Search results

  1. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    Which program? Baruch? You will be forced to do Excel at some point. You won't need Windows in the C++ class anymore. We are not going to be using VS.
  2. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    Windows? Are you out of your mind? ;) When I use excel, it is because I'm forced to do it and I refuse to do VBA.
  3. alain

    The college bubble

    Check out this documentary from PBS, "College, Inc.": That says everything. I was not very familiar with the concept of for-profit universities. I was stunned!!!
  4. alain

    The college bubble

    Where do you go to school?
  5. alain

    COMPARE Operation Research (Columbia) Vs. Financial Engineering (Imperial College)

    I was thinking. If I'm part of the Columbia Aministration, why do I want to publish the placement? It might be good but if I publish the goods, I will have to publish the bad ones as well. I don't see any incentive for them to do it. They still get a lot of people to go there just because of...
  6. alain

    The college bubble

    I know the HS and I know most of the schools around where I live. PM me with specific questions, I don't think these specifics are appropriate for QN.
  7. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    shiny aluminum :)
  8. alain

    The college bubble

    are you sure about this? maybe he/she doesn't finish at the top of his class because his friends have no interest in school because it is a "run of the mill high school". Then he/she will be a top of the mill student from a top of the mill high school. The odds start to be stacked against him or...
  9. alain

    The college bubble

    The question would be, would the the private school education have helped him to get into that college or an elite college? what about friends and environment? peer pressure is a huge component when your kid is going through teenage years. This is hard to answer. I have an acquaintance with 3...
  10. alain

    The college bubble

    There is a believe that going to a considered elite private school will help the kids getting into a better recognized college. I could see the value on this. You might think it is outrageous but, wait until you have children. Your way of thinking will change a lot. You will do anything in your...
  11. alain

    COMPARE Operation Research (Columbia) Vs. Financial Engineering (Imperial College)

    Because people don't want to do the work, as trivial as it sounds.
  12. alain

    R software

    I forgot to mention r-bloggers: That's a great resource for R.
  13. alain

    R software

    The UseR! series is great. I have most of the books in the series but it becomes expensive to have them all. In the series, each book is targeted to specific field.
  14. alain

    R software

    Depends on what? are you recommending those books because you saw them couple of times?
  15. alain

    R software

    Not only I have seen the content, I used it when I first started in my previous job. I owned the second edition. My ex-boss has the first one. I don't find it as complete as the links I mentioned.
  16. alain

    R software

    I personally don't like those books. Check the following books. There might be a little better.
  17. alain

    R software

    the main source is the R manual. Also check the mailing lists and stackexchange. you can also hit
  18. alain

    part time phd programs

    There is nothing wrong with that. Read again the post I replied to.
  19. alain

    part time phd programs

    What does that even mean?
  20. alain

    How many programmers are on Quantnet?

    IMHO, Linux is a better platform than Windows.
  21. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    again, if you are a new student coming into the Baruch program, get a laptop that supports 64bit Virtualization and have at least 4 GB of memory and the biggest hard drive you can afford in that model. Macbook pros will definitely work. I know some dells don't support virtualization.
  22. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    I have a MacBook Pro. The other professor also have a MacBook pro.
  23. alain

    visual studio C++ error

    I don't know what your problem is but I have a high degree of certainty that "stdafx.h" has to do with it. This is not C++ standard so you might as well never use it. IMHO, you should always start a project from an empty project. There is a way to specify that when you are creating a new...
  24. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

  25. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    You need virtualization because you will be downloading a 64bit VM with the operating system and pointing to the packages we would like you to use. It makes for a uniform environment for all the students.
  26. alain

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    The requirement for new Baruch students is a machine with at least 4GB of memory and a CPU that supports 64bit Virtualization.
  27. alain

    Bloomberg C++ Server API

    does the API comes with examples? have you tried to run any of them?
  28. alain

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Discussion

    What's GSAS? Don't you think that putting pressure on them might lead to a "No Admit"?
  29. alain

    Will clearing CFA help getting admit in MSFE programs?

    Why? You didn't get in?
  30. alain


    Where are you going to school?
  31. alain

    Why aren't there a lot of girls pursuing a MFE degree?

    this is almost 6 years old.
  32. alain

    How many programmers are on Quantnet?

    IMHO, this is not really true for all the languages but it does work for family of languages.
  33. alain

    NYU MSMF NYU yield rate is only about 50%?

