Search results

  1. sandeep


    Product of three integers a, b, c equals 72, where every factor is positive integer. Find the integers a,b,c with the smallest sum. With hit and trial, I can see the combination 2,6,6 or 3,3,8 gives the sum as 14. Any other approach one can think of??
  2. sandeep

    Historical Ratings for a corporation

    Is there a free resource on internet where I can find out the ratings (Moodys, S&P, Fitch) for a company's corporate bonds for the last few years. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you Sandeep
  3. sandeep

    Execution Strategies- few papers/articles

    I could find a few papers/articles on execution strategies. Few papers on VWAP/pairs trading are attached below. -Sandeep
  4. sandeep

    European Career Fair

    All, There is going to be a European Career Fair from 1st - 4th of February, 2008 @ MIT Campus. It might be helpful for all of us looking for summer internship and interested in a position in Europe. The link follows: MIT - European Career Fair - Welcome Regards Sandeep
  5. sandeep

    Setting precision to an output text file in C++

    Hi, I am facing a problem in C++. I am trying to set the precision (for the results-matrix elements) in the output text file, which doesn't seem to be working. The command which I am using is follows: ofstream myfile("output.txt"); myfile.precision(14); Could anybody suggest where am I...
  6. sandeep

    My profile- Sandeep Panjwani

    Hello Everyone. I am Sandeep. I wanted to put my profile here. Profile: Education: Civil (Structural) Engineering (Dual Degree : B Tech + M Tech), Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB) -GPA: 3.40/4; Math GPA: 3.22/4 (Converted on a scale of 4) -Additional Courses done in Financial...
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