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  1. Aditya Chitral

    Contrarian Investor Sees Economic Crash in China

    contrarian-investor-sees-economic-crash-in-china: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
  2. Aditya Chitral

    Calc Needed

    Does anybody have any of the following calculator and are going to be in quantlab today (Friday, 11/20) and ofcourse willing to lend it for one day :) Hewlett Packard 12C (including the HP 12C Platinum) Hewlett Packard 10B II and 20B Texas Instruments BA II Plus (including the BA II Plus...
  3. Aditya Chitral

    End of Semester Party

    Hello Friends, We are planning for an end of semester party. Please cast your vote as to what cuisine would you like to have and also chip in your suggestions.
  4. Aditya Chitral

    How do we model stochastic Correlations?

    How do we model Stochastic Correlations? Correlation like volatility can also be stochastic (random) and modelling stochastic correlation is a bit of a challenge. Generally, even in many stochastic volatility models, such as...
  5. Aditya Chitral

    2009 Quantnet Central Park Picnic

    Hello Everyone, Link to RSVP Quant Network - Financial Engineering Forum
  6. Aditya Chitral

    How would the inflation be in near future?

    Not long ago, the market feared inflation and the yield on 15 and 30 year bonds started rising. The drop in yield in 15 year bonds from 5.06 to 4.89 and similar behavior in 30 year has shown rather a benign inflation. The market seems to be bipartisan on inflation. What other indicators would...
  7. Aditya Chitral

    Book for Foreign Exchange

    Can anyone suggest a good book for foreign exchange. A book which starts from basics of foreign exchange. Thanks !
  8. Aditya Chitral

    Interesting Bill - Auto Industry

    Here is an interesting article. I wonder how much boost this would give to the car companies. Some gas guzzler owners can share their opinions :) Continue Reading
  9. Aditya Chitral

    Where has the money gone?

    Chrysler has announced to close nearly 800 dealerships followed by GM's announcement to close around 1100 dealerships. Bankruptcy is inevitable. Where has all the money that they received in bailout gone? Anyone accountable?
  10. Aditya Chitral

    Release mode vs debug mode

    I tried to be over adventurous and tweaked my code a little bit. Now my project compiles in both release and debug mode while runs only in debug mode. It crashes in release mode. Anybody ever faced a similar problem?:sos:
  11. Aditya Chitral

    Bank Takeovers Deepened Financial Market Crisis

    " Roubini Says Bank Takeovers Deepened Financial Market Crisis By Lynn Thomasson and Thomas R. Keene April 8 (Bloomberg) -- Bank takeovers worsened the financial crisis by making firms that were already too big even bigger, said Nouriel Roubini, the New York University professor who predicted...
  12. Aditya Chitral

    There will be blood

    What happens when IBM and Sun Merge
  13. Aditya Chitral

    Banks' Hidden Junk Menaces $1 Trillion Purge

    Banks’ Hidden Junk Menaces $1 Trillion Purge March 25 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. government wants to clear as much as $1 trillion in soured loans and securities from bank balance sheets with its latest bailout plan. That might prove a short-term respite. No sooner might the Treasury...
  14. Aditya Chitral

    Weird C++/ VS 6.0 behaviour

    I was trying to create a class named BlackScholes. I created a .h file "BlackScholes.h" and started the file with #ifndef BLACKSCHOLES_H #define BLACKSCHOLES_H class BlackScholes{ ... ... }; ... ... #endif This did not create the classes as desired. However after 2 hours long of...
  15. Aditya Chitral

    Energy Vs Finance

    Over the last few days, whenever the DJ has been down, the two most affected sectors have been the financial and energy. I can comprehend about the financial sector. What about energy ? Why isnt it being talked about too much ? Is it all lost amidst the credit crisis ? Or do I overlook a lot...
  16. Aditya Chitral

    Symantec AntiVirus

    When i download Symantec AntiVirus for 64 bit platform it gives me the following error. " This installation package is not supported by this processor type - contact the vendor. " Does anyone have any idea about how to get around with this problem ?
  17. Aditya Chitral

    Asian markets plummet

    Hang Seng - (-1311) 7.43% BSE Sensex - (-660) 5% Nikkei- (-440) 3.75 I am wondering, if the Asian markets are over reacting. Or infact how much of this can be seen as speculation ? Or are there traders who are shorting stocks to extent that the stock prices go almost zero ? Is the...
  18. Aditya Chitral

    U.S. News & World Report

    U.S. News & World Report Rates Baruch College Among Top in Nation US News has the following in its report. =D> :dance:
  19. Aditya Chitral

    China's Impact

    While going through this article about inflation claims and the fact we are studying correlations and principal component analysis, I was wondering if one could precisely estimate the effect of china or of any country on world economy. How much the inflation in developed countries like US could...
  20. Aditya Chitral

    Pick up and Temp Accommodation

    Is it a good place to ask for temp accommodation and pickups ??
  21. Aditya Chitral

    Health Insurance

    Hello, Does Baruch College a pro rated insurance policy. i.e. If I land in early for the refresher courses will I be able to get an insurance from the day I land in US to the start of the first semester. In this case I wont be charged for the entire semester. Regards
  22. Aditya Chitral

    I-20 : Majors

    Hello friends, I just received my I-20 and it says I will be doing my masters with majors in "FINANCE AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES" Should it not be FINANCIAL ENGINEERING ? Seniors and current batch students could help me on that. Regards Aditya Chitral
  23. Aditya Chitral

    Fall 2008 Book List

    Hello Everyone, Has the book list for the first semester, Fall 2008 been prepared? It would be really a great help if anyone could provide information about this.
  24. Aditya Chitral

    Baruch MFE 2008 Refresher Courses.

    Hello everyone, Does anyone have the schedule of 2008 Refresher courses. What is the start date of the first refresher course?
  25. Aditya Chitral

    Confirmation notice form.

    Did anyone face something like "confirmation notice" it has three options :- 1. yes i will be enrolling this fall 2. yes i will be enrolling but want to defer the 3. no i wont be enrolling. it also says to fill it up and return to graduate office asap. if someone could tell me. when do we...
  26. Aditya Chitral

    Immunization form

    can any one tell me till what time do we have to submit the immunization form ?? can we submit it after we reach US ?? regards Aditya
  27. Aditya Chitral

    Starter book ??

    Well, searching through the forums i gathered books for linear algebra, calculus and probability. though the search was not exhaustive i think this should be enough to start. I would request the experienced people around to tell which book to start of with in the particular subject. also...
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