature. DD probably not With C++20, these requirements have been formalized as C++ concepts. The older STL algorithm variants have been left untouched. For instance, if you look at std::find, an...
  40. Daniel Duffy

    Is GPT allowed in real job ?

    My main concern with be getting stuff from ChatGPT, a bit like a 2nd hand car salesman.
  41. Daniel Duffy

    Is GPT allowed in real job ?

    I write books. I never use ChatGPT, just like I would not copy-and-paste someone else's code. And it is so longwinded and 2nd hand information. We did a test once, yawn.
  42. Daniel Duffy

    Should I learn R? What languages should I also learn?

    How does your C++ knowledge compare to this C++ syllabus? This course is like judo; if you complete it then you get a brown belt.
  43. Daniel Duffy

    Opinion on LSE BSc Financial Maths and Statistics?

    The maths part of the curriculum looks superficial at first glance..
  44. Daniel Duffy

    Should I extend graduation date to take more math for quant?

    A popular ODE/PDE course with MFE students is
  45. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    Might be interesting
  46. Daniel Duffy

    New Book: Multiparadigm Design Patterns in Python, C++ and C# by Daniel J. Duffy and Harold Kasperink (Datasim Press December 2023)

    Yes! I am now finishing the book alone. So, I have about 3-4 chapters to do.
  47. Daniel Duffy


    During undergrad in maths, most of us avoided Category like the plague. Stay focused.
  48. Daniel Duffy

    C++ techniques for $600K high frequency trading jobs

    those with COM experience know how. And Boost aka intrusive ptr.
  49. Daniel Duffy


    Look to the maths.
  50. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    I thought DoD were hiring Rust programmers by the bucketload?? Have developers got the run of themselves? Tulip mania (Dutch: tulpenmanie) was a period during the Dutch Golden Age when contract prices for some bulbs of the recently introduced and fashionable tulip reached extraordinarily high...
  51. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    Goodbye, Rust. I wish you success but I'm back to C++ (sorry, it is a rant) …And the problem with Rust is that it just doesn't have critical mass and, frankly, I don't think it will ever have. Recently, Linus Torvalds complained somewhere that old C dinosaurs don't want to learn Rust. For...
  52. Daniel Duffy


    Closely related is HOF (might be in C++ 38)
  53. Daniel Duffy


    Boost Fusion = uses STL and mpl Choose MPL over fusion when doing pure type calculations. Once the static type calculation is finished, you can instantiate a fusion sequence (see Conversion) for the runtime part...
  54. Daniel Duffy


    PFR 101 // Increment each field of the variable on 1 and // output the content of the variable. #include <cassert> #include <boost/pfr.hpp> #include <boost/type_index.hpp> #include <iostream> struct test { int f1; long f2; }; test var{ 42, 43 }; boost::pfr::for_each_field(var...
  55. Daniel Duffy


    I would first concentrate on type_traits and Concepts in C++20 and take it from there. BTW We discuss C++20 Concepts + examples + exercises in QN < Advanced C++ course.> :ninja: Check out this useful stuff after that Boost Describe Boost PFR #include <boost/describe.hpp> #include...
  56. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    20.8 Hardware Simulation and Bridge Pattern
  57. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    19.6.1 Example: The Strategy Design Pattern using C++20 Concepts This is a game changer
  58. Daniel Duffy

    Double Sweep and Thomas Algorithm generate different result

    I can try to debug this code but a better idea is to map the TA in section 13.2.2 (13.11 and 13.12) to code or use the code in my book. mixing a and a2 is confusing for me.
  59. Daniel Duffy

    C++ will be used for the next 50-100 years in financial services

    Ju no kata is a bit like C++
  60. Daniel Duffy

    Double Sweep and Thomas Algorithm generate different result

    std::vector<double> r2(r.begin() + 1, r.end() - 1); => FIRST INDEX is ONE?? r2[0] -= BCL; r2[r2.size() - 1] -= BCR; edge condition? r2(J-1)? take example p. 403 Duffy 2018.
  61. Daniel Duffy

    Double Sweep and Thomas Algorithm generate different result

    I would first uncouple the 2 algos .. no mixing of a and a2 etc. Thomas BC taken care of in RHS r term. J = 4 DS a(J+1) TA a2(J-1), better than cryptic a2(,,,,). I use DS in many apps. It originated in former Soviet Union. It is about 20% faster than TA.
  62. Daniel Duffy