    I don't know if that is the case. IMHO, they are trying to get those people that really really want to go to NYU.
  34. alain

    MSF/MFE program selection, ideas guys

    It is new so nobody will know anything about it... and if you hear something about this program, either good or bad, that's just speculation because nobody has gone through it yet.
  35. alain

    Is an MFE degree worth it?

  36. alain

    Rumor: Windows 8 Set for September Reveal

    oh... compatibility between different versions of windows. Good luck with that!!
  37. alain

    Rumor: Windows 8 Set for September Reveal

    I'm sorry but I didn't understand what you just said.
  38. alain

    SQL interraction with VS

    IMHO, IT IS NEVER USEFUL!!! It will lead to headaches down the path.
  39. alain

    Should i take database???

    What are they covering in this "database" class? I took couple of database classes in CS (~10 years ago) and they didn't teach me SQL. They taught very little schema design. However, they covered a lot of database design, index allocation, index optimization, memory management, paging, two...
  40. alain

    SQL interraction with VS

    IMHO, Stored procedures are one of the worst things that ever happened to application development. Pushing business logic to the database layer is wrong wrong wrong.
  41. alain

    Rumor: Windows 8 Set for September Reveal

    What do you mean by "compatibility of software"? I haven't programmed on the Mac so I can't comment. However, I find it easier to program in Linux than in Windows
  42. alain

    What would be an expected compensation for an mfe graduate after 10 years?

    You might not be interested for its ability to pay well but it definitely sounds like it.
  43. alain

    Should The Nation's Unemployed Be Buying New Apple Computers?,20083/
  44. alain

    The perils of deskwork

    It sounds plausible and seems they took their time I don't think that's the case. Au contraire, it might be easier to publish bogus things since there is always a rush to be the first out the door.
  45. alain

    Anybody know of the best free Fortran compiler currently out ?

    I will advice you against learning FORTRAN unless the graduate program you are applying requires it specifically or the field of study that you choose has already a big codebase in FORTRAN. As a programming language, FORTRAN is far from ideal.
  46. alain

    The perils of deskwork

    i'm screwed
  47. alain

    2011 Gadgets Wishlist

    I got a used iPad. The main reason I bought it was to read books in electronic format (the kindle is really bad at displaying math symbols). I can say the iPad is really good at it. I was very sceptical but it does its job flawlessly. An added bonus, my son (3 and a half) loves the iPad. he can...
  48. alain

    New book: Bubble Value-at-risk: Extremistan & Procyclicality

    would you donate a copy to Quantnet? or to the MFE program? Also, could you make it visible under Amazon preview?
  49. alain

    Quants love poker?

    Maybe "wanna be" quants hate baseball.
  50. alain

    Quants love poker?

    ... Or baseball
  51. alain

    SQL interraction with VS

    I have to disappoint you. Yes C is a more flexible language but for rapid prototyping and stats/math related problems, you won't beat R with C#... and don't tell is because C# is faster. BTW, there is already a copula package in R: Also...
  52. alain

    Anybody know of the best free Fortran compiler currently out ?

    The question is, why are you learning FORTRAN? Any specific reason? or just "for the fun of it"?
  53. alain

    SQL interraction with VS

    Statisticians don't use C#/C++. Actually, it's hard to find scientists coding in low level languages now-a-days. Even more, it's really hard to find scientists coding in "paid for" systems. This is my anecdotal evidence, I might be completely wrong. The problem is that budgets are better spent...
  54. alain

    S&P , US - Go!

    How so?
  55. alain

    Rumor: Windows 8 Set for September Reveal

    :D I'm trying to avoid this topic at all costs. If they like Windows... good for them. That's the extend of my opinion :).
  56. alain

    Do you buy all the books that are recommended on this site?

