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  1. L

    Have you ever calculated return on your investment to grad program?

    Anyone has ever considered going and paying for a graduate degree in US as an investment case? If yes, has anyone of you really calculated the return on that investment based on objectives, cost, cash inflow, how do you finance it, risk and other factors? Example Objectives: career goal& plan...
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    COMPARE Baruch MFE vs NYU MathFin

    Hi all, I got admitted to a few programs and my two top choices are: Baruch MFE and NYU MathFin. I have not finalized my decision yet. I have done some research to compare the 2 programs in term of: Curriculum, Instructor Profiles, Job & Internship Placement, Tuition Fee, and Student Feedbacks...
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    Chicago MSFM Looking for alumni from Chicago MSFM Singapore campus

    Hi everyone, I am looking for alumni or current student from Chicago MSFM Singapore campus. If there is any QuantNet member who is alumini or current student and willing to have a chat regarding the program, the curriculum etc.., it would be great. Although I have read all the review on...
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    Convert GPA to US scale from Singapore Scale

    Hi all, On online application, Baruch requests convert GPA to US scale. I've found on this website a conversion guide as below. Could anyone advise if that conversion guide make sense? I've got my degree from a Singapore university and we...
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    Basis functions in Least Square Monte Carlo (LSMC)

    Hi all, I am new to Quantitative Finance and would like to ask 2 questions: 1. In using LSMC to price American-styled derivative, for example we need to value American-styled Asian Option that has payoff = ((\frac{S_{t}+S_{t-1}+...+S_{t-29}}{30}-K)^{+}); what is the rationale to take the...
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