Search results

  1. Aditya Chitral

    Energy Vs Finance

    Indian Rupee: Dec 2004: around 44/$ Feb 2008: around 38/$ Oct 2008: 50/$ I had to correct my assumption that foreign exchange markets are not very volatile.
  2. Aditya Chitral

    Energy Vs Finance

    Over the last few days, whenever the DJ has been down, the two most affected sectors have been the financial and energy. I can comprehend about the financial sector. What about energy ? Why isnt it being talked about too much ? Is it all lost amidst the credit crisis ? Or do I overlook a lot...
  3. Aditya Chitral

    Personal Statement

    I believe the personal statement carries a lot of weight. You should be writing in your strengths, your passion, why is it that you want to be here and why you chose it to be. Its pretty much like an answer in an interview with all the questions assumed. Though the definitions might be vague...
  4. Aditya Chitral

    MIT MFin

    I dont know when did they shut down but this was the status 1.25 years ago
  5. Aditya Chitral

    MIT MFin

    Strangely enough, when I was searching for programs to apply for Financial Engineering their website said that they had shut down the program as they werent getting enough students. Totally unexpected, but it did say that !!
  6. Aditya Chitral

    Symantec AntiVirus

    I am sure I did the 64 bit thing. I installed Mcafee and it works perfectly fine. Though I have no issues with the Antivirus now, it would be nice to know if someone faced the same problem and how he/she solved it.
  7. Aditya Chitral

    Symantec AntiVirus

    When i download Symantec AntiVirus for 64 bit platform it gives me the following error. " This installation package is not supported by this processor type - contact the vendor. " Does anyone have any idea about how to get around with this problem ?
  8. Aditya Chitral

    Baruch Volatility Conference

    I am a little impatient and was wondering if any one could write "right people" an email on everyone's behalf. I have no problem doing that. If everyone agrees to it ;)
  9. Aditya Chitral

    QuantNet Picnic In Central Park on Sat 9/20

    We had some other cameras too.... what about pictures from them ??
  10. Aditya Chitral

    Libor's Accuracy Becomes Issue Again

    So the next question that comes to my mind is Is the error accidental or intentional ? (If at all there is an error)
  11. Aditya Chitral

    Libor's Accuracy Becomes Issue Again

    Are LIBOR rates calculated solely based on some mathematical equations or are based on demand and supply ? What I am trying to understand is, Whether there are faulty models which model these rates or there are people who dont let the real numbers out (due to any reasons)
  12. Aditya Chitral

    Fed Allows Goldman, Morgan Stanley to Become Banks

    It is interesting to think, how many would change their normal checkings account or salary accounts to either of these banks.
  13. Aditya Chitral

    QuantNet Picnic In Central Park on Sat 9/20

    By any chance, is anyone going to be first at the college and then to central park ? Or does college come in anyone's way while driving to central park ? I would be glad if we could go together.
  14. Aditya Chitral

    QuantNet Picnic In Central Park on Sat 9/20

    Just wondering if people who could play musical instruments could bring and play for us. (guitar(muting), violin, flute, saxophone (Shuwen) etc. etc.) Dont know how feasible and great is this idea, just thought of it ;)
  15. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    生日快乐静音! 拥有美好的未来的一年
  16. Aditya Chitral

    Asian markets plummet

    I could not track the markets late night, could you give in the link where events for yesterday are quoted. I couldnt find anywhere written that trading at BSE was halted yesterday.
  17. Aditya Chitral

    Asian markets plummet

    This is chart for september 18 2008 - BSE Sensex I find these kind of charts rather unnatural. I would appreciate if some technical analysts could explain what happened between 11:20 and 1:20 pm.
  18. Aditya Chitral

    Asian markets plummet

    Hang Seng - (-1311) 7.43% BSE Sensex - (-660) 5% Nikkei- (-440) 3.75 I am wondering, if the Asian markets are over reacting. Or infact how much of this can be seen as speculation ? Or are there traders who are shorting stocks to extent that the stock prices go almost zero ? Is the...
  19. Aditya Chitral

    QuantNet Picnic In Central Park on Sat 9/20

    Ohh I never knew we could play that way too, interesting. Would surely try it on saturday :)
  20. Aditya Chitral

    Lehman Merrill Lynch AIG Fannie Freddie WaMu Madoff Citibank saga

    I just have no words what to say !! doom doom doom !!!:-ss I think this is the next generation hiring formula.
  21. Aditya Chitral

