Search results

  1. sandeep


    Product of three integers a, b, c equals 72, where every factor is positive integer. Find the integers a,b,c with the smallest sum. With hit and trial, I can see the combination 2,6,6 or 3,3,8 gives the sum as 14. Any other approach one can think of??
  2. sandeep

    Historical Ratings for a corporation

    Is there a free resource on internet where I can find out the ratings (Moodys, S&P, Fitch) for a company's corporate bonds for the last few years. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you Sandeep
  3. sandeep

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Woodie!! Many Happy returns of the Day !!
  4. sandeep

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Dear Greg, Many Happy returns of the Day!!
  5. sandeep

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Many Happy returns of the day!!
  6. sandeep

    Free GigaSpaces Technologies in partnership with Microsoft and Lab49 Executive Breakfast

    Could you please post the link to register for the same? Thanks Sandeep
  7. sandeep

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Andy!! Have a great year ahead!!
  8. sandeep

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Akino Many Happy returns of the Day!! Have fun!! Sandeep
  9. sandeep

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Late wishes coming from me!! Happy Birthday!! Have a great year ahead!! Sandeep
  10. sandeep

    Execution Strategies- few papers/articles

    I could find a few papers/articles on execution strategies. Few papers on VWAP/pairs trading are attached below. -Sandeep
  11. sandeep

    Congratulations Alain and Wendy!!!!

    Congrats Wendy and Alain!!!
  12. sandeep

    Interest in Intro to Unix/Linux during January

    I would also like to attend the workshop. -Sandeep
  13. sandeep

    SQL is really boring do we need it?

    As a newbie to finance, I really don't have much idea as to how much databases are used in finance. Through my previous work experience in data analytics, I can say that I used SQL as much as I could use it. It is a very powerful language designed for the retrieval and management of data and...
  14. sandeep

    European Career Fair

    No harm in trying ..:) Sandeep
  15. sandeep

    European Career Fair

    All, There is going to be a European Career Fair from 1st - 4th of February, 2008 @ MIT Campus. It might be helpful for all of us looking for summer internship and interested in a position in Europe. The link follows: MIT - European Career Fair - Welcome Regards Sandeep
  16. sandeep

    FREE Access to On-line Books/Textbooks

    Login Pwd What exactly goes into the Login and Password? Sandeep
  17. sandeep

    RSVP:Timothy Sykes - "An American Hedge Fund" Talk

    Looking forward to attend it!!!
  18. sandeep

    Interested in Trading simulation at Subotnick Center?

    Count me in too..Timings should be such that it doesn't conflict with our classes....may be friday evenings should be worked out.
  19. sandeep

    What was your undergrad major?

    Civill engineering (Major in Structural Engg)
  20. sandeep

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Muting, Warm wishes for your Birthday!! Sandeep
  21. sandeep


    Thanks for pointing out Muting.. I have corrected it now. Sandeep
  22. sandeep


    Hi. I have taken the initial inputs similar to what muting has taken. Attached is my output for the variation of all the greeks with the spot price. Sandeep
  23. sandeep

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Warm wishes for the Birth day... Alain!!
  24. sandeep

    Setting precision to an output text file in C++

    Hey woody It worked!! Thanks Sandeep
  25. sandeep

    Setting precision to an output text file in C++

    Hi, I am facing a problem in C++. I am trying to set the precision (for the results-matrix elements) in the output text file, which doesn't seem to be working. The command which I am using is follows: ofstream myfile("output.txt"); myfile.precision(14); Could anybody suggest where am I...
  26. sandeep

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Daniel...warm wished for your birthday!!!
  27. sandeep

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Sunny Hope...i am not late in wishing you!! Happy Bday!! Sandeep
  28. sandeep

    Excel Pivot Table

    Pivot tables Yan Indeed pivot table is an excellent tool to sort and manipulate data. If you want to automate certain task in pivot table, you could write a macro for that. The best way would be to record a macro for the action you want to automate and then customize that macro accordingly...
  29. sandeep

    My profile- Sandeep Panjwani

    Hello Everyone. I am Sandeep. I wanted to put my profile here. Profile: Education: Civil (Structural) Engineering (Dual Degree : B Tech + M Tech), Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB) -GPA: 3.40/4; Math GPA: 3.22/4 (Converted on a scale of 4) -Additional Courses done in Financial...
  30. sandeep

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Please evaluate my chances for FE 2007 I have been a frequent visitor to this forum for quite some time now. Frankly, I am kind of intimidated with the kind of profile, this year's applicant's pool has. Would you guys please have a look at my profile and assess my chances to have a shot at...
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