    Imperial, ETH, EPFL

    They really want you to have done real analysis as I think some of the math courses jump into some advanced probability right away (so would be good to know measure theory as well). This is 3rd/4th year undergrad honours Maths degree level.
  63. Daniel Duffy

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    This course is on the UCB pre-requisite list
  64. Daniel Duffy

    C++ will be used for the next 50-100 years in financial services

    Herb Sutter Leaves Microsoft: C++ 26 to Revolutionize Software Development Herb Sutter, chair of the ISO C++ committee and a long-time Microsoft veteran, has left the company after 22 years to become a Technical Fellow at Citadel Securities, where he will focus on technical strategy and...
  65. Daniel Duffy

    C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

    Good idea! What next?
  66. Daniel Duffy

    C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

    Great ideas is the easy part. There are no posts yet.. @APalley @Paul Lopez
  67. Daniel Duffy

    C++ will be used for the next 50-100 years in financial services

    I would never do that; strangles are more low latency and memory-friendly.
  68. Daniel Duffy

    C++ will be used for the next 50-100 years in financial services

    Judo Black Belt Daniel Duffy
  69. Daniel Duffy

    Do I need the C++ course?

    The only problem I have is with C++ object oriented programming, the pointers and the likes. They make me fret a bit for now. How do I solve this? QN C++ course
  70. Daniel Duffy

    C++ will be used for the next 50-100 years in financial services

    Even I used to wear suits in the beginning: 1990 Amsterdam ... very first international C++ course using a REAL compiler. Organised by Datasim and me! We was the first OO_EVERYTHING company in the Netherlands.
  71. Daniel Duffy

    Shared Memory

    Plan : using std::future, easier than threading. It's in the Adv C++ course.
  72. Daniel Duffy

    Shared Memory

    Is OpenMP a possibility
  73. Daniel Duffy

    C++ will be used for the next 50-100 years in financial services

    Citadel Securities hires 20-year Microsoft vet in a new tech leadership role
  74. Daniel Duffy

    Option Pricing Simulator in Haskell with API Endpoint

    I have ported the GOF Ganma patterns from OOP way to Haskell/Concepts way.
  75. Daniel Duffy

    Option Pricing Simulator in Haskell with API Endpoint

    QUOTE Concepts (and constraints) are predicates that determine whether a type is a member of a set. You do not need to explicitly declare whether a type is a model of concept (an instance of a type class). That's determined by a set of requirements and checked by the compiler. In fact...
  76. Daniel Duffy

    Option Pricing Simulator in Haskell with API Endpoint

    Haskell is very important and influential. Seems it inspired C++ Concepts.
  77. Daniel Duffy

    Shared Memory

    It was just a brainstorming idea. No idea on shared memory meets actors.
  78. Daniel Duffy

    Shared Memory

    This is a PC using C++20 and Agents library. I'm showing off my skills here 🤖 (Rust supports somethin similar == channels) // Test101ActorConcepts.cpp // // Simplest example of a system. Context diagram consists only // of Input and Output systems. // // We use C++20 Concepts to replace V1...
  79. Daniel Duffy

    Shared Memory

    No problem. Good luck. BTW IMHO Agents >> objects. I have used them for producer-consumer apps. I find it cool.
  80. Daniel Duffy

    Shared Memory

    This is a variant of "always turn the PC OFF and ON and try again". Saves time.
  81. Daniel Duffy

    Shared Memory

    The decision is between a push (Observer) and a pull (spin) model?
  82. Daniel Duffy

    Shared Memory

    Some Q 1. Do you have a catch block ==> can tell what the error is. 2. My SynchronisedQueue is thread safe AFAIR it is essential(?) 3. TRY SynchronisedQueue instead of IPC::deque??? one possible issue? 4. ipc:: is nice 5. Allocation thread-safety: Allocation and deallocation are not...
  83. Daniel Duffy

    Shared Memory

    Plan B ? Message Queue // Introduction to the Boost C++ Libraries - Volume II - Advanced Libraries // // Chapter 12.4 - Boost Interprocess: Process Synchronisation - Message Queue // // Producer inserts messages in the queue with a priority. // Consumer retrieves the messages from the queue. //...
  84. Daniel Duffy