    This is not very common. I know APRESS gives you access to PDF if you buy the real copy. I think Manning might do the same. That's for technical books.
  57. alain

    SQL interraction with VS

    Use R and MySQL. There is a ODBC package that could interface to ODBC from R. That's how statisticians that use R, use SQL Server.
  58. alain

    2011 Gadgets Wishlist

    I'm waiting. I do want a light laptop with a good screen resolution. There is a Samsung with better performance specs but more expensive (this is not a big factor for me) but smaller resolution. That's the dealbreaker. If you have any idea, how much time do I have to wait?
  59. alain

    Lenovo T420

    Very good. At the time I bought my machines (1 year and 2 years ago), the MBP were the best thing. Also, I bought the 17" models with 8GB of memory. My machines both came with NVIDIA GPUs.
  60. alain

    R Finance 2011: Chicago April 29th & 30th

    As Andy mentioned, Brian Rowe is presenting a paper about functional languages and the use of R. He is also the author of the package tawny in R.
  61. alain

    Lenovo T420

    That's exactly what you are getting with a MBP, the best workstation replacement you can buy.
  62. alain

    Lenovo T420

    I didn't pay for the Apple experience since I bought the top of the line MBP. They are as expensive as top of the line Thinkpads. I'm not talking at the low end but at the high end: 17'' 1900x1200 display, i7 and 8GB of memory. If you check the benchmarks, the MBP is also really really fast. If...
  63. alain

    Medicine vs. Finance

    don't go to medicine for the money. One day, somebody's life will be own your hands and it might not be important to you.
  64. alain

    Lenovo T420

    It's the best thing I have ever bought :) (I have not one, but 2 of them). I'm used to using a trackball. It helps with my tendinitis in the elbow.
  65. alain

    Lenovo T420

    Get the latest Macbook Pro and all the machines you have ever owned (including the T420) will look like buying form Toysrus.
  66. alain

    Rumor: Windows 8 Set for September Reveal

    I left windows behind long time ago.
  67. alain

    Is getting a PhD in particle physics the best way to get into a hedge fund?

    don't get into a PhD if you want to work for a hedge fund.
  68. alain

    Why is there a lot of international students pursuing mfe?

    2 months... I tend to agree with you on the rest but stepping on a school full of kids it's not an easy choice to make. Also, wait until you have kids. Your perception is going to change a lot.
  69. alain

    Why you should cry for the intelligence of the human Race.

    He didn't write that. He wrote 48/2(9+3). You assume there is a multiplication. You also assume 48 is just dividing by 2. This a classic example of "miss-communication". There is a lot of ambiguity and that lead to all sorts of problems.
  70. alain

    Why you should cry for the intelligence of the human Race.

    There is a lot of ambiguity in the way your math symbols are translated to a single line of typed text. What do you mean exactly? (\frac{48}{2\times (9+3)}) or (\frac{48}{2}\times (9+3)) I can't tell from what you wrote. We have to know exactly what you meant in order to give an answer.
  71. alain

    Why you should cry for the intelligence of the human Race.

    Reversed polish notation is widely used in finance and by people with just a high school diploma just because the HP business calculator uses it and there TONS of people using that calculator. So, it might be easier.
  72. alain

    Lenovo T420

    HAHAHA oops... it is an X201 tablet whatever came after X61 Tablet.
  73. alain

    Discussion about Singapore MFE programs.

    Is that yearly, monthly, weekly or daily?
  74. alain

    Lenovo T420

    We (as my family and I) have had 2 Lenovo tablets, an X61 Tablet and an X201t with extended batteries. We have had the X61 Tablet since around 2007. It was a little slower than the rest of the laptops (not tablets) with the same specs but it worked great. The best thing was the 4:3 display with...
  75. alain

    Two book to recommend

    those books are easy and entertaining. They are good reads from historical and information purposes.
  76. alain

    Neural Network on Bond Rating,Database needed

    Good luck with the NN thing. It has being tried sometimes in finance and it has failed miserably. Hopefully you can come up with something better. What kind of neural network are you planning to use?
  77. alain

    Neural Network on Bond Rating,Database needed

    Fixed Income data is closed to impossible to find for free. It might be out there but I haven't seen it. There are couple of threads in QN saying the same thing. Hence, unless you are willing to pay or find somebody who is willing to pay, you are going to be in a rough spot. If this is for a...
  78. alain

    Neural Network on Bond Rating,Database needed

    how much are you willing to pay?
  79. alain

    Java and software for plotting graphs

    if you want to plot something from java use JFreeChart.
  80. alain

    MSF/MFE program selection, ideas guys

    valid resources? this sounds like a cloak and dagger novel. How much can you trust your "valid resource"?
  81. alain

    MSF/MFE program selection, ideas guys

    What do you mean by that? Seems strange. Maybe there is something lost in translation.
  82. alain

