Search results

  1. shank

    Here goes another one!!

    OK, So I have another question ... Can anybody give me some information regarding the graduate programs related to Insurance Mathematics , Risk Management, Actuarial Mathematics . I know only a few of them at ETH and some in the UK universities like LSE ( Risk and Stochastics ),Oxford...
  2. shank

    Query regarding SOA certification

    Hello everyone I was wondering if anyone out here knows about the Associate charter given by the SOA. I have seen a couple of threads out here saying that the life of an actuary is boring and all.But what I want to know is that does holding any of these charters help us in the future .My...
  3. shank

    Request to Administartors /Moderators or whatever...

    Hi First things first I would like to thank everyone from the Quantnet community for helping out many people with their queries.But I have been very dissatisfied the past month or so seeing some of the replies.When people post questions here please understand that they are in need of real...
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