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  1. amir

    Constraint on Girsanov Transformation

    as you know the only constraint on the drift is that it has to an adapted process. I am also curios to see if there is any work answering your question. btw, this statement seems a bit unclear because this is not what the Girsanov's transformation does with the drift
  2. amir

    Constraint on Girsanov Transformation

    this is a good question. but what are you referring to by the drift! both the diffusion's drift and the girsanov kernel can be called drift of BM
  3. amir

    Computational Science Background for future MFE

    i think you shouldn't be very strict on what you think ... You have vision and are doing your best and that's enough. Just listen to your heart (this means that you should do what you like no matter where you are) and also consider facts e.g. your financial situation; and be ready for changes in...
  4. amir

    Alternative models than Black-Scholes?

    would you plz be more precise about that?
  5. amir

    Alternative models than Black-Scholes?

    Shreve's book is not immature. different books have different purposes ... you may also find the following useful: Monte...
  6. amir

    Stochastic process in finance

    I like this book: Stochastic Processes and Models by Stirzaker
  7. amir

    question::phd application

    I am applying for phd to some schools and am a potential phd candidate at my home school........, Is it a good idea do you think to mention this in my motivation letter?
  8. amir

    Baruch MFE Transcripts exceeding 2 MB

    open your file with Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro. Then go to the Document and then Reduce File Size.
  9. amir

    Realized Volatility Calculation

    Sample var is calculated as average of squared deviations from mean, not sum.
  10. amir

    Realized Volatility Calculation

    it must be SQRT(252) * SQRT(AVERAGE_OF_SQUARED_LOG_RETURNS) because AVERAGE_OF_LOG_RETURNS is about zero now this and the one in trade2win are the same
  11. amir

    Merton's portfolio optimization

    would appreciate it if anyone could list some sources to study Merton's portfolio optimization problem in a setting where the drift of the risky asset is an unobservable normally distributed random variable.
  12. amir

    Hitting Time on a double barrier

    I am not sure but you may find this book useful: Stochastic Optimization in Continuous Time by F.R. Chang chapter 6: 6 Boundaries and Absorbing Barriers
  13. amir

    Is an American put option price same as an European one?

    the price of American put option is always greater than the price of European put option
  14. amir

    When men build lives from honest toil, courage never fails

    When men build lives from honest toil, courage never fails
  15. amir

    More mathematics than Steven Shreve's book

    martingaletrader and DVV are right! Background in Stat is good but there are still a lot to know to make a solid background. regarding your first post; you said that you need more math. but with your background, more math will work for you only when you have a good intuition about the game you...
  16. amir

    More mathematics than Steven Shreve's book

    Have you tried 'SDE: an intro with application' of Oksendal?
  17. amir

    Stochastic Processes in Finance

    I am not sure if I understand you! but you can start with the Poisson process which is a continuous-time process and end in the jump diffusion model of Merton, in which an additional term is employed in the normal SDE to care about the jumps. You can then code the model and compare it with the...
  18. amir


    some questions: consider some s&p500 index call option data. let Moneyness be defi…ned as implied futures price P divided by strike price K. when the ratio is smaller than one then the contract is an OTM call. Question1: does the implied futures price P mean the current value of the index...
  19. amir

    Which is more important, stat or econ?

    you don't loose anything if do the econ later. stat adds more value to your profile. moreover, knowing stat means also knowing econometrics
  20. amir

    Greeks: barrier up-and-out

    Does that mean that my question was so stupid? :) It was an assignment and my first time doing numerics for greeks :)
  21. amir

    Greeks: barrier up-and-out

    I didnt get it! I need the exact formula to compare with my MC results
  22. amir

    Greeks: barrier up-and-out

    hi guys does anyone know the formula for DELTA in the barrier up-and-out? thanks :)
  23. amir

    Dupire's formula

    thanks but nothing is mentioned about put option there
  24. amir

    Dupire's formula

    hey! I'm deriving Dupire's eq for european put option using put-call parity. In the Dupires eq for the call option we have the term dC/dt. So, utilizing put-call parity, I have to derive d/dt ( S + P - K * exp{-r (T-t) } ) any help! :)
  25. amir

    hey, congrats! how much do you think that your GRE verbal score affected your application? or do...

    hey, congrats! how much do you think that your GRE verbal score affected your application? or do you know someone admitted in the same/similar program with low verbal score but very good profile? tnx :)
  26. amir

    thesis topic

  27. amir

    thesis topic

    yes, I like to know about them :)
  28. amir

    thesis topic

    Is there any book or document in which I can see how the subject is organized, ordered and links different courses and topics? @ Tsotne I got your point; and what ever I see is nice to follow :) but not sure about the perspective. I mostly like to continue at bus school but work on numerical...
  29. amir

    hi Joy, thanks for your message on thesis topic. I'm interested to work on a project, but I'm...