    India's educational system

    Of course is ignorance and bias. I wrote very clearly that was my own experience and I also said it was a very small sample. The IIT sample is way bigger and, again, I have nothing to say but positive things. BTW, why shouldn't I mentioned it? This is a free country. I can say whatever I want...
  83. alain

    India's educational system

    WOW... talking about racially charge comment. You flat out don't like Pakistan. You are assuming that since the BBW posted something that reflects poorly on the educational system from India, he has to be from Pakistan. I'm amazed of how defensive you guys are. If you disagree with the BBW...
  84. alain

    Bjarne Stroustrup on C++0x

    Q is a brainfart of a language. APL, J, K, Q are all related. They are small, short languages that are very efficient and let you accomplish something really fast... as long as you are the original programmer. If a piece of Q code lands in you lap and you have to maintain it, it's hell * 10^3
  85. alain

    Bjarne Stroustrup on C++0x

    That sounds really nice but, IMHO, adding functional constructs to C++ felt like a square peg in a round hole. It's done already but I'm afraid, it's a disaster in the making. Hopefully I'm totally wrong.
  86. alain

    Bjarne Stroustrup on C++0x

    C# by a LOT
  87. alain

    Columbia MSOR or Cornell Financial Engineering

    If you have done research and you have a "loaded" coin, you are just looking for confirmation of your decision. Just make it and live with it. You won't be disappointed.
  88. alain

    Analyst or Associate?

    These points are valid for big organizations (i.e. big banks). In my personal experience titles get blurred for small companies with a flatter structure.
  89. alain

    Analyst or Associate?

    BTW, for a lot of people the title is meaningles (it is for me). I don't want to sound shallow but some like to have a big paycheck regardless of the title. I don't know if you are in that category. Would you rather be an associate and be paid like an analyst or an analyst and paid like a VP...
  90. alain

    Analyst or Associate?

    apply for jobs, if you get an offer make sure is for associate. That's it. Employers will always look to pay you less. It is up to you.
  91. alain

    Neftci Principles in financial engineering problem 2nd ed Ch3 Ex 3(c)

    where did you get the solutions manual from? could you post a link?
  92. alain

    R Finance 2011: Chicago April 29th & 30th

    This meeting is sponsored and organized by the Chicago R community. It would be great to start something in NYC. Brian and I have discussed this in the past. I will talk to him again. It might be a good thing to have some sort of R event like that here in NY.
  93. alain

    MSF/MFE program selection, ideas guys

    Correction, they have 3 programs.
  94. alain

    R Finance 2011: Chicago April 29th & 30th

    This conference is held every year and it is very good. My friend Brian has been a speaker there couple of times. I have met a most of the speakers and they are excellent. They also have created some of the most common used R packages in finance, econometrics and time series.
  95. alain

    Databases and SQL- where to start?

    There is an option to do a backup. I don't remember the command but I'm sure there is some point and click think in SQL Server. Right click on top of the database/tables you want to backup and the option should be there.
  96. alain

    Databases and SQL- where to start?

    which database system are you using? you need to do a backup of the schema. That's the easiest way.
  97. alain

    COMPARE Help!! Which program has better placement? Gatech vs Chicago?

    Here is my reason. You are trying to do a Quantitative Finance degree. In the US the biggest hubs are Chicago and NY. Life will be easier if you work in those places. Don't go to Atlanta if you think that's the hotbed for quantitative finance, it is not.
  98. alain

    Markowitz Portfolio (n, m)

    Why do you need Admin permission? One more thing, I work on a Mac and on a Linux box. I don't use Windows unless it is totally necessary. I would like to compile your code and look at your implementation.
  99. alain

    Markowitz Portfolio (n, m)

    Actually, I would say everybody is highly interested. I still don't know why you don't want to share the code in a public forum.
  100. alain

    Markowitz Portfolio (n, m)

    It doesn't bother me. My point is this post is not useful unless you post the source code. Any reason why you don't want to post the source code?
  101. alain

    CMU MSCF Reject after CMU MSCF interview

    This will happen even when looking for a job. You might feel you ace the interview and you still get nothing back. Don't worry. Take the job offer. You can apply next year with more working experience under your belt.
  102. alain

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

    congratulations... see you guys in June.
  103. alain

    University of Illinois MSFE

    <offtopic> Is that a real word? :D
  104. alain

    Quantitative 790... but Verbal 300!! HELP HELP

    If you want to improve your english, I have only one advice. Get a "significant other" that is a native english speaker and doesn't speak your language. That was the best advice I got when I came to this country. I could barely hold a conversation in english when I got here. People who know me...
  105. alain

    Markowitz Portfolio (n, m)

    Where is the source code? I can get all that for free using R and the fPortfolio package. Even more, I can get Black-Litterman and its more recent updates using the BLCOP package. And if that were not enough, I could use the "deoptim" package to do Global Portfolio Optimization using...
  106. alain

    Databases and SQL- where to start?

