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  1. L

    Sending in the CFA Results to universities.

    I agree with Andy, besides Passing CFA level 1 is not such a big deal.. I know how you feel..i was in the same position last year..was overjoyed at passing and sent a mail to all the adcoms...Cornell, CMU, UCB, etc.. They will add it to your file..but its really wont make a big diffrence..and...
  2. L

    The Best Quant Alive

  3. L

    COMPARE Columbia MFE & MSOR Inquiry

    you can apply to multiple programs within COlumbia but not in the same school.. so no, you cant apply to both OR and FE.. I had asked them last year..
  4. L

    Ranking list 2011

    lower ranked programs are of lower quality..dont even bother looking at programs after 11. See the problem is MFE schools are either good or horrible..there is no in between..imo that change happens when the rankings go from UCLA to Rutgers..again this is based on my personal experience..I am no...
  5. L

    Minimum GRE score for entry into quant programs

    Hi All has anyone taken both the new and the old versions?..How does the new quant section compare to the old one? Thanks
  6. L

    Quant Finance is Dead!!

    I think a pertinent question would be whether the MFE programs are adapting in sync with the changes in quant finance. Otherwise what you'll have is a whole lot of mfe grads with obsolete skills, confused and clueless
  7. L

    CMU MSCF UCLA Research offset GMAT 49 Q?

    Your GMAT math is doubt about that..but that will not be the deciding factor. I had a long feedback interview with CMU MSCF admissions (I was rejected). and they told me one of the main reasons was that my undergraduate math courses was not upto the mark. They specifically look for...
  8. L

    Second Edition - A Primer for the Mathematics of Financial Engineering

    Hi Dr Stefanica, what according to you would be the pre-requisites for this book?
  9. L

    Future events in your resume

    you have a 2012 admit?..UCLA/UCB?
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    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Global derivatives is dead, long live quantnet :p
  11. L

    Need some help on selecting MFE

    Dont apply to tier 2, you have a good GMAT score and decent GPA, focus on essays and recomendations(I cannot overemphasize their importance) and apply to the top 10. Give it your best shot!
  12. L

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    yep BU is 1.5 years..I can confirm..had applied to BU
  13. L

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    i doubt it..The Berkeley guys don have time to linger on quantnet rem? ;)
  14. L

    Guess the new 2011 MFE rankings!!

    I am joining too :) but since its relatively new and not as established as the other..
  15. L

    Guess the new 2011 MFE rankings!!

    this should be an interesting thread.. heres what I think based only on my experience applying last fall 1. NYU 2. Columbia 3. CMU 4. Baruch 5. UCB 6. Cornell 7. Chicago others.. I did not add some such MIT as they are not so quant oriented..
  16. L

    UCLA MFE UCLA MFE Admission Results

    Hey Jojo, I would also be joining, btw are you taking up any of the prep courses?..just got another mail from Francesca today..
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    UCLA MFE UCLA MFE Admission Results

    hope you both get in, need some company from India :)
  18. L

    Is it this bad?..the economy

  19. L

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF launches Online program

    MSCF NYC is already kinda online/distance learning isn't it? what is it with CMU wanting to kill the joy of college education? :p
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    UCLA MFE UCLA MFE Admission Results

    hey..I got in round 1 ..dont rem the dates though
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    UCLA MFE UCLA MFE Admission Results

    wow thats great to hear! as I am goin to study der :D This may be a naive question, but how would you compare the jobs on west coast VS terms of what they are doing. A lot of people seem to think there is a lag between NYC and the rest of the world.
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    UCLA MFE UCLA MFE Admission Results

    2010 full-time employement stats are now available on their website
  23. L

    hey Moksha, i am also from India and would be joining a mfe program soon. Just a quick...

    hey Moksha, i am also from India and would be joining a mfe program soon. Just a quick question?..what are u doing about books? are u buying any here..if so do u know any good vendors? Thx
  24. L

    Where do you stand politically?

    hold up everything!!.. Gandhi, Hitler, Dalai Lma, Bush n co took this test?? :p
  25. L

    Is my GRE score sufficient to enter in a top notch MFE program?

    up ur verbal if u wanna be considered by top schools. what are u target schools? Unless you have a killer profile u'll get a reject from most of the top schools.
  26. L

    After US/UK, India facing its own subprime crisis?

    what are you waiting for then?? buy some CDSs :P
  27. L

    What books are you currently reading?

