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  1. JimHua

    Should I send my GRE Math sub score?

    Thanks a lot! I just want to make sure that even though for those top 10 MFE school? Because I heard a totally different story from my friend in China.
  2. JimHua

    Should I send my GRE Math sub score?

    Thank you ! That is why I am asking whether 89% is a good score? Is that acceptable? Will it cause some negative effects?
  3. JimHua

    Should I send my GRE Math sub score?

    I just get my GRE sub test score it is 89% and row score is 850. Could anyone give me some suggestions? You know I am Chinese and it seems that NYU or Princeton has higher requisite for Chinese applicant. (Background: Candidate of Computer Science Master Applying: NYU, Princeton, Columbia MFE...
  4. JimHua

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Shortlist? Is that a kind of WL or rejection in a more polite way?
  5. JimHua

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    There are two types of rej, one with redirection and one without. And this has been confirmed!
  6. JimHua

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    Historical data is unconvincing as the number of applicants for MFE. has doubled this year and there is no doubt that the US. bachelor degree will stay in a positive position. Therefore ... you can get the picture right?
  7. JimHua

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    Well Well, of course we are from the same province, but it is true that those HongKongnese never heard about my school!!
  8. JimHua

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    I deeply doubt about that because, I guess, they won't even give us Chinese undergraduates a shot!
  9. JimHua

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    Well, I am from Zhejiang University, never headed about it Right...? None of my friends around received any pieces of information so I guess you are right. Wish we can be classmates in this program!
  10. JimHua

    MIT waiting-list, who can help me?

    MIT waiting-list, who can help me?
  11. JimHua

    I couldn't change my name

    I couldn't change my name
  12. JimHua

    GRE Dilemma

    I would prefer to take the GMAT, since one of my friend who got the AD of MIT program with 1200+ in paper-based GRE test and 730 in GMAT but I just got a waiting list with 1500(V700+Q800) and no available GMAT scorce. Of course there is no absolute answer, but doing anything will always be...
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