    Morgan Stanley considers merger

    Thats what I was wondering.
  22. Aditya Chitral

    Morgan Stanley considers merger

    I am wondering that such mergers would infact threaten the existence of investment banking. Once merged the parent banks would be more wary about the activities and put more regulations or restrictions on trades of the company. Just imagining, will this not reduce the liquidity in market ? I...
  23. Aditya Chitral

    QuantNet Picnic In Central Park on Sat 9/20

    I have played a lot of this. I hope the science is the same but looks are different :)
  24. Aditya Chitral

    U.S. News & World Report

    Well if you check out other things, we are at top. Just try to go one directory back and you would have list of other parameters.
  25. Aditya Chitral

    U.S. News & World Report

    U.S. News & World Report Rates Baruch College Among Top in Nation US News has the following in its report. =D> :dance:
  26. Aditya Chitral

    QuantNet Picnic In Central Park on Sat 9/20

    I can help with unloading stuff.
  27. Aditya Chitral

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    I wonder why not ask a faculty in the department. I mean you are at the school everyday. Just take some time out and go to the department. I am sure they would say you for certain what are your chances.
  28. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Heyyy happy birthday !! Dont worry !! the older the wiser ;). I hope by now you would have figured it out not to invest in Lehman Bros. Enjoy the day :) p.s. I hope as the return gift you are not going to give any homework this monday ;)
  29. Aditya Chitral

    2009 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

    Hope we hear something about it in today's class.
  30. Aditya Chitral

    Engineering, Cubicles and Finance

    Well, with only one comment. What you do is not just for a paycheck.
  31. Aditya Chitral

    Quantnet Picnic in Central Park

    Count me in for any of the dates. Also, I am there if any help is needed to organize or anything else...
  32. Aditya Chitral

    China's Impact

    Thanks for your input :)
  33. Aditya Chitral

    China's Impact

    While going through this article about inflation claims and the fact we are studying correlations and principal component analysis, I was wondering if one could precisely estimate the effect of china or of any country on world economy. How much the inflation in developed countries like US could...
  34. Aditya Chitral

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    I am sure that people would say you "We do not evaluate profiles". Just one suggestion while I had a quick look at your profile. Get 800 on Quant GRE.
  35. Aditya Chitral

    Beer night Thursday

    I am not sure how many are going to be there at the bar. But the conversation is interesting enough to grab 233 views. :) Cheers Guys :)
  36. Aditya Chitral

    Beer night Thursday

    I am giving away mine(India) for free. You can take it :) And the best part is, it can be replicated by anyone :)
  37. Aditya Chitral

    Beer night Thursday

    Or you could assign weights to medals :D Number of drinks = 3*Gold + 2* Silver + 1*Bronze And if you really want to get drunk you could invert the weights. That might be dynamic though. You could change your position as in Dynamic Hedging :D
  38. Aditya Chitral

    Beer night Thursday

    No, I am sure I am not going to change it :) On a second thought, I am very sure :D
  39. Aditya Chitral

    Beer night Thursday

    No wonder, (O(n) + O(n) = O(n) ) :) So dont worry about the coefficient :)
  40. Aditya Chitral

    Beer night Thursday

    Though I dont drink, I was tempted to ask a question. "A drink or two". Are you sure about the number ? ;)
  41. Aditya Chitral

    So I just took a practice GRE exam

    The internet is filled with such tests. Though you might not really want to take those kinda tests which are too hard or too easy. You might want to download it from somewhere. would not really like to use the word "torrent" out here :)
  42. Aditya Chitral


    In that case you can go on with TURBO C++ Compiler.
  43. Aditya Chitral

    What are some good ways to prepare for the GRE?

    Go through Barrons pretty well. I think the quant section needs presence of mind and concentration. The point is, the questions are too simple and you tend to get sloppy at times. I would recommend you to crack 800 on Quant. For verbal, aim at more than 650. Then you might get near to 600...
  44. Aditya Chitral

    Pick up and Temp Accommodation

    Is it a good place to ask for temp accommodation and pickups ??
  45. Aditya Chitral

    Health Insurance

    Thanks Vladimir :) I would surely do that
  46. Aditya Chitral

    Health Insurance

    Hello, Does Baruch College a pro rated insurance policy. i.e. If I land in early for the refresher courses will I be able to get an insurance from the day I land in US to the start of the first semester. In this case I wont be charged for the entire semester. Regards
  47. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Vladamir !!!!!!
  48. Aditya Chitral

    I-20 : Majors

    Hello friends, I just received my I-20 and it says I will be doing my masters with majors in "FINANCE AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES" Should it not be FINANCIAL ENGINEERING ? Seniors and current batch students could help me on that. Regards Aditya Chitral
  49. Aditya Chitral

    Baruch MFE 2008 Refresher Courses.

    it gives me a page which says "you do not have enough permissions to view the page" Any suggestions what might be wrong ?
  50. Aditya Chitral

    Why Sequence Questions Are No Good!