    Shared Memory

    Synched queue // SynchronisedQueue.hpp // // A queue class that has interprocess synchronisation. // // (C) Datasim Education BV 2011 #ifndef SynchronisedQueue_hpp #define SynchronisedQueue_hpp #include <boost/interprocess/containers/deque.hpp> #include...
  85. Daniel Duffy

    Shared Memory

    V1 ; with my own synchronised queue, runs OK // Introduction to the Boost C++ Libraries - Volume II - Advanced Libraries // // Chapter 12.3 - Boost Interprocess: Process Synchronisation - Condition Variable // // (C) Datasim Education BV 2011 #include "SynchronisedQueue.hpp" #include...
  86. Daniel Duffy

    Shared Memory

    I can't remember about deque .. let me look up my stuff (of > 10 years ago). I have 2 chapters in my Boost II book on deque and message_queue. Actually, your code looks good. I used a) find_or_construct, b) shm ... create only.(?) We now turn our attention to showing how to use shared memory in...
  87. Daniel Duffy

    Shared Memory

    If you like my code for this, give us a shout :) Not sure what the best library is these days, maybe a good start-off? The principles are standard.
  88. Daniel Duffy

    Shared Memory

    In which language? It's also in my Boost C++ book Vol II.
  89. Daniel Duffy

    Math course recommendations...

    Which seminars are they? You can join the Datasim online courses at any time. The approach is both mathematically rigorous (I have 3 degrees in mathematics) and highly relevant to computational finance. The student price is Euro 1500 for the first course and Euro 995 for any course after that...
  90. Daniel Duffy

    Math course recommendations... with student discount. We do 2) (Numerical Linear Algebra!), 3) and 4) (and more).
  91. Daniel Duffy

    Computer engineering or computer science

    My 2 cents I would say that CS is the more relevant of two, especially numerical and programming skills.
  92. Daniel Duffy

    Computer engineering or computer science

    What's the definitions of these terms?
  93. Daniel Duffy

    Job advice for MFE student with math background

    What kind of pure maths did you do?
  94. Daniel Duffy

    Which A.I. course (2 out of 5 possible ) to take to boost my resume?

    4) not I'm not terribly impressed with ANNs
  95. Daniel Duffy

    C++ Online Programming Course Testimonials

    You're welcome. Just remembered: Excel addins can be done using the code you learned. Might need it sometime :)
  96. Daniel Duffy

    C++ Online Programming Course Testimonials

    Excel is also a database, meaning you can check the accuracy of your numerics. Console output and matplotlib are less in this regard. Excel is (still) a standard in front office I reckon.
  97. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    MSc thesis The LSM method of Longstaff and Schwartz for American options
  98. Daniel Duffy

    Where should Imperial rank among these US colleges?

    Do you like fish/chip and rain/foggy weather? Chicken tikka masala is better.
  99. Daniel Duffy

    Aerospace to Quant analyst/dev

    Yes. Quite a good background based on several MSc/MFE degrees I was able to supervise.
  100. Daniel Duffy

    Matrix Library in C for Neural Networks

    Just curious, what's the rationale for a C library? Libraries like Eigen are C++. Of course, Python has lots of useful stuff.
  101. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    C++17 std::filesystem Interesting possibilities
  102. Daniel Duffy

    Matrix Library in C for Neural Networks

    Here is a thesis on ANNs using Eigen matrix library
  103. Daniel Duffy

    C++ techniques for $600K high frequency trading jobs

    C++ has support for multithreading and (parallel) promises. Boost C++ Asio etc. NEW LIBRARY
  104. Daniel Duffy

    C++ techniques for $600K high frequency trading jobs

    Here is a catalogue of reusable software solutions for all kinds of applications. Domain classification is like ornithology and design blueprints: does my application look familiar? Ask yourself this question before jumping headfirst into code!!
  105. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    QUOTE I think you shall not use C++. It is too difficult for you. You cannot comprehend. You CANNOT use it. It is too UNSAFE. It uses abhorrent pointers. And malloc. And free. And these pesky new and new[], delete and delete[]. Nightmare. Not talking about the templates. You cannot understand...
  106. Daniel Duffy

    C++ techniques for $600K high frequency trading jobs

    How do you set up a scalable software architecture? to avoid a software ball of mud? It's one thing having building blocks but you need some kind of design blueprint, otherwise there's no point. Douglas C...
  107. Daniel Duffy

    Moving from Pure Math PhD to Quant Researcher advice

    My 2 cents, In my experience, people do PhD because they want to. it's hard work. And topic topic is intellectually demanding and rewarding. Real and Functional Analysis were my favourites in undergrad and I used it in applied research (see my websites) I feel you should gear up to PDE/SDE...
  108. Daniel Duffy

    Are we fans of boost::zip_iterator?