  107. alain

    Databases and SQL- where to start?

    I was somewhat really involved with databases until 4 years ago. At that time, from the major DBs that I dealt with (Oracle, MS SQL, Sybase, Informix and MySql) MS SQL was the worse. I didn't have experience with Postgre nor DB2 so I can't comment. Also, anything you could do with MS SQL, you...
  108. alain


    I don't know but be careful assuming things. I had a manager that used to say: "when you assume, you usually made and "ass (of) u (and) me". So, don't assume anything. In the words of Pres. Reagan "Trust, but verify".
  109. alain

    Find missing numbers?

    what do you mean by member-by-member iteration? looping? I saw your program and you have 2 loops doing the search, worse case scenario means the algorithm is (O(n^2)) I was thinking about this problem today. If we only need to find one missing element, the algorithm already mentioned of...
  110. alain

    Introducing Gmail Motion

    "Motion" already exists
  111. alain

    Databases and SQL- where to start?

    That is highly debatable. I really doubt that statement.
  112. alain

    Find missing numbers?

    what do you mean by check if it exists? That could be very expensive.
  113. alain

    Financial Econometrics textbook

    are you talking about the book by Tsay? I think Tsay book is fairly complete and cover a lot of information of financial Time series. If you think the topics are not interesting from the financial point of view, what would you like to see in a financial time series book? BTW, I'm sorry but I...
  114. alain

    Financial Econometrics textbook

    Tsay book is the book (the latest edition is even better than the previous one). There is an R package with all the information for the book as well. Go to his web site and you can a lot of information that applies to this theme:
  115. alain

    UCB MFE Anyone get UCB MFE admission with one interview?

    Perception and reality are two different things. Good luck though. Use as much leverage as you can, but remember to be willing to back away if they don't come through.
  116. alain

    From a review on Amazon

    What kind of business are planning to start? If you have plenty of seed money you could do a lot of things.
  117. alain

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    I will envision a partnertship from the point of view of research. Something similar to what the University of Alberta has done. Then, we could publish the findings.
  118. alain

    Admission at Stony Brook Applied Math

    IIRC somebody asked the same question in the past. Do a search and the thread will come up.
  119. alain

    Job prospects for international students without work-ex

    Reputation and Fame are very subjective things, not very quantifiable. Also, placing even 5 students is hard when the unemployment rate is high. Keep this is in mind, the reputation of the school can only take you so far. The students need to do well in the interview and show that they are...
  120. alain

    Job prospects for international students without work-ex

    Couple of things: 1) IMHO, 60 students is a large amount for a graduate program 2) How do you come up with that rank? based on what?
  121. alain

    Risk Measures

    I don't think there is a second edition. This is from Mr. Holton's website: This book is really really good. I have a copy that I bought it used after years of chasing it.
  122. alain

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    I think a lot of people here are doing midterms at this time. I'm sure interest will pick up after that. I will probably PM you guys individually.
  123. alain

    Risk Measures

    I don't like Jorion's book. When it comes to Value-at-Risk, this is the book that I like: Value at Risk: Theory and Practice
  124. alain

    COMPARE IIT MMF or NYU-Poly MFE, which one I should go?

    <off-topic> What do you mean by that?
  125. alain

    Best Programming Language for Finance

    Dude, Dice? C'mon!!
  126. alain

    Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

    I ordered the following book last week: Statistic and Data Analysis for Financial Engineering - David Ruppert It looks very good. Every chapter has exercises and Lab problems to do in R. All the code is in R and the data sets are available on the author's web site.
  127. alain

    From Financial Engineering to iPhone app development

    Woody!!!! When is Jagimo coming to the Android platform? :)
  128. alain

    Stochastic Calculus

    This is your opinion. Some people like examples more than theory beause they want to see the applications. The theory might be really boring. Also, what you consider basic calculus might not be exactly the same as what people in US consider basic calculus.
  129. alain