    The Brothers Karmazov, and I intend to complate it before my mfe program starts :)
  28. L


    get the names of the 2010 students from the website and google name + linkedin ;)
  29. L

    Job in Trading or Higher Education

    where do you have admits from?
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    CQF as a prep MFE

    maybe the high price is a good thing... coz what u have is thousands of international students linned up who would anything that would remotely improve their profile.. so if the CQF is say 500$..u'll have countless ppl with a CQF designation..many of them unemployed.. and then ultimately u'll...
  31. L

    CQF as a prep MFE

    hmm..if only it were not so expensive... for most ppl the cost barrier rules out the possibility of doing both.
  32. L

    UCLA MFE UCLA MFE Admission Results

    Mine is with the program director tomorrow
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    UCLA MFE UCLA MFE Admission Results

    surely there was a brain teaser in there..wasn't there?
  34. L

    Hi Decai, I also applied for ULCLA mfe and have my interview sheduled in a few days. It would...

    Hi Decai, I also applied for ULCLA mfe and have my interview sheduled in a few days. It would be immensly helphul if you could give me a few pointers. Wish you all the best Thanks
  35. L

    Getting into a Top Tier MFE program

    man!!..everyone wants to be a quant!!
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    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    @Andy, In such cases would It be a bad idea to ask the waitlisted college also to speed up the process..sayin that we have another deadline to meet?
  37. L

    COMPARE UIUC MFE vs Michigan MFE

    Hi Varun, I am from India, and will mostlly be heading to Michigan. I know its not the best program out there and I know i'll have to work my ass off in both studies and networking...but i think its not something i'll regret.All this talk of it being on the decline..may or may not be...
  38. L

    How many are actually going to BU?

    Hi All, I dont see a single 'Yes' in the final destination column for BU, so wondering.. If you are not goin der....plz do tell them asap..i might get in..waitlisted :) Thx
  39. L

    help needed--USC Math fin

    imho, heres how I would rank them: columbia - - - - - - Gtech - Uiuc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - USC the gap between the names is directly proportional to the difference in quality ;)
  40. L

    Will clearing CFA help getting admit in MSFE programs?

    yea..i dint.. my best result this time has been columbia mafn waitlist + a bunch of second grade admits m still gonna appear for level 2 in june though.. god!! how I wish financial analysis and reporting was not a part of the coursework..its such a pain wish me luck :)
  41. L

    Will clearing CFA help getting admit in MSFE programs?

    It doesnt!! m living having said that I really enjoyed most of the CFA l1 coursework esp equity, FI invst & Economics..glad I did it :)
  42. L

    Needs help on intern hunting, thanks!

    I work for an asset mgmt firm..(sadly in IT) that invests pension money in a lotta hedge funds..have access to adress/ph no. through back end db :) I could send u a list but i'd lose my job ;)
  43. L

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    possible.. if u see the tracker..ppl have got admits till dont lose hope :) But i srsly doubt if its a "short" waitlst as they mentioned in the mail..imo a lotta ppl are waitlisted
  44. L

    COMPARE NYU vs Columbia MSOR: internship, job, quality of life etc...

    lol :) the dude takes so much time and effort to ask his questions and all he gets is NYU!! Andy, I think its high time you banned one word answers
  45. L

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    nope :(..This might just be a looooong wait as their deadline is may end
  46. L

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Discussion

    Its a really cool initiative and will undoubetdly help a lot of students... one suggestion..have u considered purging it anually to only retain the records of the previous two years? old data might not be so relevant
  47. L

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    @roni is very good when it comes to dealing with waitlists :) m sure he can help
  48. L

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Discussion

    done! just hopin that quantnet tracker is my lucky btw do u think u'll hit ur target of 1000 apps on the tracker?
  49. L

    2011 New York University

    International student CFA level2 candidate GRE 800/640 2 yrs non finance workex rejected ..finally!! haha
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    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Discussion

    and plenty more rejects as well m sure..looking at the tracker...
  51. L

    Hey Suraj, congtrats on your admit to the columbia MAFN, I am waitlisted for the same.. Could u...

    Hey Suraj, congtrats on your admit to the columbia MAFN, I am waitlisted for the same.. Could u please tell me how much time u have to formally accept the offer..I just want to get a sense of when i might know something.. and also is this your final destination?
  52. L

    hey Nikhil, I was looking at the tracker and came across ur GMAT score..thats a realy good...

    hey Nikhil, I was looking at the tracker and came across ur GMAT score..thats a realy good score..congrats! could u plz guide did u go about preparing for the quant section? i cant seem to get my score above 45 for quant :(
  53. L

    Columbia OR Spring?

