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  1. L

    C++ Certificate Enrollment is now open

    Hi Andy, is the enrolment still open? I may be able to join...
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    Purchase of course material

    I really want to enrol c++ cert here oneday, but unfortunately im having lots of commitments for studies. Could you suggest me a time to enrol, given my circumstances as a phd student... Anyone enroled in c++ cert has similar situation like me? If you don't mind me asking, when did you take...
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    Purchase of course material

    so no chance to buy the material? the problem i have here is that, there is no chance for me to finish the course in 16 weeks, given my schedule (thesis, teaching, phd coursework) is very very full. but i like those notes and video a lot as they are straight to the point, compare to the oop c++...
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    Purchase of course material

    Hi Andy, I am not able to enrol officially as it seems no chance for me to take assessment. Because, as a PhD students, my time is strictly allocated to compulsory PhD coursework and seminars. But I do need C++ for my thesis urgently, so I wonder whether there is any chance I can purchase the...
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    Level 1&2 Grading

    Hi, Stupid questions here again. I am going to work through the "free" version of Level 1&2 now. Will I be graded or not? When I become officially enroled in the course (after paid), do I still need to attempt L1&2 for grading purposes?
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    Software needed

    Thanks, andy. I actually downloaded a VC2010 express version from here It probably doesn't have all the function. But will that be reliable enough to work with all levels in the course? I have found myself a...
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    Software needed

    Thanks! I work with VC express on Video 1.1, it seems OK. But when would be the case "ISO image with complete Visual Studio Express " needed?
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    Software needed

    Hi Andy, I did only, Download for Visual C++ Express Web installer: Installed already. Do I still need the following Download for ISO image with complete Visual Studio Express...
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    OS and enrolment date for C++ course

    Questions still... 1. Does the option Terimal, g++, and vi cause me less trouble than using Xcode, for ongoing concern? 2. As a beginner who knows nothing about C++, I was told VC is still the best IDE to learn C++, and once become familiar with C++, then it would be quite easy to work with any...
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    OS and enrolment date for C++ course

    Does that mean I need Linux, never use that before...(n) Could you elaborate a bit how " Terminal + emacs + g++" does the same job as VS2010? Sorry...I have vyvy little programming background, mainly used academic languages (matlab, R, mathematica) in the past 4 years....
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    OS and enrolment date for C++ course

    Thanks Andy ! Shall I go through level 1,2 , and get WIN/V2010 set up before I pay for the course? It has been 4 year since I've done C and I haven't used it for long time.
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    OS and enrolment date for C++ course

    How does that affect the marking then? What do I need to explain to them when submitting HW/other assessment ? Thanks
  13. L

    OS and enrolment date for C++ course

    Thanks, Andy. With the class attendance, can I take it anytime? There is a huge time difference between US and Sydney and I cannot take them at standard US time, which is mid night here.
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    OS and enrolment date for C++ course

    Hi Andy, Just wonder when is the next enrolment date? Is Window Visual C++ essential when taking online classes? I am a Mac user, can I work with XCode for the course? I am a new PhD student (MathFin) from Sydney, need C++ urgently for my project
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    Fin Eng vs Actuarial vs Risk Mgt

    Enterprise risk management where you can specialise in the field of actuarial science. FRM is suitable for those who has a business background who do not know much math. If u have a strong enough math&programming background(especially math thou since first&foremost, understand the problem), I...
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    Actuarial Science versus MathFin

    Hi all, I am a master of actuarial studies student in sydney (UNSW). 6 month ago I made a decision to study actuarial science instead of a GradDip in Maths for Finance. Partly because I was scared of the credit crisis and feel safer to land a job in insurance&risk mgmt. Now I wish to go back...
  17. L

    Does Discrete Math Help?

    My other subjects are Operation Research Modelling; Inro to Sample Survey; Intro to Math Analysis and Multivariable Calculus. The last one is my core and it's all about the proof of theorem. Eventually I heard some support of doing nonFin-related math. I juz attend the 1st class and i luv...
  18. L

    Does Discrete Math Help?

    Hi everyone, Im new. Just started a GradCert maths course to catch up some undergrad maths coursetafter graduated from UNSW Sydney Master of Finance_IB (Average:73/GPA:3.4=:cry:) this year. I also passed level1 CFA but not sure abt level 2 i did 2 months ago ( feel horrible....:cry:)...
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