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  1. Alejandro Canete

    Universal Portfolios
  2. Alejandro Canete

    efficient structure for aggregated nbbo in C++

    Hi dillshau, you could you use a map from order_id to price and another map from price to another map/object (a container that represents a book_level). So on order arrival you use the price to book_level map to push that order to its corresponding level, and on order cancel you use the...
  3. Alejandro Canete

    Hi Dillshau, Sure, just PM me your email or skype.

    Hi Dillshau, Sure, just PM me your email or skype.
  4. Alejandro Canete

    Username change request thread

    Andy, please change mine's to Alejandro Canete, Thanks!
  5. Alejandro Canete

    .NET HFT systems

    Depends on your definition of High Frequency, if your alpha comes from having bounded latency at the micro second level, Java is not a good decision (because of the non deterministic garbage collection). If your latency have to be bounded at the millisecond(s) level, after some tweaking of the...
  6. Alejandro Canete

    Ubuntu netbooks

    Not sure if it helps but I have a , it works perfectly and so far the system76 guys have been very responsive.
  7. Alejandro Canete

    Methods of finding the distribution of g(x,y).

    Ohh, sorry, cant help you with that ;)
  8. Alejandro Canete

    Methods of finding the distribution of g(x,y).
  9. Alejandro Canete

    how do they eliminate the tracking error in leveraged 2x index future + ETF?

    From an actual disclaimer of a leveraged ETF: "Leveraged ETFs designed to achieve their investment objective on a daily basis are not designed to, and will not necessarily, track the underlying index or benchmarkover a longer period of time." So you dont get the exact 2x,3x leverage if you are...
  10. Alejandro Canete

    MFE vs. MS Computer Science?

    Hi Aerial, Machine Learning (kernel methods approach, don't get near the ANN/GP stuff), a big data course (map reduce, grid computing, etc), a computer architecture course (to understand the different factors that make up latency), concurrency programming, some course on design patterns...
  11. Alejandro Canete

    Do you need access to high-performance computing?

    Hi, I use HPC on a daily basis, mainly for backtesting and model calibration using level 1 and full depth data.
  12. Alejandro Canete

    model validation

    we just trade them on small test accounts.
  13. Alejandro Canete

    Review of Jim Liew's Stat Arb Class

    I took professor's Liew independent workshop, and I also sat at the final presentation that Alex and David are talking about (great job! btw). I also had access to both lecture notes, home works and final presentations, and I must say that they are pretty much the same. Of course, for obvious...
  14. Alejandro Canete

    R software

    If you prefer shorter and problem specific books you should take a look at the "Use R!" series by springer these are domain specific books with, usually, no more than 300 pages each. I read "Analysis of integrated and co integrated time...
  15. Alejandro Canete

    Monte Carlo simulation using Java?

    I second that if you want to minimize developing time you should go with python or R, if you still stick to Java just make sure you use BigDecimal instead of Double.
  16. Alejandro Canete

    2011 Baruch College

    Computer Science background with a MSc in finance. 7+ years experience in trading technology, 2 years experience as a quant developer (stat arb/hft). Completed the Pre-MFE.
  17. Alejandro Canete

    Which MFE program is your "Final Destination"?

    Baruch (part time) for me.
  18. Alejandro Canete

    renting a flat in NYC

    Hi MaciejT. I used to rent a studio two blocks from Baruch ( app. 3k). Now I live in Weehawken (NJ) it takes me 30 minutes to get to work (Tribeca) and 45 min to Baruch. (app 1.5k). Hope it helps.
  19. Alejandro Canete

    Natural Language Processing and Quant Jobs?

    When you use heavy prior knowledge (syntactic model + a word ontology) to solve a problem instead of only data. For example if you want to do machine translation between spanish and english you can do it by either A) Training an optimal n-gram bayesian posterior discriminator using a paired...
  20. Alejandro Canete

    Natural Language Processing and Quant Jobs?

    Hi dddddd, NLP/Comp Ling is computationally intensive so you have to learn to use clusters and work with 100 gigs data files on a daily basis (thats useful in the HFT/stat arb space) and depending on the approach that you follow (i.e. probabilistic vs machine learning vs structural) you might...
  21. Alejandro Canete

    Java and software for plotting graphs

    You can also use python (reading from a csv or from the stdIO)
  22. Alejandro Canete

    Is Algo Trading a Realistic Option at Home?

    Hi dddddd, You have to set aside between 2k and 20k a month (depending on the asset class, broker and number of instruments you are going to trade) for colo and data, you can access and manage your algo from any place you want (your algo is going to run from the colo and thus is going to be...
  23. Alejandro Canete

    2011 Baruch College - Accepted

  24. Alejandro Canete

    2011 Baruch College - Pending

  25. Alejandro Canete

    Good Return Predictors for a Portfolio of Stocks

    Hi Alexei, It would depend on what portfolio and what do you understand by "future" and by "prediction". Exact return prediction of a pure long portfolio 20 years from now is impossible. But a dollar neutral long/short portfolio can have a predictable conditional return. Take a look at...
  26. Alejandro Canete


    Hi M Souto Why do you need to create an executable? Do you want more performance? or do you want to hide the code when delivering it? Thanks
  27. Alejandro Canete

    Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

    I read it. good intro. High level.
  28. Alejandro Canete

    Functional Languages

    Logic programming My two cents... Although not a language per se. Some of te rule specification scripts on the CEP space out there use prolog "like" syntax. Which is not functional programming, but is not imperative either! rule LongBBANDUSDJPY salience -500 no-loop when...
  29. Alejandro Canete

    Stochastic in Stock Chart

    The same exact formula that andy posted. But you can add an extra filtering/smoothing/averaging method to the CLOSE. Moving average - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - ChartSchool - Stochastic Oscillator (Fast, Slow, and Full)
  30. Alejandro Canete

    Stochastic in Stock Chart

    Hi Actually Stochastic oscillator measures momentum only under mean reversion assumption. It is just a rescaled view of past price trajectory. If you add an SMA in to the mix you are going to be adding lag to your signals. If you are building a mean reversion system use Bollinger bands, if...
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