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    lower second quarter trading revenues
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    CMU MSCF Commuting to NYC from Stamford, CMU MSCF

    Hi, I was curious about the part time program at CMU in NYC. How many classes is it per week? Is there anyone on this forum who attends this program or knows someone who does. I also wanted to know if it is possible to commute from Stamford to attend the program. Thanks
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    attending school with pending change of status

    Does anyone know if one can attend school in the US when their petition for permanent residency is pending.
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    GPA conversion

    Hi How does one convert a GPA out of 10 to a GPA out of 4. I am not sure a linear conversion is the right way, and some schools will not accept GPAs outside the 4 point scale. Thanks
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    trading volumes going down

    Abreast of the Market: Trading Volumes Sink Even as Stocks Rally -
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    morgan stanley to freeze hiring

    Morgan Stanley Said to Freeze Investment-Bank Hiring (Update2) -
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    Princeton MFin versus CMU MSCF

    Hi all, How would one rate these programs against each other? I was curious if it is better to apply to cmu only after hearing from princeton (typically at the end of february) instead of applying to both. Thanks
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    wall street to cut 80,000 jobs

    found this on bloomberg, what do people on this forum think, especially the ones in the industry, is it a good time to apply to mfe programs? Wall Street Firms to Cut 80,000 Jobs in 18 Months, Whitney Says -
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    combined MBA/MFE programs

    Hi All, I was looking at a few programs and found that NYU and CMU have combined MBA/MFE programs. Is there any point in doing both? Is it hard to get into those programs? Thanks
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    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF class size

    Hi, I am planning to apply to the mscf program at CMU for fall 2011. I was looking at the number of students admitted to the full time program in 2009 and it was around 20 students less than 2008 and even less compared to 2007. Does anyone know if CMU has been reducing class sizes or is it a...
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    importance of recommendation letters

    Hi, I started emailing professors I knew for recommendation letters for MFE programs. I realized that since most of them don't have any time, they might simply write some generic letters for all the schools. I wanted to know if this plays an important role in the admission process. How important...
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