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  1. O

    How to enter financial engineering?

    Thanks guys for your insight. I will definitely start looking into some local schools and I will look into commodities as well. I have lots of reading ahead of me too but that will be part of the fun.
  2. O

    How to enter financial engineering?

    Thanks for the prompt response Andy - I will give some of the references in the reading list a look. ---------- Post added at 05:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:18 PM ---------- Hi again Andy (or anyone else). I realize that I have some due diligence to perform on my side before I...
  3. O

    How to enter financial engineering?

    Hello all, First and foremost, excellent forum. Lots of great information and the community seems very supportive/informative. Long story short - I am interested in entering the field of computational finance and I wanted to ask about the best way to achieve this goal considering my...
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