    Oh I am sorry, that was a typo, the second one was "odd".
  51. Aditya Chitral

    Why Sequence Questions Are No Good!

    n : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 f(n) : 3, 2, 3, 3, 5, 7, 3, 5, 11, 7, ? Here it goes, for n=1 -- f(n) + f(n+1) = 5, so the 5th number from nth digit is f(n)th prime number here f(n) = 3 f(n+1) = 2 5th number in sequence will be the 3rd prime...
  52. Aditya Chitral

    Why Sequence Questions Are No Good!

    For 3, 2, 3, 3, 5, 7, 3, 5, 11, 7, ? Is the answer 5 ? Well all the answers have an idiosyncratic logic. Hope it works ;)
  53. Aditya Chitral

    Why Sequence Questions Are No Good!

    For 252,140,70,30,10,2. the next four terms: 28,0,-10,-10 Am I thinking correct ?
  54. Aditya Chitral

    Why Sequence Questions Are No Good!

    I think for the third one the ans is 1,1,1 I will have to give the rest of them a thought.
  55. Aditya Chitral

    Fall 2008 Book List

    Hello Everyone, Has the book list for the first semester, Fall 2008 been prepared? It would be really a great help if anyone could provide information about this.
  56. Aditya Chitral

    Baruch MFE 2008 Refresher Courses.

    so what book is going to be used in C++ refresher course ??
  57. Aditya Chitral

    Baruch MFE 2008 Refresher Courses.

    Hello everyone, Does anyone have the schedule of 2008 Refresher courses. What is the start date of the first refresher course?
  58. Aditya Chitral

    New Quantnet members say hi

    @suman its not about emphasizing. Its just about putting one's perspective @Yoshi Everyone has his/her own traits. I am not sure if I am the correct person to comment on since I would be starting with my FE program this fall. But I feel that such formal things of mathematics and statistics...
  59. Aditya Chitral

    Confirmation notice form.

    Did anyone face something like "confirmation notice" it has three options :- 1. yes i will be enrolling this fall 2. yes i will be enrolling but want to defer the 3. no i wont be enrolling. it also says to fill it up and return to graduate office asap. if someone could tell me. when do we...
  60. Aditya Chitral

    Baruch MFE Baruch Programming Environment

    thanks. appreciate the prompt reply. will really look forward to your advice. thanks once again.
  61. Aditya Chitral

    Baruch MFE Baruch Programming Environment

    amm.....and what if i dont have a laptop for first semester.... i mean....what about the facility in college ?? available round the clock ?
  62. Aditya Chitral

    Immunization form

    the form just says of meningitis and mmr.... any more required ??? and is there any time frame stipulation.....for e.g. it should be taken in last 3 months or something like that ??
  63. Aditya Chitral

    Immunization form

    ohh thanks claudia, I confirmed that from the administrative department.
  64. Aditya Chitral

    Immunization form

    can any one tell me till what time do we have to submit the immunization form ?? can we submit it after we reach US ?? regards Aditya
  65. Aditya Chitral

    Starter book ??

    Well, searching through the forums i gathered books for linear algebra, calculus and probability. though the search was not exhaustive i think this should be enough to start. I would request the experienced people around to tell which book to start of with in the particular subject. also...
  66. Aditya Chitral

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

    Ahh....I appreciate the point made by bhargav.... We would really wish to know what precisely would be covered in the refresher courses....
  67. Aditya Chitral

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

    thanks andy... btw...left a private message in your inbox.. i would be glad if you could reply to that... amm....i dont know whether this is the right place to say this... but i am taking my chances ;) bhargav, sachin, pawan....can i get your email or gmail....
  68. Aditya Chitral

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

    Hello Everyone, i know i am a bit late. But better late than never ;) Actually got an admit a few days here i am amongst all of you. Aditya Chitral Computer Science - Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
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