    Is there a reason for NOT using indices (like in Fortran)? Or use the matrix class?
  109. Daniel Duffy

    Are we fans of boost::zip_iterator?

    Is it a fancy tuple? What are you trying to do?
  110. Daniel Duffy

    Prerequisite Student price Euro 1500 This is the only course focused on finance. On UCB's accredited list for MFE students.
  111. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    Library Looks rather mundane?
  112. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust Hey folks, This is as short a series as one can be: just removing myself as maintainer of the Rust for Linux project. I am retiring from the project. After almost 4 years, I find myself lacking the energy and enthusiasm I once had...
  113. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    Rust Quant
  114. Daniel Duffy

    Asian option pricing using the ADI method

    Here is my ADI stuff from a while back (all quants had problems...lots of horror stories because they don't know wave equation) My ADE post was to show how to document.. All I get is a graph.
  115. Daniel Duffy

    Asian option pricing using the ADI method

    Here is a good example of a nicely written up thesis.
  116. Daniel Duffy

    Asian option pricing using the ADI method

    Hmm, still very incomplete, unfortunately. you have an A_max?? If this is an academic project as you mention, then I assume you write up the maths first?
  117. Daniel Duffy

    Asian option pricing using the ADI method

    Your code is unreadable .. I fail to see the underlying structure of the PDE and the ADI scheme.
  118. Daniel Duffy

    Asian option pricing using the ADI method

    For ADI, one component is dV/dt + c dV/dA = ... and crucial essentials are here hth
  119. Daniel Duffy

    Asian option pricing using the ADI method

    Ok, maybe pinpoint the problems, no upwinding.. my harsh conclusion: ivory tower is behind curve WRT FDM.
  120. Daniel Duffy

    Asian option pricing using the ADI method

    Some discussion on this
  121. Daniel Duffy

    Asian option pricing using the ADI method
  122. Daniel Duffy

    Asian option pricing using the ADI method

    My first piece of advice is: DON'T USE ADI for Asian options, believe me. Most quants use it as a recipe down the last twenty years. ADE is better Note we use...
  123. Daniel Duffy

    C++ Online Programming Course Testimonials
  124. Daniel Duffy

    ODE/PDE/SDE online courses for computational finance

    Open for enrollments, as always.
  125. Daniel Duffy

    Manchester Quant Finance

    One of my MSc thesis students at the University of Birmingham (MSc finance) has an Aerodynamic degree. Her thesis with me was very good. I have a connect request to you on LI .
  126. Daniel Duffy


    How did the negotiations go?
  127. Daniel Duffy

    QA Profession: a "birthday" discount

    Happy birthday, Andrey. Is there an OAP discount :ninja:
  128. Daniel Duffy


    I was the first to have resurrected Fichera and ADE and introduced them in computational finance. ChatGPT is rubbish here: bluffing, misleading and 95% woefully incorrect. Platitudes galore.
  129. Daniel Duffy


    Thank you very much, Andy!
  130. Daniel Duffy


    A modest proposal. If you someone/anyone have any time ask ChatGPT "What is the Fichera function and how is it used in combination with Alternating Direction Explicit (ADE) methpd, expeciallly for PDE-based option pricing". thx @Paul Lopez @APalley @Andy Nguyen
  131. Daniel Duffy


    Not much to go on..
  132. Daniel Duffy

    C++ Online Programming Course Testimonials

    I wrote several books related to that.
  133. Daniel Duffy

    Incoming PhD in Computational Materials Science at target school in UK

    Fortran is the best for HPC (I started with Fortran 66..) It is a niche, however. Before building a C++ portfolio, first learn C++ properly, no half measures. It might come as a shock that C++ has no native Matrix structure.
  134. Daniel Duffy

    Incoming PhD in Computational Materials Science at target school in UK

    This book might give some relevant info And C++ is kind of vital. Are you using Fortran?
  135. Daniel Duffy

    Incoming PhD in Computational Materials Science at target school in UK

    Computational Materials Science (i.e. physics) What is the focus? mathematical or more experimental? In general, physics is not (necessarily) maths. Not a bad thing. Just saying.
  136. Daniel Duffy

    Would a minor in French boost my application?

