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  1. Ryu Hoshi

    Matlab R2010b for students. When?

    I did. Been waiting for an answer. Thought I ask the board if they do this regularly.
  2. Ryu Hoshi

    Matlab R2010b for students. When?

    I was going to pickup an academic copy of Matlab the other day when I realized that Mathworks just released R2010b last week. For some reason, I cannot purchase this version with academic pricing online. Does anyone know how long this lag may last?
  3. Ryu Hoshi

    CUDA Certification

    Based on the suggested material, it appears there is a programming component to the exam. That would definitely make the exam a little more useful.
  4. Ryu Hoshi

    CUDA Certification

    Anyone take the CUDA Certification exam? I'm curious how many of the questions are covered by the first couple of free pdfs Nvidia has been giving out.
  5. Ryu Hoshi

    Creating a makefile

    Make sure you didn't confuse spaces for tabs, or vice versa, for Makefiles. This is one of the nastiest problems.
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