    hi Joy, thanks for your message on thesis topic. I'm interested to work on a project, but I'm not living in the states. can it then be handled through web? if so tel me more details to see how fit I'm to the subject. thanks :)
  30. amir

    thesis topic

    do you have any offer? To be more precise, these are my problems: 1- I'm too much interested so I can't choose a topic; I like almost all ... :) 2- I haven't decided yet where to go for my phd, bus school or math school! but I'm sure that I don't want to go deep on the math part of the subject.
  31. amir

    thesis topic

    sorry, I didn't get what you mean!
  32. amir

    thesis topic

    hi, 1- it may be a stupid question but, putting aside the matter of interest, can anyone suggest me some less theoretical and hot topics in Financial Mathematics for writing a MSc thesis? 2- does anyone know why radial basis function approximation is not so much popular in option pricing? just...
  33. amir

    Propp-Wilson MCMC

    hi, I solved the problem. I found a very useful book (enclosed) and got how the method works thanks anyway :)
  34. amir

    Brownian motion

    that was a great work thank you bob :)
  35. amir

    Brownian motion

    thank you very much :)
  36. amir

    Brownian motion

    I dont know about the method!!! :)
  37. amir

    Brownian motion

    you are right. I have to change the order and try again why N(0) = 0.2667?? it is 0.5
  38. amir

    Brownian motion

    I think I have to compute this integral it needs some approx., but my profs. said that you should get a specific number ....
  39. amir

    Brownian motion

  40. amir

    Brownian motion

    first I tried the integral method by conditioning on ... but it gets nasty by having the CDF of normal distribution as the integrand of a double integral. so we need approximation and ...
  41. amir

    Brownian motion

    thanks koupparis but are they iid ? we have B1 ~ N (0 , 1) B2 ~ N (0 , 2) B3 ~ N (0 , 3) !!
  42. amir

    Brownian motion

    hi any idea how to solve this prob : P(B3<B1<B2) where Bt is a standard Brownian motion. thanks
  43. amir

    Propp-Wilson MCMC

    hi, does anybody know how the Propp-Wilson algorithm works? I have a markov chain and want to simulate from its stationary distribution using PW method. But I'm not sure if I'm using the algorithm correctly. thanks
  44. amir

    My study experience, MFE internship and job offers

    Congrats Joy; I'm interested to know the name of main textbooks covered for those four courses
  45. amir

    Happy New Year Quantneters!

    it's just done in sweden now :) happy new year
  46. amir

    Bernulli to Binomial

    as tylor said, X is total number of successes/failures, and n is total number of trials. So, you may repeat an experiment 10 (n) times but get 8 (X) of what you want, that is, 2 of your trails failed. you can also define X as failures...
  47. amir

    difference between "call" and "quanto exchange" in FX options!

    hi I'm a bit confused with these two options. Both have the same pay-off: we pay K in domestic currency, and receive 1 unit of foreign currency at maturity!
  48. amir

    put call parity-question

    thanks Koupparis and Bob I think if we assume current time as t, then following Bob's solution we get C - P <= K * r * (T-t) < K * r hmm!
  49. amir

    put call parity-question

    I know that if I let Kr > K * {1 - exp ( - r ( T - t ) )} which requires r > 1 - exp ( - r ( T - t ) ), (which requires T - t must be less than 1) then there exist an arbitrage opportunity; because C + Kexp ( - r ( T - t ) ) > P + K Is that right? I think that there might be more simple...
  50. amir

    put call parity-question

    I have a Eu put and call written on the same div-free stock, with same expiring (T) and same strike K. Assume C and P are current price of them. How can I show that if the current price of stock is K, and C - P > Kr, then an arbitrage opportunity exist? (r > 0).
  51. amir

    U Waterloo Quantitative Finance Admission Test

    hi, could u plz tell me more about the test. which part of Finance is questioned more! which subjects are questioned in Analysis and Calculus! regards
  52. amir

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Hi Andy, You are right! Yes, I called him last night, he said the "there is no guarantee, it depends on your performance, grades, the available projects, grants and ..., there is however a 'Co-operative program with companies' and we only facilitate the interviews and things like this". To...
  53. amir

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    thanks Andy, 1--It frustrates me! You mean non-resident students have budget to cover all expenses?! I thought that I can work in the second year! Or perhaps they automatically consider the budget of students in the second year! the reason why I say so is that some universities required...
  54. amir

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    my chance Dear Andy, Thanks for your reply; I really need someone to evaluate my chance. This is because I don’t have any idea about how the competition in Quant. Finance is. Most students in my country come from engineering background and easily get admission in their fields. I just heard...
  55. amir

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    hi friends My name's Amir, 29 and live in Tehran. I'm looking for a Quantitative Finance or Fin Eng program in the US. Today I visited the Quantnet and went through some of those top Fin Eng schools. Their curriculum and the job market is very attractive though the tuition is too high. However...
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