    Best Programming Language for Finance

    ASP is another disaster (at least it used to be). Regarding FORTRAN, last year, one of my buddy's friend (they are both astrophycists) came to visit. He teaches at Ball State and he was explaining to me how most of the algorithms in that field are written mostly in FORTRAN. So, that language is...
  130. alain

    A Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty

    To put things in perspective (from Business Insider):
  131. alain

    Crackdown on Online Universities

    The stock value has very little to do with placing.
  132. alain

    Best Programming Language for Finance

    It looks you have never worked inside of a big bank.
  133. alain

    Best Programming Language for Finance

    C/C++ are FAR FAR AWAY from vector/list based and definitely not functional programming paradigm in there either.
  134. alain

    Best Programming Language for Finance

    I think PHP is a disaster but... that's a topic for another conversation.
  135. alain

    Best Programming Language for Finance

    IMHO, C++ is a pain in the a$$ to work with and I don't think is as widely use as you think. The issue at hand is there is a massive amount of legacy code written (mostly badly) in C++.
  136. alain

    Monte Carlo simulation using Java?

    if you want to minimize development time, use a high level language with high level constructs. R is an easy choice for this. I will suggest Python as well. C++ and Java are too verbose.
  137. alain

    Oxford, Columbia, Help! please

    Sincerely, where do you want to go? As I said before, time is irrelevant. It seems that after taking the pluses and minuses you stated, Princeto seems to be the choice. Then, there are 10 posts saying the same thing (some logical posts, some subjective). However, you are still looking for a way...
  138. alain

    Oxford, Columbia, Help! please

    those are 3 choices. You mentioned 7, where are the rest?
  139. alain

    Oxford, Columbia, Help! please

    - You don't want (iii) because you want a change of scenery - You don't like (ii) because of career service - You don't like (i) because the time. This is pretty much irrelevant so this should be your choice. you answered your own question.
  140. alain

    Harvard vs. plumbing school?

    It might not be enjoyable to you. Some people love it. I can tell you that the plumber that installed the condensing heating unit in my house not only knew the installation but he gave me a detail explanation about the way the machine worked. I have seen the latest technology in HVAC units and...
  141. alain

    Matrix Multiplication: C++ Multithreading Without Thread Synchronization (With Source Code)

    IIRC, Atlas BLAS will test different kernels at build time and do some sort of empirical optimization. Kernels are supplied by contributors to the project. I think (I might be wrong) that some of the kernels are hand optimized for a given platform. That was the reason for my comment.
  142. alain

    OOP is out of the CMU Computer Science Introductory Curriculum

    I don't think you have that much experience using the functional programming paradigm and I think it shows in your posts. I will encourage you to learn more about it and their languages. You will appreciate the beauty and the capabilities they offer... and I will guarantee you that you will be...
  143. alain

    Matrix Multiplication: C++ Multithreading Without Thread Synchronization (With Source Code)

    AFAIK, MKL and ACML are hand optimized for the processors they manufacture, Intel and AMD. You will be hard pressed to do better. You could but good luck. Atlas is being also hand optimized but not at the same level, good luck with that too. Goto BLAS, follow the link that somebody posted...
  144. alain

    Matrix Multiplication: C++ Multithreading Without Thread Synchronization (With Source Code)

    if you want to code matrix multiplication to "learn and study", by all means roll your own. However for any other purpose, use one of the try and true libraries out there: MKL (Intel), ACML(AMD), ATLAS, GotoBLAS, Eigen, GSL, boost uBlas, etc.
  145. alain

    OOP is out of the CMU Computer Science Introductory Curriculum

    This is an argument with no winner. I don't know how much experience you have with FP but the debate could go on and on. Anything you can do with OOP techniques you can do with FP and viceversa. It all depends on how much pain you want to endure (and that goes both ways).
  146. alain

    Which Language - C or C++?

    C# shares the same syntax as the C family of languages but it's closer to Java than to C++. I would say that C# is the grandchild of Turbo Pascal since the author of the language is the one who introduced the world to Turbo Pascal and Borland Pascal, etc... but, again, C# is closer to Java...
  147. alain

    OOP is out of the CMU Computer Science Introductory Curriculum

    This is not really accurate.
  148. alain

    Databases and SQL- where to start?