    Hi All, I was rejected by COlumbia mfe for fall 2011. and not redirected to OR as my brilliant brain decided to clicl on the 'NO OR' option back during applying :(.. Anyway, i think i have a good enoigh profile to get an admit from OR and I am considering applying for spring 20112 (I just cant...
  54. L

    COMPARE Cornell vs Chicago vs NYU

    yep..NYU has no cons. period!
  55. L

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    does mail them an essay trick always help.or is it specifically for cornell?.just curious as I am waitlisted for MAFN
  56. L

    Hey mkhanna, Congrats on your internship, do u mind sharing some information as I am trying to...

    Hey mkhanna, Congrats on your internship, do u mind sharing some information as I am trying to land something similar. Where are is this HF and what is your background? Regards,
  57. L

    GRE Math subject helpful?

    although Chicago is the only school that officially requires the score, the general consensus is that if u take that test and manage a 75-80% its an added benifit primarily because it shows ur decidication and strong math skills.. so yea..imo..they do look at the score..
  58. L

    why MFE applicants are inclined towards GRE and not towards GMAT ?

    simple.. GRE is much easier..especially the quant..and reasoning skills are not tested anywhere on the GRE...GMAT is a very good overall test. i have taken both 1450GRE and 710 GMAT..its easier to get a 1400+ score in GRE than a 700+ score in GMAT..
  59. L

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    Unless u have exceptionally stong news means bad news :(
  60. L

    New GRE vs old GRE

    lol..i def wont be retaking the test..what I would luv to know is how my score would compare to the new one and how will collgees perceive the two.. coz from what i heard they are makin the math section more challeging..about time :) and that has been the biggest complaint about the current...
  61. L

    New GRE vs old GRE

    my AWA is 4.5 + my acads are a bit on the lower side..
  62. L

    New GRE vs old GRE

    Hi All, I'll be reapplying to most of the quant programs with my current GRE score 800/650(cant get that up any higher so working on my profile) Anyway, with the new GRE coming this August, there might be quite a few applicants who have taken the new test. How would the colleges comapre the...
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    2011 Columbia University

    Rejected after waitlist
  64. L

    This must be a record year for MFE applications

    wow! i would definetely be wrong in assuming that this was a one off year and maybe the no of applications would come down in the future. So If I am an an applicant who cannot significantly improve on his profile till next year I guess there is no point reapplying to colleges like...
  65. L

    Boston University MSMF Interview

    Hey Moksha, sry dont mean to pry, but i rem looking at ur name on the Columbia admits in the tracker.. y would u even care about boston now??
  66. L

    This must be a record year for MFE applications

    I wonder what prompted so many people to apply this year.. this could mean that a lot of good students going to tier 2 schools..whether that will raise the quality of these programs..thats debatable.. It would be great if someone could paint a realistic picture of the current demand of...
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    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    I got a reject in round 1 this year..interview invites were sent out almost until the last dont worry :)
  68. L

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    so its almost a week after the most awaited result of the year was declared leaving many dejected :( ..time to move on i'd like to express my dissapointment in a sad and humorous way through this popular internet meme congratulations to all those who made of us..keep trying :)
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    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    no interview usually means a rejection, no one got into CMU without an interview..although u might be put on a waitlist without an interview..but you will be interviewed later in that case if seats become available.
  70. L

    Can a GRE taker answer questions incorrectly and still get 800Q ?

    yes the new GRE test starting August will have that calculator along with other crappy features
  71. L

    Can a GRE taker answer questions incorrectly and still get 800Q ?

    dude chill.. gettin 800 in gre quant section is the simplest and easiest part of ur application its the other things that matter more.. u have time..practice..take some on things like imroving ur time and accuracy.. imo it works like this..if all ur initially...
  72. L

    Can a GRE taker answer questions incorrectly and still get 800Q ?

    I could not complete the last two questions..ran out of a 800 94%
  73. L

    2011 Columbia University

    Internatonal applicant GRE 800/640 3.5 GPA CFA leve 2 candidate 2 years non finance work exp
  74. L

    Columbia Financial Economics anyone?

    I know there has aleady been a discussion on this but I am sure exactly what candidates they are looking for.. Its says they want PHD type canditaes and workex in research would be considered. So does this mean that the traditional pool of applicants shouldn't bother applying??
  75. L

    Boston MSMFT Got admitted to Boston university Math Finance program. Any advice

    @ilanitsh Thanks for the insider info. It is very encouraging :) Could you please shed some light on how the international students are faring at BU?. Are there any difference in opportunities?
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    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    I think they sent this to all remaining applicants... but after seeing the profiles of the ppl who are rejected I am not very hopeful
  77. L

    Hi I'm Richard, Not Chinese

    Well, you should appreciate their hospitality of speaking English, a farmiliar language to you. If majority makes the play, you would need to take a Chinese course first. Just kidding.
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