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  1. L

    Question about Markov Random Field modelling

    Hello all, I am trying to understand Markov Random Fields and endearing graphs for optimisation with graph cuts. I went to a lecture the other day at a local university and the speaker said something like (from my notes): "In a an MRF the so-called "cliques" are not ordered. One does not...
  2. L

    Derivative of this bicubic interpolation kernel

    Hello everyone, I am using the bicubic kernel described here ( Bicubic interpolation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) to interpolate my image after applying some transformations. I an using the matrix kernel described here with a = -0.5. Now, what I also need to do is estimate the...
  3. L

    Crank Nicholson scheme in Matlab

    Hi everyone, I have a gradient descent problem of the following form: (\psi_{n+1}=\psi_{n}+\alpha(\nabla\psi_{n}*D^{2}\psi)) I am trying this on a 256x256 image grid where everything is spaced uniformly and dx and dy =1. I am using s step size of 0.5 using a normal gradient descent...
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