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  1. R

    Actuary vs Financial Engineering

    thanx alot andy. but y should i get an MBA. y is MFE not a good choice. what are the advantages of an MBA over MFE over Actuarial science.:-k
  2. R

    Actuary vs Financial Engineering

    hi everyone, im starting my undergrad in south africa this january studying Actuarial Science and im interested in a career in Investment Banking. My question is which one do you think is better between Actuarial Science eventually specialising in Investments and Finance or getting an MFE. i...
  3. R

    New Quantnet members say hi

    thanx for the info. but is my line of curriculum good enough (ie Actuarial science and Mathematical statistics) or maybe another line of curriculum is better (like majoring in Computational Maths and Mathematical Stats). my other questioon is on MATLAB. how powerful is it. can it be used as a...
  4. R

    New Quantnet members say hi

    Hey everyone. My name is Rodney and im starting college next year in south africa. im zimbabwean. your community is quite kul and i hop you will all help me out with wateva questions i have. i would like to be a quant. im going to be doing a degree in Economic Science majoring in Actuarial...
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