    The basics of SQL are not difficult to learn. My advice is to pick some sort of project that deal with data and start hacking at it. You can use any of the books mentioned already or pick a tutorial from the Internet. However, if you are into baseball, OReilly publishes a book called "Baseball...
  149. alain

    What are your computer's specs ?

    I haven't seen a tube since I left Cuba. That's how I started in electronics, building signal boosters so we could listen to FM radio coming from US. My first Audio Amp was also driven by tubes. People might be surprised but there might still be TVs in Cuba that use tubes.
  150. alain

    A Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty

    I don't think it is that dumb. If you are going to do such a thing, how would you do it? If he used an encrypted connection, finding out was not an easy thing. I don't know the details but I can guess GS found out by checking the command logs (history).
  151. alain

    A Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty

    IIRC, he used svn to push the code out.
  152. alain

    Life after a quant degree?

    How do you define right or wrong choice? How do you measure it?
  153. alain

    Japanese tsunami disaster discussion

    nobody knows for sure.
  154. alain

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    Max posted earlier that the accouns are confiscated, plain and simple. I'm not sure about this but the US laws don't apply. I don't know if you can't go and sue them on a US court since there is no jurisdiction.
  155. alain

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    Why? The article just say that bots lose money over 90% of the time. You just play and pick them off. I don't any incentive NOT to play again.
  156. alain

    COMPARE Rutgers MS Mathematical Finance or UIUC MS Financial Engineering?

    No, that's what Quantnet is for, to do research for me.
  157. alain

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    The site owner won't try to detect a bot unless somebody complained because they are making money from the bot as well. At that point, they can deploy the message/captcha trick.
  158. alain

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    This cat and mouse game of the site and bot programmer modifying their codes will go for a while until the rules change radically. The Captcha solution seems like a good strategy as well.
  159. alain

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    no player wants to be bothered... except when they complain about bots. Basically, you can explicitely in the site as part of the EULA that if you don't respond to the message, your funds will be frozen and confiscated. People will respond right away regardless of the language.
  160. alain

    Japanese tsunami disaster discussion

    Low half-life is definitely more dangerous but they won't put any part of america in danger.
  161. alain

    Japanese tsunami disaster discussion

    You guys should read this: It gives some insights.
  162. alain

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    One way to detect the presence of a bot is by sending a message to the player. All these poker sites have a way for the players to communicate with each other by means of IM of some sort. Posing as an administrator of the site and asking a question regarding the state of the game might lead to...
  163. alain

    Japanese tsunami disaster discussion

    Although there is probably a meltdown currently happening inside the reactors, this statment sounds like non-sense. I would say it's like spreading fear. Don't get me wrong, there is going to be a real radioactive disaster if radioactive gases escape to the outside. However, I don't know how...
  164. alain

    Japanese tsunami disaster discussion

    BTW, if the North America and Latin America coast are in danger of a radio active disaster, you are pretty much guaranteeing that the east coast of Asia is toasted, right?
  165. alain

    Japanese tsunami disaster discussion

    do you mean West Coast?
  166. alain

    Luck versus skill in finance: How can you tell?

    There is a field in finance, "Performance Attribution" that tries to answer this question.
  167. alain

    Monte Carlo simulation using Java?

    just remember this "premature optimization is the root of all evil" - Donal Knuth
  168. alain

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    I read the article and I'm really skeptical. I don't think there is a way to verify that you are really shutting down a bot. IMHO, the poker sites are closing accounts and people are not putting up a fight. Probably because, indeed, they are using a bot but that is extremely hard to prove. I...
  169. alain

    Monte Carlo simulation using Java?

    Java will be fine.
  170. alain

    bank vs start up

    I will have to disagree with this. It will be easier to go to finance. The skills you are going to gain in a startup are invaluable. I don't think I can say the same thing about a bank.
  171. alain

    The Internet Explorer 6 Countdown

    I don't even have access to QN from my office.
  172. alain

    Quant Programming Contest

    I don't know. it seems this is the first time.
  173. alain

    The Internet Explorer 6 Countdown

    Well, the official supported internet browser in the company I work for is IE6 and it's against policy to have another browser.
  174. alain

    Quant Programming Contest

    Check this quant competition for students: I read Max Dama's blog frequently. I like what he writes.
  175. alain

    Standardized format for academic papers?

