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    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    :smt039 HAPPY BIRTHDAY:smt073 GREG
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    Alain, I will look into subversion. thanks alot. Prashant

    Alain, I will look into subversion. thanks alot. Prashant
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    Credit Crash t-minus 3 months

    I agree with Max. Any major changes in the financial industry will create as many new opportunities as it will close down others. For young, smart entrepreneurial people with a strong understanding of financial markets, math and how to leverage software there will be opportunities to pluck.
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    Paul & Dominic's Guide to Quant Careers Version 2.0 Now Available

    Hi Dominic, I sent you my resume about 3 weeks ago and I have not recieved the guide either. My email address is thank you, Prashant
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    Anyone trade SPAC???

    I would be interested in learning about trading spacs I have been involved with the private placement of a blank check SPAC last year which failed to acquire its target and was dissolved. Seems that alot of other spacs did not do well last year.
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    What is going on at Bear Stearns ?

    Morgan Stanley rumors I am hearing rumors that Morgan had to go to the Discount window. CNBC reporting LEH going to Korea for cash infusion. Looks like round 2 of the credit crisis starting.
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    Getting my hands dirty

    You can also look at the math prerequiste at all the MFE programs. Baruch has an online test that you can take (which has questions similar to the GRE) and Columbia has a pdf with some problems in integration, linear algebra...
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    What Tools, Applications used in MFE Program

    What are the tools, applications and operating systems are used throughout the MFE program? Would appreciate any input from current students or professors.
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    Is FE one of the most money making careers?

    Dentistry and medicine (don't include primary care) are high paying careers with stable incomes with the doctor in total control of his/her practice (except of course for goverment regulation and steadily increasing control by insurance). Still not a bad field from my own personal knowledge...
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    What Would Be Considered The Best Trading Platform In The Industry?

    OpentQuant or QuantHouse OpenQuant is a retail development environment, patterned after the Visual Studio development environment. It comes ready made to pull realtime and historical data from Yahoo, IB, Esignal with an api for allowing you to create your own marketdata feed handlers. It...
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