    In general, one does not "learn" a language just for a job, but for cultural reasons.
  137. Daniel Duffy

    Would a minor in French boost my application?

    Everybody speaks English. Anglo-Saxons, for example (~ native English speakers) are notoriously woeful at foreign languages. Do you wish to work in France? C++ would be a better language to learn. Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor: "To God I speak Spanish, to women Italian, to men French, and to...
  138. Daniel Duffy

    CMU MSCF Course Requirements - How bad it is if I didn't take a course listed on the website?

    ODE/PDE is on UCB list
  139. Daniel Duffy

    Python Numpy.array() Value error as a rite of passage?

    Rule of thumb Let M(n,m) == matrices with n rows and m columns A, B matrices then C = A*B is possible if #columns(A) = #rows(B) A ~ M(n,p), B ~= M(p,m) C = A*B then C ~ M(n,m). also applies when B is a vector.
  140. Daniel Duffy

    Python Numpy.array() Value error as a rite of passage?

    finally realize that np.array() defaults to a 1xn vector but standard math notation uses nx1 vectors? Maybe avoid defaults; ReadTheDocs? import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla import numpy as np from numpy import linalg as LA from scipy import linalg import random print("Solve Ax = b") A =...
  141. Daniel Duffy

    Python Numpy.array() Value error as a rite of passage?

    Take a step backwards and focus on the problem (ignore the bells and whistles). numpy is only a library. #QR decomposition r = c = 4 A = np.random.randn(r, c); print(A) Q,R = np.linalg.qr(A); print(Q); print(R) # Cross-check print (np.matmul(Q,R)) QR = np.matmul(Q,R) for i in range(0,r)...
  142. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    Any updates?
  143. Daniel Duffy


    It's a form of mental corrosion.
  144. Daniel Duffy


    We asked ChatGPT to generate a document on SOLID (OOP design principles). Useless. High-tech plagiarism. Those OO classes are obscene.
  145. Daniel Duffy

    Math major course recommencation

    I find C++ a vital skill in general.
  146. Daniel Duffy

    Math major course recommencation

    I like these foundations, others also look good - Differential equations - Numerical analysis - Partial differential equations Learn to program a bit in Python and C++, for example.
  147. Daniel Duffy

    How can I get into a good MFE program as a student athlete?

    Wow, then 25 hours/week for gymmastics sounds logical. In Ireland, we are supporting Rhys Joshua McClenaghan in Paris. on topic, my 2 cents . QN C++ . My ODE/PDE course is popular (e.g. UCB), follows on from Calc-3...
  148. Daniel Duffy

    How can I get into a good MFE program as a student athlete?

    Out of curiosity, which sport? Are you training for the Olympics?
  149. Daniel Duffy

    Course Options

    Things like numerical analysis, ODE, PDE, C++, optimisation. Measure theory is not really so important as some might lead to believe (BTW I did several MT courses as undergrad).
  150. Daniel Duffy

    Course Options

    What area of study are you doing?
  151. Daniel Duffy

    C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

    I'm here for one, the originator of the course!
  152. Daniel Duffy

    Non standard math courses

    The 1st and 2nd courses are OK but seem to miss the more interesting analysis. Linear Algebra ... no numerical linear algebra, which is daily practice.
  153. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    Visual Studio 2022 does not suppport Gaussian integers. ... not end of world, stilll, error messages are scary for some. Gaussian integer - Wikipedia Code: Select all // Not on VS2022 // std::complex<int> com(1, 1); // std::complex<int> com2(1.0, 1); // std::complex<float> com3(1.0...
  154. Daniel Duffy

    Chance of getting admitted without math courses

    I didn’t take any linear algebra or calculus courses in college. That's awkward.. How to do Actuart, Quant Econ w/o the above??
  155. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    Partial differential equations meet Brownian motion (Thanks to Albert Einstein).
  156. Daniel Duffy

    LaTeX: Matrix math format generator

  157. Daniel Duffy

    What books are you currently reading?