    If things haven't changed, most of scientific papers are written in Latex or some form of Tex.
  176. alain


    I use the gmail app in Android. It works exactly like the gmail interface on the web.
  177. alain

    The Economist : Don't do MBA

    which website?
  178. alain

    Doubt about myself in application

    You seem to be all over the place. PhD, MD, actuarial exams, MFE, what exactly do you want to do? Where do you want to study/work? in the US or in Asia? The demands for MDs in US is big... unless you didn't like to be a medical dr at all.
  179. alain


    So goldski, what was your answer?
  180. alain

    The US-China summit

    "World Socialist Web Site"? I think they have too much time on their hands and they have never experienced themselves what socialism looks like. Just read the title of the site and I basically stopped. Errr... Bush has not been the president for the last 2 years.
  181. alain

    Funtionoids, Static Local Variables and Multithreading in C++

    So to make things clear, the use of static variables is not seen as good design nowadays and anybody that has done multithreaded code knows that it is the source of headaches. I still don't see the value in this "functionoid" code. It stills looks like a functor and behaves like a functor...
  182. alain

    Funtionoids, Static Local Variables and Multithreading in C++

    I don't see the value of this article since he doesn't use it in a multithreaded context. The author is just trying to give you a work around the use of static variables in a multithreaded program without using multiple threads. It also talks about inline as a guaranteed to increase...
  183. alain

    questions from an undergrad

    some people have jumped directly from undergrad into an MFE program. It works sometimes. I don't think an internship in a financial firm matters but it won't hurt. Every school looks at the different factors differently: GPA, GRE, resume and interview are all important. Try to put your best...
  184. alain

    C++ vs C#

    Second that opinion. C++ is a totally different beast. C# and Java are somewhat similar and let you skate free. C++ gives you enough rope to hang yourself and you will do it quickly if you are not careful. If a job expects you to know C++ and you send your resume saying you know C#, the...
  185. alain

    Method Overloading

    what are you trying to do? This has already being done. Don't try to re-invent the wheel.
  186. alain

    2011 Gadgets Wishlist

    I debated this for a long time. My issue with laptops (this is just personal), I'm getting tired of carrying my big laptop around. It's really good but after a while becomes heavy. Regarding a tablet, I found myself reading the newspaper online all the time on the phone. That doesn't appeal...
  187. alain

    2011 Gadgets Wishlist

    I'm looking for a tablet that allows me to read books. It must be on the Verizon network as well. If it has a way to write notes, even better. New tablet needs to be able to thin and do Linux. I looked at the Macbook Air and although I like it, Linux on 2 GB of memory doesn't appeal anymore.
  188. alain


    This is probably illegal nowadays in US. After the credit crisis, Big Banks are only allowed to invest minimal funds on prop.
  189. alain

    Undergraduate Degrees

    mmmm... this might be a red flag. There is a reason why there are way more physicist in quant finance that mathematicians.
  190. alain

    For those who Planning to work at Asia

    that doesn't help your point. For all terms and purposes he is Australian. My wife is chinese born in the US. She is american. I understand your point of view in this discussion but Dr. Tao doesn't really qualify as Chinese. unless he was home schooled in the US sense (don't even smell the...
  191. alain

    Wearing glasses can improve job prospects

    I would like to believe this as well but I was raised in a Caribbean country where daylight is what we have in abundance. Still, my brother and I suffer from severe myopia.
  192. alain

    Undergraduate Degrees

    This is very interesting. The skill set required by these two, let's call it "fields" for lack of a better term, is very different.
  193. alain

    Wearing glasses can improve job prospects

    I don't buy it. I think myopia is just a consequence. People who read a lot have a higher probability to have eyesight debilitation hence, might suffer from myopia. I don't think it has anything to do with higher IQ. If the article is true, does it mean that higher degree of myopia means...
  194. alain

    For those who Planning to work at Asia

    Dr. Tao was not educated in China. As I say before, he was born and raised in Australia. He is an Ausie (Ausie Ausie Ausie Oy Oy Oy!!!). I just wanted to make the clarification because his name has been discussed in this thread as if he was from China. He is not. The Wikipedia page has more...
  195. alain

    For those who Planning to work at Asia

    hold on your horses!! AFAIK, Terence Tao was born and raised in Australia. That is not China or Asia. I don't think he qualified for this little debate of yours.
  196. alain

    CMU MSCF How would you answer Essay B (MSCF) ?

    mmm... I think you are the only one who can answer to question truthfully. This is YOUR application.
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