    Time and Space … It is not nature which imposes them upon us, it is we who impose them upon nature because we find them convenient. Henri Poincaré
  158. Daniel Duffy

    Stochastic calculus resource

    Here is a nicely balanced book on SDE by two top numerical analysts i.e. continuous space to discrete space (as it should be).
  159. Daniel Duffy

    Proving mathematics knowledge

    And C++ maybe also..
  160. Daniel Duffy

    Proving mathematics knowledge

    This (my) ODE/PDE course is on the UCB official list
  161. Daniel Duffy

    C++ will be used for the next 50-100 years in financial services

    A summary high-impact C++ features (personal view) C++11 is a version of the ISO/IEC 14882 standard for C++ and it replaced C++03; it was later replaced by C++14. It is a major update to the language and its goals were to improve the quality in general, in particular promoting efficiency...
  162. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    Feels a bit like that. Analogy? If a house were built using different languages, then we get a Rust programmer to do the (low-level) plumbing work. C might be >> Rust?
  163. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    Just out of curiosity, I would be interested in technical (not idiosyncratic, altho' they exist as well) reasons for choosing Rust. I have 35 years C++ exposure and I learned essential Rust in about 5 days. In a sense it is an extreme mini C++. Channels have potential but they are nowhere...
  164. Daniel Duffy

    Profile Evaluation for 2025 MFE

    I am biased, but numerical analysis/methods is a very important skill here.
  165. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    This looks interesting
  166. Daniel Duffy

    Looking for Career Advice

    I'm not the best person to answer, but numerical/applied maths and C++ is viewed positively. @achirikhin @Paul Lopez
  167. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    I understand. Have you tried some examples in Rust?
  168. Daniel Duffy

    Looking for Career Advice

    I would imagine that with a maths degree then Oxford, Imperial, Warwick might be good choices. In any case, it's a start. edit: C++ and Python are useful skills.
  169. Daniel Duffy

    Looking for Career Advice

    Which top university? TCD?
  170. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    It all seems less elegant than others. just a random remark.
  171. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    I knew you were going to ask about actix. I wrote 101 program in actix yesterday.
  172. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    The following code uses features from C++20 and QN Adv C++ course that uses Concepts // At this moment I have a vague idea on how I would do it in Rust; is it even worth the effort.. @APalley @MichaelLewis // Test101ActorConcepts.cpp // // Simplest example of a system. Context diagram...
  173. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

  174. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    That's good summary. My hunch is that inside Rust there is an actor model trying to get out. But I fear that this is not good for producer-consumer pipeline programs. I have experimemented with Actors in C++, C# and Python. All nice stuff. Couldn't find much in Rust...
  175. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust
  176. Daniel Duffy

    Help needed: Unsure about what Quantitative Finance Program to choose

    I would learn QN C++. AFAIK Erasmus would not a very quanty university in the US sense. But check it out. NL tends to focus on the econometrics side of things. Utrecht uni and CWI have research quant students, but that's another story. In the old days, Nirvana was: work in R'dam, live in the...
  177. Daniel Duffy

    What books are you currently reading?

    Here is a nicely balanced book on SDE by two top numerical analysts i.e. continuous space to discrete space (as it should be). Most books and articles on SDE give numerical methods short shrift... In fact, most books only tell half the story...
  178. Daniel Duffy

    New website/job-board for quant work

    "First Derivatives" originated in Newry, Co. Down, Northern Ireland.
  179. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    RUSTQUANT library
  180. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    Any use cases, Paul?
  181. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

  182. Daniel Duffy

    Warwick or bristol for maths and cs? International student who has a scholarship from one uni (I want to work in Quant or AI/DS)

    25K is a lot if you don't have it. I recall my undergrad maths degree cost 300 per year.
  183. Daniel Duffy

    Python on Virtual Studio

    I use VS and Python .. never any problems in Release mode. So your program runs fine but it is the debugger you get issues with? We can chat.
  184. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    Some years ago when the giant dinos Corba and COM roamed the great plains and shared the spoils, then a clever chap had the brainwave of creating a common interface to them, meaning only 1 interface to learn. Due to heavy leaking they had to learn THREE interfaces! Go tell management. Rust and...
  185. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

  186. Daniel Duffy

    Advice for Older Software Developer

    With your experience, you can leverage it. And age is probably an advantage, depending on the role. I reckon get foot in door could be an issue. Lattice-Boltzmann Method CFD using CUDA and C++ Not many who can say that.
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